Rush and Operation Chaos

Rush in entertaining and people will listen to him no matter who the president is. I know I always listen to him if I am in the car when he is on. In the middle of the day, he is the only thing on if you dont want to listen to music.

I dont think it is very honest to cross over and vote for someone you dont support but if its legal... go for it. I personally would not do it because I feel I have too much integrity for that!

ROFLMAO... a lawyer with integrity.... riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.....
then why did you say before people wouldn't?

Why are you calling Soc an idiot?

well.....I do consider anyone who listens to rush an idiot....sorry if the shoe fits.

Of course he might be like those who buy playboy for the articles, just for educational purposes.
MSNBC just reported that only 11% of the people who voted in the Dem Primary in Indiana identified as republicans, 22% as independents and the rest Dems. The break down of Republicans was 52% for Clinton and 48% for Obama. When asked which dem they thought could beat McCain 57% said Obama. Doesn't appear that operation Chaos worked so well.
It is silly to assume that Rush has power over democratic primaries. He just doesn't have the power people lend him in their minds.
That is a reason why you are a republican and I am not.
Because you can stereotype better?

This gets inane.

People listen to Rush to be entertained. People go to church to feed their souls. What you choose to feed your soul is important.

Jarod is one of Rush's listeners. How much "power" do you think Rush has over Jarod?

The "power" you assume he has is the only "power" he ever has had.