Saddam's Watching South Park

how do you figure... is ron Paul in it or your darling child barry goldwater?? LOL:cof1:
No, the writers of South Park are Liberatarians... Members of the local party and all, it isn't so hard to make that "leap" to it being Libertarian comedy there.
Who's going to be the first repuke to look at this picture and claim that it's a fraternity prank, or it happened to them too when they moved!

Isn't that funny! ahahahahhaa. It's very comparable to watching South Park, and one can understand why one would choose to make a joke out of the concern of real American's over incidents like this.


I'm not defending necessarily things that may have gone on in the past. The thread was just poking a little fun about Saddam watching South Park. Nothing more. Alltho,I still say,far worse things have gone on in past wars. If you and cypress don't think those prisoners at Abu wouldn't have brutally killed our men in the blink of an eye,your mistaken. Hell,being seen in your underwear doesn't seem half as bad as getting your head chopped off.