Rush and Operation Chaos


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According to Rush counties with overwhelming Republican majorities have handed out upwards of 50% ballots to people identifying as Democratic voters. I listened to several e-mails where people have admitted that they asked for a dem ballot and were acknowledged by the Repub poll worker with a wink. Hillary could win Indiana pretty overwhelmingly. Why is it that Dems could not get their shit together and get people to vote for Huckleberry? The Dem party should not be in politics because they have NO idea of how to run political campaigns. They are getting their asses handed to them by a fucking drug addled deaf philanderer with a radio program.
According to Rush counties with overwhelming Republican majorities have handed out upwards of 50% ballots to people identifying as Democratic voters. I listened to several e-mails where people have admitted that they asked for a dem ballot and were acknowledged by the Repub poll worker with a wink. Hillary could win Indiana pretty overwhelmingly. Why is it that Dems could not get their shit together and get people to vote for Huckleberry? The Dem party should not be in politics because they have NO idea of how to run political campaigns. They are getting their asses handed to them by a fucking drug addled deaf philanderer with a radio program.

Isn't the only reason Operation Chaos can work at all is because McCain already has the nomination locked up? If McCain and Huckleberry were still in the race I don't think there would be an Operation Chaos.
The only silver lining in a Hillary victory for me would be imaging how Rush & the buffoons who follow him would react to seeing 8 more years of the Clintons on the evening news.

Professionally, I'm sure he'd love it, but he wouldn't privately. He'd probably die with a Clinton in office....
The only silver lining in a Hillary victory for me would be imaging how Rush & the buffoons who follow him would react to seeing 8 more years of the Clintons on the evening news.

Professionally, I'm sure he'd love it, but he wouldn't privately. He'd probably die with a Clinton in office....

Heck, I don't even think Rush cares about anything other than Rush. He came to the top picking on President Clinton.....maybe he thinks another President Clinton would get him to the top again.
Rush probably prefers Hillary to win so he still has a job bitchin and whining. If mcCain wins who does he whine about ?
Well, I think he would still dog McCain if the miracle occured but not nearly as much as he would dog Hillary.
Rush probably prefers Hillary to win so he still has a job bitchin and whining. If mcCain wins who does he whine about ?

He just got through eight years of Bush who he supported. He doesn't like McCain. He'd have no problem with material.
but once mcCain got in it would be hands off for all republican pundits.

? you asked about Rush. He made it through eight years of Bush and got a huge contract. In other words it did not hurt his show to have Bush for eight years and a Republican Congress for six of them. McCain is not going to ruin his show.

Edit: Rush rips McCain now. Why would he stop if he becomes President?
According to Rush counties with overwhelming Republican majorities have handed out upwards of 50% ballots to people identifying as Democratic voters. I listened to several e-mails where people have admitted that they asked for a dem ballot and were acknowledged by the Repub poll worker with a wink. Hillary could win Indiana pretty overwhelmingly. Why is it that Dems could not get their shit together and get people to vote for Huckleberry? The Dem party should not be in politics because they have NO idea of how to run political campaigns. They are getting their asses handed to them by a fucking drug addled deaf philanderer with a radio program.

How do you listen to emails?

crazy ass lawyers.

Rush in entertaining and people will listen to him no matter who the president is. I know I always listen to him if I am in the car when he is on. In the middle of the day, he is the only thing on if you dont want to listen to music.

I dont think it is very honest to cross over and vote for someone you dont support but if its legal... go for it. I personally would not do it because I feel I have too much integrity for that!