Rush tells moderates to join the Democratic party - we've got our arms wide open



CALLER: Thank you, Rush. You and Bo and the staff are doing God's work, thank you. My remark is addressed to Senator McCain and any of the staff that might be listening. I have one final suggestion for you, senator, from a 59-year conservative activist in the party. Reach out, take a step, reach out across the aisle one more time, grope for a comfortable seat, sit down and remain there. We have no more room for Democrat-light.

RUSH: Duane. I just want to make sure that I understand your command to Senator McCain.


RUSH: You're saying that when he walks across the aisle again, to stay there?

CALLER: Right.

RUSH: You want him to officially become a Democrat?

CALLER: Yes. And perhaps the people of Arizona next time can find a Republican.

RUSH: Well, let me see.

CALLER: I have one more footnote, if you have time.

RUSH: Well, I'm still pondering this. He could at least become an independent since his party rejected him.

CALLER: I think it's high time that we told these moderates who are nothing more than Democrat-light that they go over where they're more comfortable. They can perhaps help The Messiah with his program of marginalizing the Americans.

RUSH: I could not agree with you more. I myself said as much on previous occasions on this program. What are you guys messing around trying to screw up our party for? Just join the people that you have all this love for. Do you like literary people, do you like writers, do you like people you think can communicate very well, doesn't matter what they say, doesn't matter, they could be socialist, doesn't matter, you think they could be extreme leftists, you like 'em, go join 'em. Make it official. Leave us alone. Don't try to reform our party. You already have a party that you like or that you admire, go join them. This is going to be an epic battle I fear 'cause it's going to come down to what it always comes down to. It's going to come down to people that think they're the smart people, the elites, versus the people they think are not smart people and hicks, and that would be all of us, including you and me, and try to say we're the reason all these elections are being lost. They are the reason. It's going to be a big, big, big, big battle.
I actually hope they do. The republican party can become marginal and make room for the libertarian people. As soon as conservative folks realize that the liberals and republicans have nothing for them, we can take center stage and bring freedom back.
I actually hope they do. The republican party can become marginal and make room for the libertarian people. As soon as conservative folks realize that the liberals and republicans have nothing for them, we can take center stage and bring freedom back.

The Libertarian party will never be a large party.
I agree with Rush, and I also reiterate, the LAST thing Republicans need to do, is listen to pinhead Democrats tell us how to "fix" our party. I am so glad to hear people finally starting to listen, to understand the problem in the party, and to see that it's not 'lack of moderation' in our ranks. If this election proved anything, it proved Republicans can't win by appealing to so-called "moderate independents" they simply won't vote for Republicans.

Yes... let me re-emphasis this... "moderate" Republicans, get your sorry ass out of our party! Go join the Obama Nation, be a good Democrat Socialist, and fuck off telling us how to run our party! It's high time CONSERVATIVES take their party back! If you don't like it, or you're not comfortable with it... LEAVE!
God if that happened then the Dems could jettison the far left in their party and we will have the party of pragmatic politics. The Party of reasonable taxes, the party of religious neutrality. There should be a drive to get them to do this. Lets encourage Snow and Collins from Maine and any others to come on over to the dem side and kick up the fillibuster proof dem majority, (which by the way I oppose). Rush is a fucking moron.
I agree with Rush, and I also reiterate, the LAST thing Republicans need to do, is listen to pinhead Democrats tell us how to "fix" our party. I am so glad to hear people finally starting to listen, to understand the problem in the party, and to see that it's not 'lack of moderation' in our ranks. If this election proved anything, it proved Republicans can't win by appealing to so-called "moderate independents" they simply won't vote for Republicans.

Yes... let me re-emphasis this... "moderate" Republicans, get your sorry ass out of our party! Go join the Obama Nation, be a good Democrat Socialist, and fuck off telling us how to run our party! It's high time CONSERVATIVES take their party back! If you don't like it, or you're not comfortable with it... LEAVE!

God if that happened then the Dems could jettison the far left in their party and we will have the party of pragmatic politics. The Party of reasonable taxes, the party of religious neutrality. There should be a drive to get them to do this. Lets encourage Snow and Collins from Maine and any others to come on over to the dem side and kick up the fillibuster proof dem majority, (which by the way I oppose). Rush is a fucking moron.

