Rush tells moderates to join the Democratic party - we've got our arms wide open

I am really thinking about joining the Republican party and playing a "seen the light" social conservative and chasing the moderates and fiscal conservatives out of the New Mexico Republican Party. I could be really right wing nasty. Born again, moderate hatin' mouthbreathin' knuckledragging Social Conservative. I will hate Queers, welfare queens and baby killers. I can do this and just might. This is the best fucking idea Rush has ever had.

Well, sorry but it wouldn't work. Conservatism has nothing to do with hating people or being a 'knuckledragger' and you couldn't pull it off if you tried. Why don't you crawl back into your bigoted immoral asshole and keep your nose out of our business.

It is not Rush's idea, it is the idea of the Conservative base, and you can bite my ass. Our party is through listening to idiots and retards tell us we need to be more 'moderate' and we need to be more 'compassionate' and just maybe we will win a vote from the 'moderate independent' voter out there... it's fucking bullshit! I have watched this party slide steadily downhill since Newt left, and it's time we took it back from the likes of John McCain, Richard Lugar, Chuck Hagel, Olympia Snowe, Susan Collins, and Lindsay Graham!

Get out of the damn way, the CONSERVATIVE EXPRESS is rolling in!
Go for it.

I really hope you guys try to take your party even further right than it has gone.

Hey Newsflash you fucking idiot, our party ran a candidate this time who opposed both Bush tax cuts because they were "tax cuts for the rich" ...He supported amnesty for illegal aliens... He supported the pork-laden bailout... He stood in the way of the Constitutional powers of the president to nominate his own justices... He usurped the 1st Amendment with Campaign Finance Reform... He renounced Bush at every opportunity, and personally denounced every evangelist in the country at some point... He supported the left-wing loony tunes Global Warming idiocy... He was NOT a Conservative by ANY stretch of the imagination! You think he was a "right winger?" Boy, are you in for a rude awakening!

Yes, we will take our party to the right, where it belongs for a change! We've tried being "moderate" we've tried "reaching across the aisle" and it resulted in pinheads like you, proclaiming that we are "too right wing!" So, fuck you... we are NOT going to listen to what you have to say, and we're not interested in your 'evaluation' of our party!
Im saying take your party to the right. You say you will. So yeah, sounds like you're listening.

Go as far right as you can. Please.
Im saying take your party to the right. You say you will. So yeah, sounds like you're listening.

Go as far right as you can. Please.

No, here is what you said, you pathetic little lying fucktard...

"I really hope you guys try to take your party even further right than it has gone."

If you think, in your liberal little pinheaded brain, that John McCain was "far right" you are out of your damn mind! You've not begun to see "far right" yet, you are probably not old enough to remember Ronald Reagan, and if you think your little smarmy sarcastic retorts are going to cause the 'more reasonable moderate' conservatives to quake in their boots and come sucking up to you like McCain did, you got another thing coming!

McCain wasn't conservative, Bush wasn't conservative, and neither was his daddy! They are the reason Republicans find themselves on the outside looking in today, and why your left wing socialist movement has been such a grand success. Enjoy it while it lasts, because the pendulum is about to start swinging the other way! Yep, you better bet your ass we're going further right, we damn sure can't go any further left than we have, and frankly, we don't care to! So keep running your smart assed little mouth, keep chortling your little snide remarks about conservatives, it'll just make standing you on your ear, that much sweeter, asswipe!
Yes... let me re-emphasis this... "moderate" Republicans, get your sorry ass out of our party!

To late Dixie. We all ready did. Why do you think out side if Alabama a Republican can't get elected dog catcher. You do have a point that Republicans going to Democrats for advice is like going to Oparah for dieting advice.

Still, your party is full of idiots if they go to Rush for advice. If the Republican party remains at the extremes you'll end up marginalizing yourselves.

Ya'll ran me out of the party and you'll play hell getting me to come back.
God if that happened then the Dems could jettison the far left in their party and we will have the party of pragmatic politics. The Party of reasonable taxes, the party of religious neutrality. There should be a drive to get them to do this. Lets encourage Snow and Collins from Maine and any others to come on over to the dem side and kick up the fillibuster proof dem majority, (which by the way I oppose). Rush is a fucking moron.
No he's not. He's a cynical opportunist who knows where his bread is buttered. These morons who call in made him rich. Rush is much more interested in that then the Republican party.
We'll see what the fuck happens, you pinheaded idiot. Republicans lost this election because the voters saw virtually NO difference between Obama and McCain on CORE CONSERVATIVE VALUES! I mean, if you are determined to elect a Socialist, you might as well elect the one who is being honest about it, as opposed to the one trying to hide it behind a false claim of Conservatism.

You're full of shit. John McCain was the only viable candidate you had. You lost this election because moderate Americans have rejected you extremist.
No, here is what you said, you pathetic little lying fucktard...

