Rudy's Truthiness


Check out this article in today’s NY Times. It’s all about Rudy and his problematic relationship with the truth, the problem being there is no relationship. But pay attention to this last line by the right wing language specialist (read; bullshit artist) Frank Luntz. Because that is exactly how we ended up with bush as president.

“When he talks about New York, people see it,” Mr. Luntz said of Mr. Giuliani, “and they feel it, and if a number isn’t quite right, or is off by a small amount, nobody will care, because it rings true to them.”
“In almost every appearance as he campaigns for the Republican presidential nomination, Rudolph W. Giuliani cites a fusillade of statistics and facts to make his arguments about his successes in running New York City and the merits of his views.

Discussing his crime-fighting success as mayor, Mr. Giuliani told a television interviewer that New York was “the only city in America that has reduced crime every single year since 1994.” In New Hampshire this week, he told a public forum that when he became mayor in 1994, New York “had been averaging like 1,800, 1,900 murders for almost 30 years.” When a recent Republican debate turned to the question of fiscal responsibility, he boasted that “under me, spending went down by 7 percent.”
All of these statements are incomplete, exaggerated or just plain wrong. And while, to be sure, all candidates use misleading statistics from time to time, Mr. Giuliani has made statistics a central part of his candidacy as he campaigns on his record.

For instance, another major American city claims to have reduced crime every year since 1994: Chicago. New York averaged 1,514 murders a year during the three decades before Mr. Giuliani took office; it did not record more than 1,800 homicides until 1980. And Mr. Giuliani’s own memoir states that spending grew an average of 3.7 percent for most of his tenure; an aide said Mr. Giuliani had meant to say that he had proposed a 7 percent reduction in per capita spending during his time as mayor.
WHY anyone would vote for this scumbag is beyond me. Hes as dirty as they come. Kerik , his family mess, his lies hes just creepy all arround. I just dont understand republicans anymore. They seem to have morals as plyable as rubber.
Giuliani scares me more than any of the candidates. He's about as neo-con as it gets (alongside Romney) when it comes to foreign policy and civil liberties. Rudy has virtually the same goals as GWB, but is far more intelligent - that's a terrifying combination.
i'd like to say the good news is that he will never be president .. but we don't live in a democracy. The puppetmasters can "elect" whoever they want and Rudybella is exactly the kind of scumbag they want.

Only THEY count the vote in America.

Think that's not significant? .. Two words .. George Bush.
i'd like to say the good news is that he will never be president .. but we don't live in a democracy. The puppetmasters can "elect" whoever they want and Rudybella is exactly the kind of scumbag they want.

Only THEY count the vote in America.

Think that's not significant? .. Two words .. George Bush.

No I know, that is exactly what I am afraid of. I have been getting this awful feeling as if Rudy has already been selected. But then I think, no that's paranoia.

I don't know. I don't like some of the things I see though. It looks like 2000 all over again, but the good news is that this made the front page of the Times. And you didn't see that happening with bush's dirt in 2000...and as you know, there was plenty of it even then.
i'd like to say the good news is that he will never be president .. but we don't live in a democracy. The puppetmasters can "elect" whoever they want and Rudybella is exactly the kind of scumbag they want.

Only THEY count the vote in America.

Think that's not significant? .. Two words .. George Bush.
Yeah when I read the articles on the undervote in Ohio I knew there was something rotten in Cincinnati. The amount of democrats that voted for EVERY OTHER DEM on the ballot and did not vote for Kerry would have been seen as voting fraud in a third world country
Sweet. "Truthiness". Now I have something to say about him if he gets the nomination...

I'll also talk about his jeans. :D
Dr. Frank Luntz is a fucking may hate what he has done for the Republicans, but you have to admire the man.

Absolutely a god of should read his book.
Dr. Frank Luntz is a fucking may hate what he has done for the Republicans, but you have to admire the man.

Absolutely a god of should read his book.

