Sara, Pretty and small

"This week, seven key witnesses informed Mr. Branchflower through their attorneys that they would not provide depositions. Their depositions, which had been agreed to and scheduled earlier with Mr. Branchflower, were cancelled within the last 72 hours."

Palin's stall
Governor is stonewalling the Troopergate investigation

Published: September 5th, 2008 12:11 AM
Last Modified: September 5th, 2008 03:03 AM

Gov. Sarah Palin is taking the wrong approach to Troopergate. She should be practicing the open and transparent, ethical and accountable government she promised when running for governor and boasts about now that she's on the national stage.
Instead, Gov. Palin has begun stonewalling the Legislature's attempt to get the bottom of allegations that she, her family or staff violated ethical or state personnel rules.

As a result, the Troopergate allegations hang over Palin's future and cloud her candidacy for vice president.

The allegations are that she, her family or administration improperly pressured then-Public Safety Commissioner Walt Monegan to fire Gov. Palin's ex-brother-in-law, state trooper Mike Wooten, who had been in the middle of a custody dispute with Palin's sister.
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Wow--a liberail commie wing of a couple of basement journalists. How credible.

Bash her all you want. You don't understand what you are doing. Palin is setting you up for a fall. She will let you talk all your trash, and let you presuade the people. Then, when she speaks to the citizens herself, she will explain all the accuasations--and the media will be mud in the peoples common sense minds. (which does not include the liberial homosexual mafia)

Watch--and learn how people with truth work.

your cop story--the guy she fired admitted Sara did nothing wrong. The brother in law that she wanted him to disipline tazed their young son (about 10 I think at the time), got caught with a beer in his squad car, was guilty of domestic violence, and threatned Palins father that he would shoot him in the head if Sara went after him. She went after corruption, and the corrupters lost again. The guy she fired must have thought he was corrected (for not disiplining a severly deranged officer) fairly, or he would not have stated that Palin did nothing wrong

I see what you support--lies and manupilation, corruption. your not good enough.
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Your beating a dead horse with the cop story--I think. Would you like to bet $100.00 that nothing becomes of this story? Put your money where your mouth is?

yea--I didn't think so.
LOL... Well whataya know? Desh finally surfaces, armed with ammo from and daily kos, to do battle with the cons over Palin! Well, guess what toots.. we don't care! You're pissing in the wind.

Let me tell you what the problem is with Pinheads like yourself, Desh... You all assume everyone is as stupid as you are. You think we are going to buy a bunch of hokey hyped up bullshit from liberal propagandists, and believe McCain is actually dumb enough to nominate a VP facing an indictment. He has ran for president a number of times, and finally wins his party's nomination, it's his last shot at being president, then he goes out and picks a running mate who is about to go to down on 'abuse of power' charges? I don't think so honey, but you keep believing it.
The brother in law situation has already been debunked. He had 11 official reprimands against him in less than 2 years. He is under investigation for tasering his 11 year old son. And he made threats against his former wife, Sarah Palin and her family in front of several witnesses.

Do you think this kind of man should be a law enforcement officer? The SOB deserved to be fired and should have been a long time ago. It is but one of the good-old-boys networks Palin has taken on. Of course the good-old-boys networks are going to fight back. and liberals are there with their teeth hanging out. Suddenly the organizations you claim to despise are your allies in your smear campaign.

As for the withdrawals of commitments to depositions, where does it show the people who withdrew their commitments were witnesses in Palin's favor? Since it would be best for Palin to have the matter cleared up quickly, it is more likely it is her opposition who is screwing up the schedule to keep the issue in the news as long as possible.
Yeah because you NEVER insult anyone huh?

Grow some extra skin if you want to wnader arround calling people every name in the book.
LOL... Well whataya know? Desh finally surfaces, armed with ammo from and daily kos, to do battle with the cons over Palin! Well, guess what toots.. we don't care! You're pissing in the wind.

