RUMSFELD's firing/ October surprise?


Junior Member
Do you think that rumsfeld will be replaced before the election, so that the republicans can save face with the ever growing ill content voting public regarding the iraq war so they can continue to say it was the RIGHT war, but just handled poorly? Using Rummy as the scapegoat, the sacraficial lamb?
Using Rummy as the scapegoat, the sacraficial lamb?

Ok, while I can see many here would like to see the entire admin fired, I am curious to know why Rummy is the sacraficial here? Is he the one to hold responsible, or just having someone fired at this point would be cool?
Ok, while I can see many here would like to see the entire admin fired, I am curious to know why Rummy is the sacraficial here? Is he the one to hold responsible, or just having someone fired at this point would be cool?

he is the one to be held accountable for the handling/promises of the iraq war.

if you'd like the LONG LIST of his mess ups, i'd be happy to oblidge!:p

(though i am getting ready to sit down for dinner and a google will give you a pretty good picture)

from's a few reasons...

-letting iraqi guard go
-not securing the border
-not enough soldiers
-believing we would be loved as liberators
-underestimating insurgence
-no gameplan to succeed

so on and so forth...
he is the one to be held accountable for the handling/promises of the iraq war.

if you'd like the LONG LIST of his mess ups, i'd be happy to oblidge!:p

(though i am getting ready to sit down for dinner and a google will give you a pretty good picture)

from's a few reasons...

-letting iraqi guard go
-not securing the border
-not enough soldiers
-believing we would be loved as liberators
-underestimating insurgence
-no gameplan to succeed

so on and so forth...

Nope no "LONG LIST" required here, was just looking to get a point of view from the "it's all bush's fault' crowd. Glad to see that some can see that the administration includes more than one man.
but this administration does NOT include anyone that that one man could not replace if he was of a mind to...and the FACT remains.... even the heads of the agencies who dropped the ball on pre-9/11 intelligence were not only NOT fired, they were given medals. That is Bush's poor judgment alone.
but this administration does NOT include anyone that that one man could not replace if he was of a mind to...and the FACT remains.... even the heads of the agencies who dropped the ball on pre-9/11 intelligence were not only NOT fired, they were given medals. That is Bush's poor judgment alone.

LOL, this was my point! why not just say that you prefer seeing the entire administration gone, anway you slice it this comes right back to the bush issues being at fault with everything. So objectivity will obviously not play a part in a decision one would make against the rummy issue, he is automatically no good as he is part of the bush administration?
no...I am not after everyone in the bush administration...just those who had a role in foreign policy which I find to be worst all-time
no...I am not after everyone in the bush administration...just those who had a role in foreign policy which I find to be worst all-time

I would have fired the NeoCons who were the architects of the Iraq debacle, and kept the competent moderates like Colin Powell.

Tenet, Rice, Rummy and Wolfowitz should have been asked to leave.

General Shinseki - who was the one dude who got it right - should have been invited back.
I would have fired the NeoCons who were the architects of the Iraq debacle, and kept the competent moderates like Colin Powell.

Tenet, Rice, Rummy and Wolfowitz should have been asked to leave.

General Shinseki - who was the one dude who got it right - should have been invited back.

I would have agreed about Powell until he lied his ass off in front of the UN
The time to fire him for incompetence was 18-24 months ago.

Bush won't fire him now. IMO

There's a time I would have agreed, and it's still very debatable, but...I think they will do anything to avoid a democratic house because they will then be investigated for at least some of their many dirty deeds. So I feel that if they conclude that firing Rumsfeld will help some congresspeople in certain key districts, then they will do it. In fact, I think if they conclude that Barbara Bush's death would gain them some sympathy seats, well, I wouldn't want to be her then, put it that way.

Not that I'd want to be her now.
There has been speculation abouot Rummy getting fired since he started. I would be suprised to see him go anywhere,even during election time.
no...I am not after everyone in the bush administration...just those who had a role in foreign policy which I find to be worst all-time

Have to say :bs: to this one maine! This is just another partisan thread as far as I see so far. I am not in support of rummy on this issue at all, in fact I say this is a man that probably should be axed, but for the thread to start out about being the sacraficial rummy, but then the facts on why he should go tell a wee bit different story. What is it, is he responsible or a scapegoat?
He certainly bears a great deal of the responsiblity from MY perspective...this thread, however, is suggesting that the republicans may offer him up to help key republican races. If he is a scapegoat, he will be made one by the republicans, not the democrats. From MY perspective, no one can lift the burden of responsibility for this foreign policy nightmare from the shoulders of the pResident. The buck stops at his desk whether he wants it to or not.
He certainly bears a great deal of the responsiblity from MY perspective...this thread, however, is suggesting that the republicans may offer him up to help key republican races. If he is a scapegoat, he will be made one by the republicans, not the democrats. From MY perspective, no one can lift the burden of responsibility for this foreign policy nightmare from the shoulders of the pResident. The buck stops at his desk whether he wants it to or not.

Fair enough! However now, if you see the republicans making him a scapegoat for what purpose does it serve?