Sanders / Warren 16'

no. there are all kinds of alternatives to Clinton. For now there is Sanders ( whom I'm gonna vote for in the Dem Fl primary) or O'Malley..that's just on the Dems primary.

For the general you could actually look at the Republican nominee? I haven' made up my mind - but I do know Clinton is toxic to governing -
being a proponent of hyper-partisanship; I doubt she would even get a "Honeymoon".
She planns on expanding executive orders by (her own words over Obama's) -where does that Constitutional abuse end?

Not under Clinton - she is the worse possible choice (nevermind her being a neo-con) to a functioning DC government.
She would come in with all kinds of baggage - which is why I said "ABC" = Anybody But Clinton.

She is the worst possible choice for American Constitutional governing, and getting things done. she comes with built in gridlock.

Shithead; prove EOs are unconstitutional or don't say it.
Also she isn't a fucking neo-con you fucking retard no matter how many times you say it. WTF
Franken would be a good match for Bernie but I think he is Jewish as well.
America isn't ready for a ticket with two Jews.
Not yet anyway.
I thought of Alan Grayson, but then he is from the bronx. Bernie is from Brooklyn. Way too much New York.

Ha, I often don't even realize someone might be Jewish until someone points it out. They have to be really Jewish, like an over-the-top Streisand character, for me to notice.
My dream ticket would be Sanders / Warren. Or Warren / Sanders if we are dreaming. I really wish Warren would have run.

Instead I am afraid we are going to go with the stale Machiavellian Clinton politics, that while resulting in small steps toward progress for our Nation, will not result in significant forward progress.

Clinton is damaged goods because for some reason, Americans insist on blaming her because she was the victim of infidelity. The Right Wing has spent billions of taxpayer dollars investigating and kicking up sand and making smoke so that those who hate her have a non xenophobic, non-sexist handle to hold onto. They were mildly affective when they used the same tactic on her husband, limiting his accomplishments to a degree by screaming scandal every chance they got. Because there was a hint of truth to his addictive personality. They tried the same things with Obama, but it did not stick. Remember all the "scandals that were going to take him down?"

SO, back to Sanders.... Unlikely to win, best for America.

Where will we be with a Trump/Palin or Trump/Cruz ticket?

You're so full of shit.
Clinton is a liar, she did nothing while our personnel in Benghazi were being attacked, tortured, and then slaughtered, etc.; but you go right on with your Clinton Love. :palm:



Do you eat your corn dogs, by treating them like a suppository; Bucky?? :D
I've never been to prison Ma'am.
I 'm guessing you were since you seem to know all about it.

But you seem to the one that has "carnal knowledge" of corn dogs and corn holes, Bucky. :D

Therefore, it does appear that me bringing this up, has caused you some discomfort. :)
None at all Ma'am.
I don't know what you are talking about.

A psychologist would suggest that you're in denial; but that it would just be a survival technique that you use to protect yourself from those terrible-terrible memories.
You really should seek professional help, Bucky, and by freeing yourself from the pain, you could move forward. :D
You're so full of shit.
Clinton is a liar, she did nothing while our personnel in Benghazi were being attacked, tortured, and then slaughtered, etc.; but you go right on with your Clinton Love. :palm:
What should she have done forum retard?
Stomp her feet?
There were no stand down orders.
What exactly should she have done?
A psychologist would suggest that you're in denial; but that it would just be a survival technique that you use to protect yourself from those terrible-terrible memories.
You really should seek professional help, Bucky, and by freeing yourself from the pain, you could move forward. :D

You sure you have the right cat?
I don't know what you are rambling on about Ma'am.
What should she have done forum retard?
Stomp her feet?
There were no stand down orders.
What exactly should she have done?

She should have acted like she was concerned about it and not abandoned them to the attackers.

WTF do you mean by "forum", you retard? :D
Shithead; prove EOs are unconstitutional or don't say it.
Also she isn't a fucking neo-con you fucking retard no matter how many times you say it. WTF

hey - do I call you names? what are you in 3rd grade? comport yourself like an adult if that is possible for you :palm:
here is what I said:
She plans on expanding executive orders by (her own words over Obama's) -where does that Constitutional abuse end?

To your contention: of course EO's aren't un-Constitutional; that doesn't mean they can't be abused.
Appeals court keeps block on Obama immigration actions has already shut down 1 of Obama's EO's - SCOTUS is hearing the appeal.

The scope of Obama's EO's are doing damage to Constitutional rule ( defined as normative legislative process).
Governing by EO is inherently NOT the will of the people (Congress). It should only be used in extreme urgency cases,
or as guidance for the executive branch ( so called presidential memoranda).

Do I need to expound on how lacking a legislative agenda produces temporal unstable law
that survives a POTUS only by the next POTUS's acquiescence?
Do you want parties simply overturning law, or do you want law to survive past a presidency?

HRClinton has promised an expansion on Obama's EO's -how is that good in any way for the country;
rather then the legislative process?

As to HRClinton being a neo-con here is the definition I use "Spreading democracy at the barrel of a gun."
Would else would you call Libyan interventionism 2011, or her Iraq vote, or for that matter meddling with "Friends of Syria"
HRClinton was chief architect of Libya - her voice in the W.H. NSC was determinative, as was her international organizing of regime change

She's as much of a neo-con as Bush was.
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