Ron Paul Takes to the Skies!

I don't think he will win unless the American public that is getting screwed by the two party system, which is theMAJORITY of the people gets up, tunes in and learns what the candidates are saying--and votes. He can win just like Jessie Ventrui and Arnold.
He has to excite the people somehow. He has to get people to tune in. I think the majority would like his philosophies if they tuned in. well, actually, they are not his philosophies--they are just the same philosophies that shocked the woprld when USA because the most prosperious country in the world, with a good life style for all that went for it.

He has my vote now. Nobody else running cares about the MAJORITY more thean they care about themselfs and friends!

Electing Ron Paul would be very good for us working chaps--ya know--the back bone of the country? :)

Ron paul for freedom, or any Democrat and most Republicans for a revolution---fighting again for our freedom. Hey--It looks like it has to happen--so elect Ron Paul and eliminate the possibility of a revolution ----man-----lol

Who knows what the futrure holds---but it can't be great if we are all broke and pissed off all the time---right?

Nothing pisses me off more than a liberial in power. They all ended up vein popping junkies on the Haight Ashberry block. A new way of life that did not work worth a crap. They just got older, got new idealisms to make themselfs feel better (try try try again--at everyones elses expense)--but are still screwing the people up----like the health care plan will repeat the history. There were some hippies that did some really cool things--but most of them are still having flashbacks of a hippy life for all.

Save the American and individual liberities. Keep more of your money you work for, so you can buy your own health insurance (if not provided by an employeer, which is also the majoprity I believe), so there will be less abuse, and the costs go down from competition, with people prospering instead of losing their homes. Vote for the guy who is a free market kind of guy--so YOUR LIFE, with your talents has a shot of gaining wealth for you and your family. Vote for the guy who would not sell out the American worker for slave labor and low cost of doing business in a third world country that sells us crap products now and refuse responsibility of the safty and quality of their products that flood our markets now. We have to deal with them--and is all we can now afford.
Vote for The guy who knows the department of education is keeping us stupid, instead of making us wise by actually teaching us how this country got so great in the damn first place--instead of how great they think they can make it for themselfs at our expense.

Vote for Ron Paul

I do like Mitt and Huck also and Thompson---just not as much as Ron Paul. we all talk about "change", but we rarely define weather the change intended is good for the people. I think, Ron Paul tends to hold up the peoples interest, liberties and freedom first. I think we will be more free with Ron Paul--with freedom we mioght not know how to handle at first. But, once you get used to it---it is better than any junkie fix. You will have the best chances of anybody in the world, to take your god given talants, and put them to work for you with Ron Paul in office.

My opinon
I think the majority would like his philosophies if they tuned in. well, actually, they are not his philosophies--they are just the same philosophies that shocked the woprld when USA because the most prosperious country in the world, with a good life style for all that went for it.

Just out of curiosity, when do you think this happened, and what specific policies do you credit?
I think the majority would like his philosophies if they tuned in. well, actually, they are not his philosophies--they are just the same philosophies that shocked the woprld when USA because the most prosperious country in the world, with a good life style for all that went for it.

Just out of curiosity, when do you think this happened, and what specific policies do you credit?

It hapened before you were born Darla. it was liberitarian philosophies that started this country. They did it to be free, and get away from socialism and other self serving governing philosophies. They died for it, and gave it to you to throw away. The country was great until about the end of WW2.

I think it is funny that you think it is policies that make a country great, like welfare no doubt (health care), and what it is what makes people prosper. Things like a free market, capatolism, and individualism will help the green industries grow. Smaller government allows people to keep more of their money, so they can kick off their ideas. A government for the people, instead of coporations (the rich elected officials on both sides of the fence let it get out of hand--because of contributions as one example)--ya know---the way it used to be---when your grand father raised 7 kids with one income, and put them all through college. You and your hubbie both need masters degrees in a good field (which is a wild guess today) to do that today.

Did you know that Hong Kong now has the most free market in the world (a totally free market does not exist anymore that I know of--no taxes, no regulation costs--the French term "Laziafare" (sp)), and may economists credit that to their economic boom over the last 50 years? It is true. it is also what made us the most prosperiois country for the people---before you were born. Yes Darla sweetie---the world was spinning well for the USA before Liberialism confused the people. We used to have honor--and would not ask for welfare---because we did not need it. We then formed companies that became huge. That came from guys like Bell, and working with smaller companies like GE--that now make all of your wind mills. The rich took over the country, and many times used liberial excusses to get what they want (it is for the children---again). Well, I know what they want, they want more for themself and less for everybody else. I think it is liberiliasm that helped allow them to do it, and a national crises of a people that don't know what it means to be free anymore (thanks to great government schools). We let them run over us like a speed bump today, and have been ever since the new deal.

Darla---it was better before those policies. of course, I was not there---but I know I could have started a business and supported myself and family a lot easier back then. Many business owners today agree that they might not have made it today.

What policies today allow us to keep our money so we can make something of ourselfs? None. we are taxed to death during our productive years (unless your filthy rich and catered to by our elected officials)--then we will be on welfare for our retirement. Kinda kills the American dream a bit Darla. It is killing mine right now.