Penn & Teller did a great story on Lutz. And I quote them: "every time you see a poll, just say FUCK YOU LUTZ!!!".

I have to agree with you on this one Darla. I don't like the guy either. You really embelish for the left and against the right a lot. Your like Rush and Hannity---but going the other direction. Thats OK---but sweetie, it gives me the ammo. :)

Personally Darla---I don't see much difference between the left and the right. I think they are equally corrupt (with their own twist), and could not live without one another.

I think you and I would live better without the both of them. Get the divorce, and live free from abuse from them----- like a battered wife who discovers her independence and becomes quite successfull when free (kinda like when my last girlfriend left--thats how I know--lol).

To me, it is guys like Perot and Paul that go in with a purity (I wonder how many voters would turn out if those guys ran together?), that I think we desperatly need. There is nothing wrong with organizing private groups to help the children in need--as long as we show them perspectives they have never seen, to learn to take care of them selfs (please---don't consider all of them to be stupid). I would donate directly to your fund if you can do that. I promise. I would rather do it through your private helping organazation, than to give it to a couple of corrupt parties of government by force--knowing, the chiuldren will not be helped much---as recient, but decades distant, history shows.
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I have to agree with you on this one Darla. I don't like the guy either. You really embelish for the left and against the right a lot. Your like Rush and Hannity---but going the other direction. Thats OK---but sweetie, it gives me the ammo. :)

Personally Darla---I don't see much difference between the left and the right. I think they are equally corrupt (with their own twist), and could not live without one another.

I think you and I would live better without the both of them. Get the divorce, and live free from abuse from them----- like a battered wife who discovers her independence and becomes quite successfull when free (kinda like when my last girlfriend left--thats how I know--lol).

To me, it is guys like Perot and Paul that go in with a purity (I wonder how many voters would turn out if those guys ran together?), that I think we desperatly need. There is nothing wrong with organizing private groups to help the children in need--as long as we show them perspectives they have never seen, to learn to take care of them selfs (please---don't consider all of them to be stupid). I would donate directly to your fund if you can do that. I promise. I would rather do it through your private helping organazation, than to give it to a couple of corrupt parties of government by force--knowing, the chiuldren will not be helped much---as recient, but decades distant, history shows.

I notice that you call me "sweetie" a lot. You do know that I'm a guy, right?
It's true she's a 50 year old balding man.

And yeah, Rudy fucking sucks. He's the Hillary of Republicans. Romney sucks too. All 3 are warmongering, unprincipled power seekers.
It's true she's a 50 year old balding man.

And yeah, Rudy fucking sucks. He's the Hillary of Republicans. Romney sucks too. All 3 are warmongering, unprincipled power seekers.

Technically, I'm not a "she" yet, sweetie. One more operation...have you noticed that this majority fella seems to have taken a shine to me? I will post my post-operation pics, next month, and I wouldn't be surprised if Damo can claim his first JPP match!

Could be a new business for him!
Technically, I'm not a "she" yet, sweetie. One more operation...have you noticed that this majority fella seems to have taken a shine to me? I will post my post-operation pics, next month, and I wouldn't be surprised if Damo can claim his first JPP match!

Could be a new business for him!

Technically, I'm not a "she" yet, sweetie. One more operation...have you noticed that this majority fella seems to have taken a shine to me? I will post my post-operation pics, next month, and I wouldn't be surprised if Damo can claim his first JPP match!

Could be a new business for him!

This explains a lot.
Time to come out of the closet I suppose. I am really Darla.
The transition to femdom is a bit rough and my Darla persona has helped to ease that.
Go Code Pink :cheer:
I can't wait until I get to wax rhapsodic about Rudy's "truthiness"... He's just so "truthy"...


So, he treats women poorly... He's so TRUTHY!

So, he dressed like women to dance on stage and make money for charity... He's so TRUTHY!

Yeah... This is going to be so fun!