Meaning pissing agaist the wind--and getting yourself all wet Desh.
The brother in law situation has already been debunked. He had 11 official reprimands against him in less than 2 years. He is under investigation for tasering his 11 year old son. And he made threats against his former wife, Sarah Palin and her family in front of several witnesses.

Do you think this kind of man should be a law enforcement officer? The SOB deserved to be fired and should have been a long time ago. It is but one of the good-old-boys networks Palin has taken on. Of course the good-old-boys networks are going to fight back. and liberals are there with their teeth hanging out. Suddenly the organizations you claim to despise are your allies in your smear campaign.

As for the withdrawals of commitments to depositions, where does it show the people who withdrew their commitments were witnesses in Palin's favor? Since it would be best for Palin to have the matter cleared up quickly, it is more likely it is her opposition who is screwing up the schedule to keep the issue in the news as long as possible.

Great hes a scumbag.

You still have not commented on the part where a Guy lost his job because he refused to act illegally on Palins request and fire the trooper.

So that guy deserved to lose his job because he refused to do something that was illegal?
Yeah because you NEVER insult anyone huh?

Grow some extra skin if you want to wnader arround calling people every name in the book.

I guess you don't have any valid points to help educate me. You took the tear down approach. Like your commie opinion means anything to me. I would have prefered you actually show some substance this time--but your not capable evidently.

Ask the same of me anytime--and I will show you some substance. I might not even call you a liberial homosexual mafia member.

I can take the punches man-- you hit like a girl.
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I still want to know where Liberals get off recycling the scandal name, "Troopergate?" Didn't we already have a 'Troopergate' under Clinton? Wasn't it when he fired Arkansas State Troopers who threatened to reveal his extra-marital affairs during his campaign for president? Even if the charges against Palin were absolute truth, it is better than what Clinton did... but how can you get away with using the same scandal name... don't we have some kind of protocol here?
Great hes a scumbag.

You still have not commented on the part where a Guy lost his job because he refused to act illegally on Palins request and fire the trooper.

So that guy deserved to lose his job because he refused to do something that was illegal?

That is not what what the guy who got fired said. He said "Palin did nothing wrong--I was wrong". Nice try commie.
That is not what what the guy who got fired said. He said "Palin did nothing wrong--I was wrong". Nice try commie.

And several witnesses have also desided NOT to testify in the last 72 hours after they had made arragements to do so long ago.

Funny that.
Great hes a scumbag.

You still have not commented on the part where a Guy lost his job because he refused to act illegally on Palins request and fire the trooper.

So that guy deserved to lose his job because he refused to do something that was illegal?

That is not what what the guy who got fired said. He said "Palin did nothing wrong--I was wrong".

In fact, the big fat Republican dude with corruption up the ying yang, who Palin forced to resign from the ethics comittee (of which she had to resign as a independant, because the Republican party did not like here fighting the republican corruption, and bringing it to light) also admitted his errors, and payed 12 grand in penatilities. (which is nothing for him).
Nice try commie.

what in the fuck is the matter with your grey matter?

Dish up some links to these so called facts?
Desh--if you don't feel confident enough about the stories you produce to place a bet with me on the valididy of the smear you do---may be--you know your not credible, and are only t5rying to manipluate the public.

I take you on with a bet--but your not confident of the facts of the stories you spread.

$100.00 says the cop story goes nowhere. Are you confident or not? Take my money--please, if you are.

what in the fuck is the matter with your grey matter?

Dish up some links to these so called facts?

It is not my grey matter--it is your life. You are like a slimy laywer, who throws in all kinds of BS to skirt real facts of a issue. You do it on purpose to help confuse the public, just like a slimy lawyer does in court. You live in the grey matter like most commie liberials--you can't see the real issues--or totally ignore them because the facts don't fall in line with your grey matter thinking (not black and white thinking at all).

If we were both laywers, I would tear you up in a seemingly close case that you think you have. I would do it---Palin style--with facts--just like she will do to slimey lawyer Biden and Obama.

you ask me to dish up the facts--yet you are the one with the accusations. The twisted liberial mind at work. But most commies think that innocence has to be proven--not accusations.
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