If we can't get our voting system changed so more of the population has a shot of winning from voting them in--insterad of being forced to elect these rich c-suckers who really don't care about us---then vote for Ron Paul. He enters the race with a purity, and I think he will leave with it also.

What would you do to make the country better for the people Darla. Remember, taking care of the masses at the masses expense is not helping anyone live their American dream. With liberial philosophies---we might as all look the same, and have the same finger prints.
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I'll tell ya, I didn't think anyone could blab on more about less, than RS, but you got that covered. So anyway, having read only your first paragraph, care to post some economic data that would back up your claims that:

"The country was great until about the end of WW2."
"that shocked the woprld when USA because the most prosperious country in the world, with a good life style for all that went for it."

Let's see the data, blabba.
I'll tell ya, I didn't think anyone could blab on more about less, than RS, but you got that covered. So anyway, having read only your first paragraph, care to post some economic data that would back up your claims that:

"The country was great until about the end of WW2."
"that shocked the woprld when USA because the most prosperious country in the world, with a good life style for all that went for it."

Let's see the data, blabba.

Would you like to see the DOW---or home forclosures?

Darla. let me guess, Your a single mom-- divorced. You might make some good money, I am not sure. I hope you do, so you can take care of your children and show them how to do it.

Why do I guess your divorced as a working single mom?

Because this is how most women vote.

When they are young and single, they tend to be more liberial. Then, they get married, to a working guy (and she has to work today also in most cases), and they are taking care of themselfs more. At that time they usually switch to more conservetive views. Now, when they probably get divirced (as most do---because they are not happy anymore), and no longer can take care of them self as easliy to sustain their lifestyle they earned as a married double income----they become more lberial. Why?---because women want to be taken care of and feel somebody ows it to them. Get to work Darla---ya bum. :)
Would you like to see the DOW---or home forclosures?

Darla. let me guess, Your a single mom-- divorced. You might make some good money, I am not sure. I hope you do, so you can take care of your children and show them how to do it.

Why do I guess your divorced as a working single mom?

Because this is how most women vote.

When they are young and single, they tend to be more liberial. Then, they get married, to a working guy (and she has to work today also in most cases), and they are taking care of themselfs more. At that time they usually switch to more conservetive views. Now, when they probably get divirced (as most do---because they are not happy anymore), and no longer can take care of them self as easliy to sustain their lifestyle they earned as a married double income----they become more lberial. Why?---because women want to be taken care of and feel somebody ows it to them. Get to work Darla---ya bum. :)

Ok so the answer is no you don't have any data to back up your emoting on this thread...thanks.

Emoting is not against the rules. Carry on.
Thanks, but I never thought he was? I love these inappropriate outbursts of yours though Damo :)
Well. You quoted theMAJORITY while calling him RS and saying how he had posted it...

I think I had evidence to the contrary of this statement. Considering Strings hasn't even posted in the thread at all.
Well. You quoted theMAJORITY while calling him RS and saying how he had posted it...

I think I had evidence to the contrary of this statement. Considering Strings hasn't even posted in the thread at all.

I did not call him RS. You know, I am so tired of you men trying to gaslight me, and get me to think I am crazy! You are all the same, making stuff up and then I am sitting here going, I said that? And it freaks me out for a minute, until I realize, it's not me, it's the men, again!

I never thought this guy was RS.
I did not call him RS. You know, I am so tired of you men trying to gaslight me, and get me to think I am crazy! You are all the same, making stuff up and then I am sitting here going, I said that? And it freaks me out for a minute, until I realize, it's not me, it's the men, again!

I never thought this guy was RS.
Actually I read it wrong you compared him to RS. Carry on. I just didn't want anybody to get the wrong idea...
I'll tell ya, I didn't think anyone could blab on more about less, than RS, but you got that covered. So anyway, having read only your first paragraph, care to post some economic data that would back up your claims that:

Oh that is what you are seeing Damo! no, I was just comparing him to RS, to annoy Rs. Not calling him Rs.
I'll tell ya, I didn't think anyone could blab on more about less, than RS, but you got that covered. So anyway, having read only your first paragraph, care to post some economic data that would back up your claims that:

Oh that is what you are seeing Damo! no, I was just comparing him to RS, to annoy Rs. Not calling him Rs.
Hence my post just before yours stating.. "I read that wrong, you were comparing him to RS"...

Of course you have a hard time ever seeing any post of mine that says something like "Oops, I was wrong."

I don't know why. I think it is because it breaks your stereotype about me... I'm supposed to think I'm perfect for some reason.
I did not call him RS. You know, I am so tired of you men trying to gaslight me, and get me to think I am crazy! You are all the same, making stuff up and then I am sitting here going, I said that? And it freaks me out for a minute, until I realize, it's not me, it's the men, again!

I never thought this guy was RS.

Naw---it is just the awsome communication of the written word. We all read different things. Don't worry about it to much. It will make you crazy. lol