Sarah Palin endorses Star Parker for Congress


Loyal to the end
Congressional Candidate Star Parker today announced former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin has endorsed her campaign to represent the people of the 37th District in south Los Angeles County. On Thursday, Gov. Palin praised Star's 'incredible story' and 'passionate commitment to her community and our great nation.'

Highlighting Star's work to strengthen parents and families in Los Angeles and across the country, Gov. Palin said in her endorsement:

"I'm proud to endorse Star Parker for California's 37th Congressional District. Star has an incredible story and a passionate commitment to her community and our great nation. Rising up from being a single mom on welfare, Star worked hard to build a non-profit network that seeks to reduce poverty and create a brighter future for America by promoting free market solutions and personal responsibility.


You go girl! :good4u:
Some of what you said kind of indicates she's been a community activist. Is this true?
From her site:

She is the founder and president of CURE, the Center for Urban Renewal & Education, a 501(c)3 non-profit think tank that explores and promotes market-based public policy to fight poverty.

Prior to her involvement in social activism, Star Parker was a single welfare mother in Los Angeles, California. After receiving Christ, Star returned to college, received a BS degree in marketing and launched an urban Christian magazine. The 1992 Los Angeles riots destroyed her business, yet served as a springboard for her focus on conservative activism.
How so? This is just one conservative supporting another. How is race even an issue?

It's called projection; some people always and only see color and they assume that's how everyone else is too.

Because approximately only 6% of voting black American's identify as conservative it must mean that it is because conservatives are racist. Dismissed is the fact that liberal democrats have worked tirlessly and segregated black American's into a "special voting block".

Women Like Star understand that all the freebies can also work against self motivation. That all the manipulation that serves to keep black American's angry and feeling entitled to that anger, serves to keep them (as a community) down, not to elevate them.
It's called projection; some people always and only see color and they assume that's how everyone else is too.

Because approximately only 6% of voting black American's identify as conservative it must mean that it is because conservatives are racist. Dismissed is the fact that liberal democrats have worked tirlessly and segregated black American's into a "special voting block".

Women Like Star understand that all the freebies can also work against self motivation. That all the manipulation that serves to keep black American's angry and feeling entitled to that anger, serves to keep them (as a community) down, not to elevate them.

I don't believe that only 6% of blacks are conservative. They voted against queer marriage in California. Most I know are disgusted by sodomy.
I don't believe that only 6% of blacks are conservative. They voted against queer marriage in California. Most I know are disgusted by sodomy.

complex question, as is the issue of "what is a conservative"....for example, the largest black protestant organization would be the African Methodist Episcopalian Church, which takes the stand that abortion is murder with malice....their membership alone comprises more than 6% of blacks.....
She is a very attractive, exceptionally smart woman who would be a great member of congress. She is a small government conservative, who I disagree with on abortion, but that is not a pressing issue right now. I would love to see her win. That being said, she has almost zero experience doing anything other than being a community organizer and unemployed welfare mother. If she was a democrat, the same person singing her praises would be decrying her lack of experience. I also find it interesting that in a political ad, she feels the need to tell us all that she received Christ. That has NOTHING to do with whether or not she will be a decent politician but on the right it is almost ALL they need to know.
That being said, she has almost zero experience doing anything other than being a community organizer and unemployed welfare mother. If she was a democrat, the same person singing her praises would be decrying her lack of experience.

that's because if she were a Democrat she would be running for president instead of Congress......
She is a very attractive, exceptionally smart woman who would be a great member of congress. She is a small government conservative, who I disagree with on abortion, but that is not a pressing issue right now. I would love to see her win. That being said, she has almost zero experience doing anything other than being a community organizer and unemployed welfare mother. If she was a democrat, the same person singing her praises would be decrying her lack of experience. I also find it interesting that in a political ad, she feels the need to tell us all that she received Christ. That has NOTHING to do with whether or not she will be a decent politician but on the right it is almost ALL they need to know.

More baseless allegations. You don't have much to go on to fuel your hate. :)
She is a very attractive, exceptionally smart woman who would be a great member of congress. She is a small government conservative, who I disagree with on abortion, but that is not a pressing issue right now. I would love to see her win. That being said, she has almost zero experience doing anything other than being a community organizer and unemployed welfare mother. If she was a democrat, the same person singing her praises would be decrying her lack of experience. I also find it interesting that in a political ad, she feels the need to tell us all that she received Christ. That has NOTHING to do with whether or not she will be a decent politician but on the right it is almost ALL they need to know.

"That being said, she has almost zero experience doing anything other than being a community organizer and unemployed welfare mother."

HELL; she could run for the Office of the Presidency, with those credits!!
It wouldn't be the first time.