Sara Palin


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She's just a people girl--living in a peoples world----sheees just a people gal--living in our peoples world---ahhhhh--it's not the party------it's not the paaarrty.

Thank you---thank you very much.
1, 2, 1,2,3,4

She's just a people girl--living in a peoples world----sheees just a people gal--living in our peoples world---ahhhhh--it's not the party------it's not the paaarrty.

Thank you---thank you very much.

Well I can see the reason for your excitement, considering the actual presidential candidate is McCain :)

And yes her name will be on the ballot with McCains so you will pull the corrent lever, for you ;)
I was going to say, I thought, from past experience that Conventions were to tout your PRESIDENTIAL candidate. It seems that this year the RNC is the Sarah Palin convention. Everytime someone at the RNC talks about her it is scripted. It is like someone at the top of the command structure gave EVERY SINGLE Republican talking points about Palin. Primarily because NO ONE knows shit about her. But after watching 12 or 15 Republicans talk about her you could see what the key phrases, not words, but entire phrases were about Palin. A real reformer. Which she is, she wants to reform the Abortion laws in this country to force wives, sisters and mothers to carry the child of their rapist. That is Reform for your ass.
I was going to say, I thought, from past experience that Conventions were to tout your PRESIDENTIAL candidate. It seems that this year the RNC is the Sarah Palin convention. Everytime someone at the RNC talks about her it is scripted. It is like someone at the top of the command structure gave EVERY SINGLE Republican talking points about Palin. Primarily because NO ONE knows shit about her. But after watching 12 or 15 Republicans talk about her you could see what the key phrases, not words, but entire phrases were about Palin. A real reformer. Which she is, she wants to reform the Abortion laws in this country to force wives, sisters and mothers to carry the child of their rapist. That is Reform for your ass.

LMAO... hello pot, this is kettle....

Talk about being spoon fed talking points...

It seems as the left (and even some towards the center) have taken up the chant that "she wants women to carry rapists children". Yes, she supports the basic human rights for an unborn child. Sorry you feel that they are cannon fodder.

Just out of curiosity... if she stated that the 5% or less of abortions that are due to rape would be the only legal abortions, would you accept that? Or would you then begin the chant that "the unborn aren't human, they don't deserve rights when we are talking about decisions based on convenience and avoidance of personal responsibility"???
"It seems as the left (and even some towards the center) have taken up the chant that "she wants women to carry rapists children". Yes, she supports the basic human rights for an unborn child. Sorry you feel that they are cannon fodder."

You can't be serious. Being pro-life is one thing; believing that victims of rape should carry the fetus to term?

Unreal; you guys have no soul.
LMAO... hello pot, this is kettle....

Talk about being spoon fed talking points...

It seems as the left (and even some towards the center) have taken up the chant that "she wants women to carry rapists children". Yes, she supports the basic human rights for an unborn child. Sorry you feel that they are cannon fodder.

Just out of curiosity... if she stated that the 5% or less of abortions that are due to rape would be the only legal abortions, would you accept that? Or would you then begin the chant that "the unborn aren't human, they don't deserve rights when we are talking about decisions based on convenience and avoidance of personal responsibility"???
SF I don't care if 3 abortions per year are because of rape. Only a heartless bitch would say that another woman would have to carry the child of a man that beat her, held her at gun point or knife point and then raped her and impregnated her. But hey the zygote is ALWAYS more important than the woman.
"It seems as the left (and even some towards the center) have taken up the chant that "she wants women to carry rapists children". Yes, she supports the basic human rights for an unborn child. Sorry you feel that they are cannon fodder."

You can't be serious. Being pro-life is one thing; believing that victims of rape should carry the fetus to term?

Unreal; you guys have no soul.

As I stated yesterday... that is the one situation in which the position is challenging.... because it is not by choice (obviously) that the woman became pregnant, but neither is it the fault of the child.

Side note.... the one that has "no soul" is the one that believes it is ok to kill unborn kids for convenience.... which is exactly what is done in over 95% of the cases in abortion that you support.
And no I would not be happy if ONLY the rape victims were going to be allowed to have legal abortions. Like I said, I KNOW my history. I know what Romania was like under Communism. Women could not have legal abortions and the state was heavily involved in the reprodutive life of women. And Romania had a HUGE orphan problem.
SF I don't care if 3 abortions per year are because of rape. Only a heartless bitch would say that another woman would have to carry the child of a man that beat her, held her at gun point or knife point and then raped her and impregnated her. But hey the zygote is ALWAYS more important than the woman.

