Rudy's Truthiness

Wellthis has been fun.........

entertaining to say the least...but I have to hit town...Christmas shopping done except for the Grandson...he's at school I must sneak out and spend a dime or two...y'all have fun bashing the left and right...Me I love Custer,GW..and of course all the Indian Nations...all have made mistakes in included..:D
I notice that you call me "sweetie" a lot. You do know that I'm a guy, right?

Nope---I never would have guessed. You have a womans name, and a divorced single moms welfare political philosophies. Man--any one ever tell you that you are a mess? Go ahead--call me a homaphobe (my guess is your gay), I could care less Sue. Opps---Darla.

Excuse me--I am going to throw up now. Reality just hit me. Men are becoming women at a alarming rate---and we can't tell the darn difference anymore.

I still think your a divorced single mom that wants welfare---trapped in a mans body.