
Ahhh, the beauty of equality her having to pay alimony money to several guys.

Is she really in El Segundo? Yeah, I can't imagine her choosing to be there if she didn't have to.

Find something, anything, that even implies that she has money problems. You people are sick, in the head, seriously sick. The woman has one of the most succesfull sitcoms of all times, in INTERNATIONAL syndication, and also now on DVD.

BTW, maybe she bought a house in this, apparent dive according to two right wing haters, who hate strong women, and especially fat ones! who are also liberal, because she OWNS AT TELEVISION STUDIO IN THE SAME TOWn.

Oh yeah, she's hurting.

Jesus, it's so disgustng. Keep dreaming. She's swimming in it, you're not, and just btw, she's not fat anymore. Sorry.
Find something, anything, that even implies that she has money problems. You people are sick, in the head, seriously sick. The woman has one of the most succesfull sitcoms of all times, in INTERNATIONAL syndication, and also now on DVD.

BTW, maybe she bought a house in this, apparent dive according to two right wing haters, who hate strong women, and especially fat ones! who are also liberal, because she OWNS AT TELEVISION STUDIO IN THE SAME TOWn.

Oh yeah, she's hurting.

Jesus, it's so disgustng. Keep dreaming. She's swimming in it, you're not, and just btw, she's not fat anymore. Sorry.

Wow relax. I have nothing against Roseanne. I occassionally watched her show in the '90's and I liked it. She's always been funny. In fact her blog you posted was sort of funny as well so I'm not sure why you are all upset or making it partisan.

So when people in that known hotbed of conservatism called L.A. rip on El Segundo it's cool and then some "right-winger" does it is now not ok? If I may generalize here freaking liberal women need to chill sometimes i.e. you Darla.
Find something, anything, that even implies that she has money problems. You people are sick, in the head, seriously sick. The woman has one of the most succesfull sitcoms of all times, in INTERNATIONAL syndication, and also now on DVD.

BTW, maybe she bought a house in this, apparent dive according to two right wing haters, who hate strong women, and especially fat ones! who are also liberal, because she OWNS AT TELEVISION STUDIO IN THE SAME TOWn.

Oh yeah, she's hurting.

Jesus, it's so disgustng. Keep dreaming. She's swimming in it, you're not, and just btw, she's not fat anymore. Sorry.

P.S. I never called her fat nor commented on her appearance so a big middle finger goes up to you and you must not hang out with many multiple times divored guys who have made moneybecause they will tell how the money they make is not theres. But I guess its different for a female huh?
Wow relax. I have nothing against Roseanne. I occassionally watched her show in the '90's and I liked it. She's always been funny. In fact her blog you posted was sort of funny as well so I'm not sure why you are all upset or making it partisan.

So when people in that known hotbed of conservatism called L.A. rip on El Segundo it's cool and then some "right-winger" does it is now not ok? If I may generalize here freaking liberal women need to chill sometimes i.e. you Darla.

So you have no information showing that Roseanne is hurting financially then? Is that what I'm to take from your rant here?
P.S. I never called her fat nor commented on her appearance so a big middle finger goes up to you and you must not hang out with many multiple times divored guys who have made moneybecause they will tell how the money they make is not theres. But I guess its different for a female huh?

No, I don't hang out with "many multiple times divorced guys", but, are any of the ones you are hanging out with making 20 million dollars a year? She's not broke, and there's a difference between some half-assed successful business guy , and someone who had one of the most succesfull tv shows of all time. That kind of success is rare, and I'd like you to show me who has gone broke in her league? Seinfeld? Any of the Friends? Raymond?


As for the fat thing, I have the slime you keep quoting on IA, so my answer encompassed both your remarks.
I am going to start reading Roseanne’s blog. I think this is some really funny shit. I don’t care what anybody says.

"Roseanne has taken up blogging on her website in a big way, and is voicing her contempt on all sorts of issues multiple times a day, from Hollywood celebrities to the candidates to Maureen Dowd.

In a post entitled "Jon Voight," Roseanne lashes out at Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, and Jolie's supposed comments on being a still-undecided voter. After calling Voight a "used tampon" she writes:

jon voight your evil spawn angelina jolie and her vacuous hubby brad pitt make about forty million dollars a year in violent psychopathic movies and give away three of it to starving children trying to look as if they give a crap about humanity as they spit out more dunces that will consume more than their fair share and wreck the earth even more. (just sayin').
Also miss jolie says she likes mccain too and hasn't decided who to endorse....huh? Aren't you supposed to be somewhat enlightened, or do you not know that the african daughter you hold in every picture had parents who suffered and died because of the republican party's worldwide economic assault on africa over the last few decades since reagan? whaaaa...??????!!!!