Only a heartless bastard would say it is ok to kill all the unborn kids that are "aborted" due to convenience and say it is ok because the woman has the right to choose convenience over the LIFE of the child.

Good thing for Obama abortion wasn't legal when his teenage mother became pregnant.
"As I stated yesterday... that is the one situation in which the position is challenging.... because it is not by choice (obviously) that the woman became pregnant, but neither is it the fault of the child."

Oh, well I'm glad it's at least "challenging" for you.

It's a no brainer, you idiot; if a woman is raped, it is evil for the government to FORCE that woman to carry that fetus to term. Plain evil. There is no defending it on moral, practical or humane grounds.

It makes me sick to even think about a country like that. Oh, I know - I'm an emo boy, and getting my panties into a bunch.

Fucking soul-less idiots.
And no I would not be happy if ONLY the rape victims were going to be allowed to have legal abortions. Like I said, I KNOW my history. I know what Romania was like under Communism. Women could not have legal abortions and the state was heavily involved in the reprodutive life of women. And Romania had a HUGE orphan problem.

So you are comparing the US to Romania under communism? Give me a break.
As I stated yesterday... that is the one situation in which the position is challenging.... because it is not by choice (obviously) that the woman became pregnant, but neither is it the fault of the child.

Side note.... the one that has "no soul" is the one that believes it is ok to kill unborn kids for convenience.... which is exactly what is done in over 95% of the cases in abortion that you support.
Again comparing aborting a 12 week old fetus to holding a gun to the head of a 3 year old and shooting her. There is no comparison. Othere than the fact that they both have the dna structure, a 12 week old fetus has more in common with a child born without a brain than the 3 year old. And we let anacephaletic children die in the hospital all the time. there is not even a duty to TRY to keep them alive.
"As I stated yesterday... that is the one situation in which the position is challenging.... because it is not by choice (obviously) that the woman became pregnant, but neither is it the fault of the child."

Oh, well I'm glad it's at least "challenging" for you.

It's a no brainer, you idiot; if a woman is raped, it is evil for the government to FORCE that woman to carry that fetus to term. Plain evil. There is no defending it on moral, practical or humane grounds.

It makes me sick to even think about a country like that. Oh, I know - I'm an emo boy, and getting my panties into a bunch.

Fucking soul-less idiots.

Yes, it is evil you fucking twit. Just as it is evil to dehumanize the child in order for you to feel better killing it.
Again comparing aborting a 12 week old fetus to holding a gun to the head of a 3 year old and shooting her. There is no comparison. Othere than the fact that they both have the dna structure, a 12 week old fetus has more in common with a child born without a brain than the 3 year old. And we let anacephaletic children die in the hospital all the time. there is not even a duty to TRY to keep them alive.

Actually there is a comparison. The fact that you are deliberately ending an innocent childs life. Calling the child by a STAGE in its development is simply one of the ways pro-abortionists have dehumanized the child in order to justify killing it.
So you are comparing the US to Romania under communism? Give me a break.
In this one way that is EXACTLY what it will be if it outlaws abortion. You may not like the fact that you and Ceauşescu are simpatico but it's true. And it IS what the US will become. The growth in orphans will be tremendous in this country, and the growth in unadoptable orphans will be even worse. Because like it or not, ALOT of abortions are performed on women that would otherwise have kids that prospective parents are NOT looking to adopt. Shit parents go to China to get a child rather than adopt american kids that have some pretty serious problems due to prenatal problems and behavioral problems.
I don't know what the problem is. its really none of our business if someone decides to have an abortion or not.. feel the same way about if someone decides to smoke pot, or if to homos want to get married.

I dont get the current republican party.. They cry independent freedom when it comes to guns but then want to force teaching of creationism.

They want people to stand on own feet and be independent by taking away social services.. but then want to ban abortion or letting gays marrys.

Very conflicted party. or they just lie.
Actually there is a comparison. The fact that you are deliberately ending an innocent childs life. Calling the child by a STAGE in its development is simply one of the ways pro-abortionists have dehumanized the child in order to justify killing it.
Bullshit man. Come on and quit letting emotion rule over your rational brain. A 12 week old fetus is NO DIFFERENT from an anacephaletic child. The longer into gestation then your argument gets stronger, but the VAST majority of abortions occur within the first 12 to 15 weeks. Using your logic then we should not let hospitals let anacephaletic kids die after they are born because by god they are innocent too. But we understand that forcing parents to keep a child with no brain alive insures that they will be bankrupted or he will go to Yale, live in Crawford Texas and the Republicans will elected him president.