Sanders / Warren 16'

I know the allegations, I have not seen any evidence of her lying.

It was a failed Rove style smear. Her heritage had nothing to do with her hiring. Light-weight Scott Brown incorrectly speculated that it did in his race against her, but it is all repiglicons have on her.
They hate her because she is principled, a strong consumer advocate and very effective at regulating the banks.
you mean like the following?????

But now, in the two largest civil judgments currently sitting on the books — one being Kenny Smith's death; the other a sloppy and malicious murder investigation that railroaded an innocent man — the city has pulled a move that one veteran civil rights lawyer calls "wrong, immoral, disingenuous and unethical."

In both cases, the Cleveland law department used city funds to pay for cops saddled with judgments to move into personal bankruptcy. It's a calculated effort, according to the attorneys fighting the move, for the city to skip out on their responsibilities to pay the judgments.

The screwjob burns all the more after the parade of black eyes the city has suffered due to cops and criminal justice. Just as mayor Frank Jackson, clutching the Department of Justice's 2014 consent decree, promised citywide soul-searching on police reform, Cleveland's law department is messing with civil matters that have already been decided by a jury.

And the implications aren't only local.

"This provides a road map for any municipality that wants to evade their obligations," says Ruth Brown, a Chicago attorney currently locked in legal judo with Cleveland over the issue. "We fully expect that if Cleveland is allowed to get away with this, they will try this again."

WTF does that have to do with Warren?
You're a real student of history, huh? You still haven't accepted the fact that socialism has failed and or is failing everywhere in the world its been tried or is being tried.

Forgive them Lord, for they know not what they do!

Hmm, did you mean communisn?
Socialism seems pretty successful in Europe, Canada, Austraila and New Zealand to name a few.
It was all sorted out in 2012. She is 0% NA. She started claiming it at 30 years of age.
She is a fraud and got caught.
Do you have proof she isn't Native American, from what I have read there isn't definitive proof either way, many family members tell the same story Warren does that their grandmother claimed she was Native American.
It was all sorted out in 2012. She is 0% NA. She started claiming it at 30 years of age.
She is a fraud and got caught.

Her lineage has neither been proven nor disproven. Intermarriage with native Americans, although a common practice, was almost never recorded in the public record.
it doesn't, it has to do with jarods idiot presentment about bankruptcy as a business tactic. like in the post I quoted.....though maybe you couldn't read that part.

Still don't see any relevance.
The cityis wrong, Trump too was wrong...yeah I get it now, thanks .
To the idiot mobile.
I am sorry Norah but Rick Perry is a moron.
Did you know that it is illegal for your preacher to advise hus flock how to vote?

Why is he a moron? I just feel comfortable with him. He was our governor for pretty much my whole life so far before Abbott was elected and from what I've seen he did a really good job. While I've never met him my uncle went to college with him at Texas A&M and is still friendly with him today and from what my uncle says to me he is a good man. Also we don't talk about politicians in church.
Um, no, you see, you saying something is not evidence.

He has nothing but Sean Hanity's opinion.
All the universities have documented that her heritage had absolutely nothing to do with her being hired. That allegation was pure speculation on the part of Scott Brown's campaign and proved to be false.
That is why she won.
Why is he a moron? I just feel comfortable with him. He was our governor for pretty much my whole life so far before Abbott was elected and from what I've seen he did a really good job. While I've never met him my uncle went to college with him at Texas A&M and is still friendly with him today and from what my uncle says to me he is a good man. Also we don't talk about politicians in church.

Why is he a moron? I just feel comfortable with him. He was our governor for pretty much my whole life so far before Abbott was elected and from what I've seen he did a really good job. While I've never met him my uncle went to college with him at Texas A&M and is still friendly with him today and from what my uncle says to me he is a good man. Also we don't talk about politicians in church.

Glad to hear it Norah.
Good to know their are some honorable people in thr house of God.
I wish Catholics could say the same, and of course it is a much bigger issue with them since they are so many of them. Single issue voters and it is an issue the Church has the very wrong side of.

As to Perry, yes hr brought in an awful lot of minimum wage jobs. That is his entire claim to fame. As to his intellect, I will let the world disabuse you of the notion.
Technically Rick should be in jail right now.
He really is an idiot.
your the hack you lied about me being huh
no. there are all kinds of alternatives to Clinton. For now there is Sanders ( whom I'm gonna vote for in the Dem Fl primary) or O'Malley..that's just on the Dems primary.

For the general you could actually look at the Republican nominee? I haven' made up my mind - but I do know Clinton is toxic to governing -
being a proponent of hyper-partisanship; I doubt she would even get a "Honeymoon".
She planns on expanding executive orders by (her own words over Obama's) -where does that Constitutional abuse end?

Not under Clinton - she is the worse possible choice (nevermind her being a neo-con) to a functioning DC government.
She would come in with all kinds of baggage - which is why I said "ABC" = Anybody But Clinton.

She is the worst possible choice for American Constitutional governing, and getting things done. she comes with built in gridlock.
Presidential candidates don't normally select a running-mate from the same region, because of the perceived need to "spread the ticket." Constitutionally they can't even be from the same state. I think if Sanders gets the nomination, a good choice would be Al Franken, or one of the more outspoken Congresspersons from California.
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Presidential candidates don't normally select a running-mate from the same region, because of the perceived need to "spread the ticket." Constitutionally they can't even be from the same state. I think if Sanders gets the nomination, I think a good choice would be Al Franken, or one of the more outspoken Congresspersons from California.

Franken would be a good match for Bernie but I think he is Jewish as well.
America isn't ready for a ticket with two Jews.
Not yet anyway.
I thought of Alan Grayson, but then he is from the bronx. Bernie is from Brooklyn. Way too much New York.