"I really hope you guys try to take your party even further right than it has gone."

If you think, in your liberal little pinheaded brain, that John McCain was "far right" you are out of your damn mind! You've not begun to see "far right" yet, you are probably not old enough to remember Ronald Reagan, and if you think your little smarmy sarcastic retorts are going to cause the 'more reasonable moderate' conservatives to quake in their boots and come sucking up to you like McCain did, you got another thing coming!

McCain wasn't conservative, Bush wasn't conservative, and neither was his daddy! They are the reason Republicans find themselves on the outside looking in today, and why your left wing socialist movement has been such a grand success. Enjoy it while it lasts, because the pendulum is about to start swinging the other way! Yep, you better bet your ass we're going further right, we damn sure can't go any further left than we have, and frankly, we don't care to! So keep running your smart assed little mouth, keep chortling your little snide remarks about conservatives, it'll just make standing you on your ear, that much sweeter, asswipe!

No one ever called McCain far right, but he's no moderate either. McCain is the closest to a true conservative in a party dominated by southern reactionaries like you. As a true conservative McCain was the only national level viable candidate that the Republican party had.

The problem that faces you Dixie is that my prediction that the Republican party will become a regional party of southern reactionaries has come true.

And that's the problem you'd better be willing to consider because if your party does not reform you're national voice and representation will continue to decrease.

That's what I'm afraid that you don't really get. The people have spoken and your party's extremism has been rejected. The vote on Tuesday was not a mandate for an Obama led social welfare state. It was a referendum repudiating Republican provincialism and extremism.

Ya'll just need to look at all those young faces out there celebrating in front of the White House to understand how badly your reactionary values have been rejected by the American people, particularly our youths.

You need to reform or be prepared to stay in the wilderness a long long time.

That's not advice Dixie. That's a fact.
Dixie has far exceeded whatever post-election expectations I had for him. This has been a real treat.

onceler, you know what, I woke up at 3:30am and I had to take a pill, which doesn't work right away. So i came to my computer to keep my mind busy until it worked and I felt better, and after reading the papers for a while, I came here. I guess by that time it had started to kick in. it was the weirdest thing. all i can say is, you think it's good now, and it should try reading this thread stoned. and i swear to god I believe dixie has got to be smoking some good shit to write this stuff. it's total drug talk.
You know, it's pretty difficult to govern at all in modern America if any of your party base is in the south. The south votes as a bloc, and this is a blessing as a curse. Because they'll simply support your party at first. Then, when you suffer a defeat everywhere else in the nation, they'll be like half or more than half of the senators and reps you have left. Then they'll take over your party.

But the south is slowly being assimilated due to changing demographics. Just look at Virginia and North Carolina. It's only going to get better and better over time.
GOOD! You can have them! We don't want them! MODERATE Republicans... pack your fucking bags and don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out! If you don't want to leave, we will evict you! This "moderate" bullshit is OVER!

Dixie thinks just like the republican base and this must be how they feel.

I found a link to a christain republican site on election day and the comments were simply halrious.

They were all convinced electing this muslim was the begining of the end times and they were all talking hate about the happy American puplic.

They are about to do us the biggest favor ever, they are going to cling onto the republican party property that was given them by Reagan. They own it now and will not let go.

Anyone who doesnt think Bush was a great man will have to join some other party.

They will regroup and become the Jesus party. They will spread hate in Jesus's name and one of them will go all Murrah Building on us.
onceler, you know what, I woke up at 3:30am and I had to take a pill, which doesn't work right away. So i came to my computer to keep my mind busy until it worked and I felt better, and after reading the papers for a while, I came here. I guess by that time it had started to kick in. it was the weirdest thing. all i can say is, you think it's good now, and it should try reading this thread stoned. and i swear to god I believe dixie has got to be smoking some good shit to write this stuff. it's total drug talk.

the sad reality is that dixie needs no drugs. He is drain Bamaged.
Dixie is starting to sound like Desh 4 years ago when Bush was re-elected. "Don't tell me how to fix my party, mind your own business!"
Limbaugh once said...'FDR is dead but his policies live on, and we're doing something about that.'

I'll turn it around and say...'Reagan is dead but his policies live on, and we're doing something about that.'

Albert Einstein once said “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”.

When something fails its time to change and try something new. I think this election was a firm rejection of failed conservatism. After all, conservatives have been in power since Reagan (Clinton too) and we all see where it has led us. I believe Obama is prepared to take on the moneyed interests that rule us now and the Republicons rely on so heavily.
I agree with the junkie Limbaugh and suggest that the far right wing of the Rep. party split from the moderates and form your own party. Any way I can help make that happen, please let me know.

I suggest you name the new party the Fiscal And Social Conservative Institution Society for Tomorrow party.

Anything I can do to help, just let me know.