Sanders / Warren 16'


Well-known member
My dream ticket would be Sanders / Warren. Or Warren / Sanders if we are dreaming. I really wish Warren would have run.

Instead I am afraid we are going to go with the stale Machiavellian Clinton politics, that while resulting in small steps toward progress for our Nation, will not result in significant forward progress.

Clinton is damaged goods because for some reason, Americans insist on blaming her because she was the victim of infidelity. The Right Wing has spent billions of taxpayer dollars investigating and kicking up sand and making smoke so that those who hate her have a non xenophobic, non-sexist handle to hold onto. They were mildly affective when they used the same tactic on her husband, limiting his accomplishments to a degree by screaming scandal every chance they got. Because there was a hint of truth to his addictive personality. They tried the same things with Obama, but it did not stick. Remember all the "scandals that were going to take him down?"

SO, back to Sanders.... Unlikely to win, best for America.

Where will we be with a Trump/Palin or Trump/Cruz ticket?
Sure Desh, a white woman claiming to be American Indian to get a teaching position as a minority is just a little stupid thing not worth looking at.
Sure Desh, a white woman claiming to be American Indian to get a teaching position as a minority is just a little stupid thing not worth looking at.


And a Business man claiming Bankruptcy is just a business tactic is just a little stupid thing not worth looking at.
there are rumors in my family too that we have indian in us.

pretending people know their DNA coding and never have family members who tell misinterpreted stories is stupid wack

And a Business man claiming Bankruptcy is just a business tactic is just a little stupid thing not worth looking at.

Evidence of what? You're going to play ignorant now to what she did?

And what does your second paragraph have to do with what Warren did?