You're is quite funny in a perverse sort of way...."the african daughter had parents who suffered and died because of the republican party's worldwide economic assault on africa"....That is particularly funny and really sad too.... I didn't think Roseann was quite that stupid in real life to make such a claim, but obviously I'm wrong

(for that matter, the thai and vietnamese sons you are photo'd with weekly too!!!? who's pictures you sell to raise money to help the poor? Their families are victims of America's right wing military incursions too.

Here she must think Kennedy and LBJ must have been right-wingers....her head is up her ass so far its a wonder she can breathe...

Mccain wants to continue with the idea of war for profit...the americans are over that thinking now! They have drugged our troops and lower classes into supporting their oil business atrocities for long enough. We want to save not lose our souls thank you.

This rant must have been caused by bad booze and good snort...shes gotta be a Dim Dem....shes VP material for sure

Now go back to making your movies about women who love to handle big guns that shoot hundreds of people to death. might be good for your asian and african children's self esteem to know you support a brown man for the leader of the free world.)

In another entry called "Elizabeth Edwards" she writes:

tell your husband to man up and claim his baby. Divorce him. take your kids and go to the beaches in southern france and then go see gaudi's art in barcelona.

Is Roseanne too ignorant to know when caps are appropriate ?As in proper nouns....

And she minces no words when it comes to McCain in multiple entries slamming him on all kinds of issues. In an entry called "McCain is pro-life" she writes:

He looks like a fetus and his wife looks like king tut. they can both worship the holy hidden orifice from beyond the great behind where fetuses (white ones) live in heavenly peace!!!

Another entry belies her thoughts on Maureen Down in its title, 'Maureen "C-Word" Dowd'

No doubt the lady is all class...but then...:gives:, really....
So you have no information showing that Roseanne is hurting financially then? Is that what I'm to take from your rant here?
. If you are asking me if i'm her accountant the answer is no. Is she a family member or something? You are tripping.
Because I made a comment about going after a fat girl at a bar that translates to me calling roseanne fat? Ok darla
Because I made a comment about going after a fat girl at a bar that translates to me calling roseanne fat? Ok darla

Huh? What are you talking about now? I never saw any comment you made about any fat girl in any bar. That part was directed at the idiot, webway.

And just look at what I had to go through to get you to say that you thought she was funny! It's amazing.

So...did you score? Is it true what SF said, that your best pickup line is "I don't think you're fat"?
So SF told you the line he used to pick up his wife? Why did you call me IA slime?

Cawacko, you aren't drinking are you? I wouldn't call you that. I was talking about the guy you kept quoting, webway, which I thought I made clear. LOL. Were you hurt? I was totally not talking about you.
Also miss jolie says she likes mccain too and hasn't decided who to endorse....huh? Aren't you supposed to be somewhat enlightened, or do you not know that the african daughter you hold in every picture had parents who suffered and died because of the republican party's worldwide economic assault on africa over the last few decades since reagan? whaaaa...??????!!!!

Wow. Retarded. But I see why you would like it.

Naaaa If I want to listen to a tirade like that I'll just tell my wife her ass is to big the next time she's sweeping the floor.
Cawacko, you aren't drinking are you? I wouldn't call you that. I was talking about the guy you kept quoting, webway, which I thought I made clear. LOL. Were you hurt? I was totally not talking about you.
Gasp! Why did you call me <insert something horrible here>!

(I just didn't want to feel left out.)
Find something, anything, that even implies that she has money problems. You people are sick, in the head, seriously sick. The woman has one of the most succesfull sitcoms of all times, in INTERNATIONAL syndication, and also now on DVD.

BTW, maybe she bought a house in this, apparent dive according to two right wing haters, who hate strong women, and especially fat ones! who are also liberal, because she OWNS AT TELEVISION STUDIO IN THE SAME TOWn.

Oh yeah, she's hurting.

Jesus, it's so disgustng. Keep dreaming. She's swimming in it, you're not, and just btw, she's not fat anymore. Sorry.



Oh and by the way, here is a picture of her big TV production studio. Its size is almost equal to Universal Studios, LOL.

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