Rule 15 update...

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Staff member
15. No posting slurs of any kind in thread titles in the political or announcement area, it will result in the title being changed and may result in a ban for repeat offenders. (This is to ensure Twitter doesn't ban our account).

I guess I should define "slur"...

A slur is a word that "insults" an entire group of people though it may be used in the context at one person. ie the "n" word...

Things that are slurs would include (this list is not all inclusive) racial epithets, homophobic epithets, Transphobic epithets. The moderation team will have to use their own judgement. Not every insult is a "slur".

Now, please understand that this rule is about thread titles only.
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15. No posting slurs of any kind in thread titles in the political or announcement area, it will result in the title being changed and may result in a ban for repeat offenders. (This is to ensure Twitter doesn't ban our account).

Does Twitter know you're the host of racists? Now threaten me as you usually do.
Does Twitter know you're the host of racists? Now threaten me as you usually do.

Freedom of speech seems to be his preference, I like that, if you don't go try ph or dp, those lw echo chambers seem more your speed.

I personally like how he allows them here, Easier to mock and evicerate them, it's fun!
Freedom of speech seems to be his preference, I like that, if you don't go try ph or dp, those lw echo chambers seem more your speed.

I personally like how he allows them here, Easier to mock and evicerate them, it's fun!

you racists have a home on this forum
you racists have a home on this forum

How come when actual racists call people "darkies" or other blatant racism you keep your mouth shut while I destroy them for thier racist comments?

and how would that make me a "Racist"? see you want what a lot of lw forums are doing you want a purge of all of the right and libertarians under the guise of "racism". you have no evidence that I am a racist but plenty that I am violently anti racist, yet here you are calling me a racist and saying you think racists should be banned. The racists the actual racists like text drivers and a couple others I noted may have a home here, but it's not a happy home when they cross my path.

you seem to look the other way at actual racists while calling people like me who are very openly hostile to actual racists, racist. in other words, you suck at this.
How come when actual racists call people "darkies" or other blatant racism you keep your mouth shut while I destroy them for thier racist comments?

and how would that make me a "Racist"? see you want what a lot of lw forums are doing you want a purge of all of the right and libertarians under the guise of "racism". you have no evidence that I am a racist but plenty that I am violently anti racist, yet here you are calling me a racist and saying you think racists should be banned. The racists the actual racists like text drivers and a couple others I noted may have a home here, but it's not a happy home when they cross my path.

you seem to look the other way at actual racists while calling people like me who are very openly hostile to actual racists, racist. in other words, you suck at this.

Why are most libertarians racists?
impossible, racism violates the non aggression principle of libertarian philosophy and in incompatible with libertarianism. All libertarians are anti-racist. anyone who claims otherwise is not a libertarian.

I see. So the racists who post daily are not libertarians. ok
I find this to be great news! Civility- YOU GOTTA' LOVE IT!


As owner and leader, all you really needed to say, is "I did this in order to have a better Forum while maintaining civility and order, I made the following changes........

When you are the leader- Lead please!

Thank You!

PS: Now notice I said both Please and Thank You!

Now that should establish some Brownie Points! Right There!
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15. No posting slurs of any kind in thread titles in the political or announcement area, it will result in the title being changed and may result in a ban for repeat offenders. (This is to ensure Twitter doesn't ban our account).

So calling a women by the term backdoor or legs up doesn't qualify as a slur in title?
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