RUMSFELD's firing/ October surprise?

So in essence this glorious plan was brainstormed by bush and only bush?

do you not ascribe to the philosophy of the president being in charge of his administration? or do you really think that the administration is a bunch of independently operating pieces that are coordinated by no one and the president merely shows up at rallys to kiss babies and raise money and has no real function in governance?
The reason I asked this question is because another Republican ,and I can venture that it is about 10 of them by now, has come out and said that they think that rumsfeld should resign...Christopher Shays....and we know Chuck Haagel is another one, and Ron Paul, etc...all these retired military generals...

So, because of the "Lieberman effect", don't you think that they might finally find someone else to do the job?

And fired was a harsh word in my thread title...Resign would be the better term.
do you not ascribe to the philosophy of the president being in charge of his administration? or do you really think that the administration is a bunch of independently operating pieces that are coordinated by no one and the president merely shows up at rallys to kiss babies and raise money and has no real function in governance?

I see the president as nothing more than a puppet to his administration. Do you think he prepares his speeches for these said rallys? do you think he sits home on his pc playing out war games for results and then draws a plan for it?
So, because of the "Lieberman effect", don't you think that they might finally find someone else to do the job?

And fired was a harsh word in my thread title...Resign would be the better term.

Opinion will only go so far, I don't know that resignation would happen here, I think Hillary already requested this of him, and he gave a pretty decent response. My personal opinion would be to replace him.

What would be your description of the "Lieberman effect" ?
more and more republicans and democrats will speak out against the war, or the way the war was handled, leading up to the nov. elections=lieberman effect :D
more and more republicans and democrats will speak out against the war, or the way the war was handled, leading up to the nov. elections=lieberman effect :D

But Lieberman was a backer and ousted by more than a leftist, and extreme leftist, of course my opinion but I don't see how this is a good thing. I though Lieberman to be a pretty decent guy. While I can see your point, I don't see any good coming from the ned lamonts either.
i would have stuck with lieb because i didn't trust lamont...too much of a repub in my opinion..;) lol, if i lived in connecticut...but i don't!

...and lieb, well, u knew where he stood...though i differed with him on the war, i think he could have been swayed to believe he made a mistake, if i were given the chance to convince him! :D

i am not upset with his loss either, because, like i have said, it really wasn't my decision to make.

lieberman is honest...for a politician...
Lieberman is going to win that election. This whole flap is a bit overplayed.
i would have stuck with lieb because i didn't trust lamont...too much of a repub in my opinion..;) lol, if i lived in connecticut...but i don't!

...and lieb, well, u knew where he stood...though i differed with him on the war, i think he could have been swayed to believe he made a mistake, if i were given the chance to convince him! :D

i am not upset with his loss either, because, like i have said, it really wasn't my decision to make.

lieberman is honest...for a politician...

Lamont too much of a repub? I don't think he is too much of anything honestly but a repub I don't see him being at all. Lieberman holds all the card when it comes to the experience, lamont has limited experience outside of sharing political jabs around the dinner table. Jumping the gun because lieberman backed the war sprung off what may in time show to have detrimental effects....Just my opinion as usual.
Lamont too much of a repub? I don't think he is too much of anything honestly but a repub I don't see him being at all. Lieberman holds all the card when it comes to the experience, lamont has limited experience outside of sharing political jabs around the dinner table. Jumping the gun because lieberman backed the war sprung off what may in time show to have detrimental effects....Just my opinion as usual.

overall, i think it could be a good thing he lost...just as the scapegoat perhaps, but it is a voice that is saying, ''oh, your oh so safe seat in office is not so safe anymore'', it needed to be said to all in, some good has come out of this, as i said, imo.
overall, i think it could be a good thing he lost...just as the scapegoat perhaps, but it is a voice that is saying, ''oh, your oh so safe seat in office is not so safe anymore'', it needed to be said to all in, some good has come out of this, as i said, imo.

Perhaps so but time will only answer that question. For me it would of been to go with the experience as opposed to a guy that is hanging his hat on the whole "my opponent backed the iraq war" thing. There are more issues at hand to be dealt with. I think lamont used this issue wisely to gain votes, what he does if he should become elected is a whole other thing.
not me, anymore....I am ready to get rid of nearly all of them, and if I had a vote in all of them, most of them would be gone, see ya!

All these ones with experience, with the exception of maybe lieberman, don't deserve to keep their jobs...their spending alone gives reason to throw out all leadership, at least! :)

And then we have Abramoff dealings, and cunningham a congressman with experience just getting payoffs...

man, we just need to start from square one...all over again....the longer these guys are in office, the more they think they are important and the more they sell their souls to satan for the campaign funs to get elected because they are so important, and ALL in the name of good and in the name of the people.... just a crock, that's all...
Rummy getting October surprise ?

What is this..? Postings from the Twilight Zone ?

I can see him retiring though...hes getting up in age....but he should make it until 2008....
I don't know Write/bravo, I am hearing more and more republicans that are using him or blaming him for the situation in Iraq, and I smell something cooking in the oven... :)
Perhaps so but time will only answer that question. For me it would of been to go with the experience as opposed to a guy that is hanging his hat on the whole "my opponent backed the iraq war" thing. There are more issues at hand to be dealt with. I think lamont used this issue wisely to gain votes, what he does if he should become elected is a whole other thing.

I'm sure you used this same line of reasoning in the year 2000, when a sitting Vice President was in the running.

Cause I know how consistent you repugs all are.
I'm sure you used this same line of reasoning in the year 2000, when a sitting Vice President was in the running.

Cause I know how consistent you repugs all are.

LOL, going with the systematic classification routine again? Wanna tell me why my way of looking at it is so bad, or better yet tell me how lamont is for surely the better candidate here?
Do you think that rumsfeld will be replaced before the election, so that the republicans can save face with the ever growing ill content voting public regarding the iraq war so they can continue to say it was the RIGHT war, but just handled poorly? Using Rummy as the scapegoat, the sacraficial lamb?
Probably not, even so he will go to work for General Dynamics or some defense industry.