No, when that happens, America will finally be ruled by the liberal majority, and we will eject the conservatives. The Democrats have traditionally been a coalition of liberals and conservatives. Now we're ejecting the conservatives and replacing them with moderates. It's a win-win for liberalism
This is exciting. It's the Palin wing of the party vs. the Buckley wing; the latter is hopelessly outnumbered, much to the GOP's misfortune.

I hope Rush continues to lead them further into the wilderness. Pretty soon, they won't be able to find their way back.
This is exciting. It's the Palin wing of the party vs. the Buckley wing; the latter is hopelessly outnumbered, much to the GOP's misfortune.

I hope Rush continues to lead them further into the wilderness. Pretty soon, they won't be able to find their way back.
Yeah well that Buckley wing is just a bunch of edumacted eleetest snobbs that think they know more than them there god fearin' christian conservatives.
We'll see what the fuck happens, you pinheaded idiot. Republicans lost this election because the voters saw virtually NO difference between Obama and McCain on CORE CONSERVATIVE VALUES! I mean, if you are determined to elect a Socialist, you might as well elect the one who is being honest about it, as opposed to the one trying to hide it behind a false claim of Conservatism.
We'll see what the fuck happens, you pinheaded idiot. Republicans lost this election because the voters saw virtually NO difference between Obama and McCain on CORE CONSERVATIVE VALUES! I mean, if you are determined to elect a Socialist, you might as well elect the one who is being honest about it, as opposed to the one trying to hide it behind a false claim of Conservatism.

Run on "core conservative values" next time Dix! PLEASE!
Yeah well that Buckley wing is just a bunch of edumacted eleetest snobbs that think they know more than them there god fearin' christian conservatives.

The Republicans have been completely consumed and destroyed by right-wing populism. They are going to go the way of the Progressive Conservatives in Canada if they don't look out, and we're going to have decades of moderate Democratic rule.
We'll see what the fuck happens, you pinheaded idiot. Republicans lost this election because the voters saw virtually NO difference between Obama and McCain on CORE CONSERVATIVE VALUES! I mean, if you are determined to elect a Socialist, you might as well elect the one who is being honest about it, as opposed to the one trying to hide it behind a false claim of Conservatism.
You know what dixie, quit talking here about it. Get into your local state party politics and chase whatever is left of moderate republicans out of your moonshine drenched young earther conservatives. FUCK SAKE man stand up and MAKE THEM LEAVE. Then go to the next Republican convention and make them leave from there too. Shit stand up now and chase out the heathen Budhist republican here. Tell Damo he is not wanted in your party either. Hell I have been telling him that most of this cycle, maybe he really needs to hear it from you and more of you mouthbreathers. I would be over joyed to be in a party that welcomes the moderate republicans and the fiscal conservatives. But don't just type shit about it here, run em out on a rail.
GOOD! You can have them! We don't want them! MODERATE Republicans... pack your fucking bags and don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out! If you don't want to leave, we will evict you! This "moderate" bullshit is OVER!

Listen to the core of your party moderates! They don't want you, we do! We could make a big blue machine that would bring moderate, common sense policies back to America and end the Republican extremism.
I am really thinking about joining the Republican party and playing a "seen the light" social conservative and chasing the moderates and fiscal conservatives out of the New Mexico Republican Party. I could be really right wing nasty. Born again, moderate hatin' mouthbreathin' knuckledragging Social Conservative. I will hate Queers, welfare queens and baby killers. I can do this and just might. This is the best fucking idea Rush has ever had.
I am really thinking about joining the Republican party and playing a "seen the light" social conservative and chasing the moderates and fiscal conservatives out of the New Mexico Republican Party. I could be really right wing nasty. Born again, moderate hatin' mouthbreathin' knuckledragging Social Conservative. I will hate Queers, welfare queens and baby killers. I can do this and just might. This is the best fucking idea Rush has ever had.

I'll try the same with the Mississippi Republican party.

"Gays don't deserve no marriage, they deserve a meetin' with Susie!"

And Susie will be my assault rifle.