Sarah Palin sealed the deal...


God Bless America
I am 100% for sure voting for John McCain.

Sarah Palin is an OUTSTANDING choice. Her conservative record will balance the ticket, and while she does lack experience, she has proven herself to be an effective leader. The same cannot be said for Barack Obama, who, FYI, is running for COMMANDER IN CHIEF, NOT Vice President, and has proven ONLY his own lack of credibility and competency.

Palin has less experience than I would like, but her excellent values and conservative beliefs, and appeal to women voters, is EXACTLY what McCain needs.

Oh yeah, and she's a babe. :)
McCain is 72. Pallin is running for President.

It is highly unlikely that McCain will die during his first term.

Besides, if experience is so important to you of all people, why are you supporting Barack Obama? Which would you prefer: lack of experience at the top of the ticket, or in the VP slot?

McCain and his campaign managers are BRILLIANT.

This pick will expose you liberals for the sexist imbeciles you are. :321:

In conclusion, go fuck yourself. :mad:
Obama has proven great and innovative leadership skills in this very campaign. Not that that means he is worth voting for, but...
Obama has proven great and innovative leadership skills in this very campaign. Not that that means he is worth voting for, but...

He has sold himself like a two bit whore.

He is an entirely manufactured candidate, and I can prove it.

Think back to the 2004 convention when Obama, a mere STATE REPRESENTATIVE, delivered the keynote address. What are the chances? Clearly, Obama was an inside job. He isn't even a real person - everything about him is as make-believe as the Easter bunny.
I am 100% for sure voting for John McCain.

Sarah Palin is an OUTSTANDING choice. Her conservative record will balance the ticket, and while she does lack experience, she has proven herself to be an effective leader. The same cannot be said for Barack Obama, who, FYI, is running for COMMANDER IN CHIEF, NOT Vice President, and has proven ONLY his own lack of credibility and competency.

Palin has less experience than I would like, but her excellent values and conservative beliefs, and appeal to women voters, is EXACTLY what McCain needs.

Oh yeah, and she's a babe. :)

Experience means nothing if it is experience on how to take as much of the peoples money as possible. I don't need or desire commie exerience in this country. I hate Obama with a passion, but I am not a liberialMcCain fan at all either. If I vote for McCain, it is only because I believe individuals like you and I will not put up with anything less than a real American like Palin--anymore. My vote would go for Palin--not McCain. Otherwise--it is Bob Barr for me.
Experience means nothing if it is experience on how to take as much of the peoples money as possible. I don't need or desire commie exerience in this country. I hate Obama with a passion, but I am not a liberialMcCain fan at all either. If I vote for McCain, it is only because I believe individuals like you and I will not put up with anything less than a real American like Palin--anymore. My vote would go for Palin--not McCain. Otherwise--it is Bob Barr for me.

Palin is a genuine conservative. I encourage you to look at her record. Alaska has the lowest taxes of all the States, and she has fought to keep it that way. She is 100% pro-life, and stood by her principles when her youngest was diagnosed with Down's syndrome in utero. She will help push American toward independence from foreign oil.

Obama says he will make America independent from foreign oil WITHOUT drilling. As usual, he is full of shit. :mad:
It is highly unlikely that McCain will die during his first term.

Besides, if experience is so important to you of all people, why are you supporting Barack Obama? Which would you prefer: lack of experience at the top of the ticket, or in the VP slot?

McCain and his campaign managers are BRILLIANT.

This pick will expose you liberals for the sexist imbeciles you are. :321:

In conclusion, go fuck yourself. :mad:

they support obama because they don't know how to support themselfs. they drank the same kool-aid Obama did, so they can relate to philosophies that the USA beat the crap out of 100 years ago. They don't know what they have in this country-so they believe the promise that some government can take care of them better than they can take care of themselfs. Nobody can take care of me in America, than I can.

the truth is, if we did not have a big fat expensive government that took our money, and sabatoged our working environment---Obama would be running for president of the UN. he is not an American--and neither is anybody who supports him--like Europe, Germany, and other countries that are jealous of a free population. Yes--I know we are all birds in a cage that still sing like we are free--Obama offers thicker cage bars, but the kool-aid drinkers can't see that fact.
they support obama because they don't know how to support themselfs. they drank the same kool-aid Obama did, so they can relate to philosophies that the USA beat the crap out of 100 years ago. They don't know what they have in this country-so they believe the promise that some government can take care of them better than they can take care of themselfs. Nobody can take care of me in America, than I can.

Indeed, Obama's speech reeked of socialism - how everyone is a victim, we can't take care of ourselves, etc., and therefore we need the messiah Lord Obama to come save the day, and introduce a government "solution" to every problem. It's disgusting.

Everyone in that stadium looked like a mindless drone.

he is not an American--and neither is anybody who supports him

Palin is a genuine conservative. I encourage you to look at her record. Alaska has the lowest taxes of all the States, and she has fought to keep it that way. She is 100% pro-life, and stood by her principles when her youngest was diagnosed with Down's syndrome in utero. She will help push American toward independence from foreign oil.

Obama says he will make America independent from foreign oil WITHOUT drilling. As usual, he is full of shit. :mad:

I dig Palin. I have heard of her outstanding record, and 80% of Alaskans agree she is outstsanding. I heard of her about 4 months ago, when she was on the Glenn Beck TV show. I dug her then. I can tell BS from a genuine person, and she seems very genuine and American to me. As Rush said--I hope she grows old in office. She is what me, and every person I know of personally wants in office. Only the modern day commies are putting her down (digging deep for a few scraps) while they totally ignore the red badge obama wears in place of a American flag pin.
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Indeed, Obama's speech reeked of socialism - how everyone is a victim, we can't take care of ourselves, etc., and therefore we need the messiah Lord Obama to come save the day, and introduce a government "solution" to every problem. It's disgusting.

Everyone in that stadium looked like a mindless drone.


Exactly. Now, I am not saying obama want to kill off the Jewish race--but Hitler did the exact same thing with the german population. A people under duress are easily persuaded to socialism/communisum. Germany was democratic before Hitler. Obama is saying we are all victims (and we are in some ways, but it has nothing to do with real American philosophjes). I have heard him and his waife litterially say that we should not try to do the best we can for ourselfs, because it is furitless. Instead of taking the shackels off of our feet, he promises socialism as the answer--that fails world wide.

you have to be three things to believe he is correct.

1-no ambition
2-a sence of intitlement that was not earned
3-a control freak who thinks people are too stupid to take care of themselfs.

Nobody can take care of me---better than me.
Everyone in that stadium looked like a mindless drone.


They are. They were hand picked from a sea of liberial do nothings. They were not a accurate repersentation of the American people. You or I--would not be allowed into that building when Obama was there.
they support obama because they don't know how to support themselfs. they drank the same kool-aid Obama did, so they can relate to philosophies that the USA beat the crap out of 100 years ago. They don't know what they have in this country-so they believe the promise that some government can take care of them better than they can take care of themselfs.

Please quote me in one instance where I have said "I can't take care of myself so I support obama who will provide magical government solutions to take care of me better than I can myself".

The entire concept is absurd. Thanks for the strawman.
Please quote me in one instance where I have said "I can't take care of myself so I support obama who will provide magical government solutions to take care of me better than I can myself".

The entire concept is absurd. Thanks for the strawman.

It is the very foundation of your ideology, Waterboard. :mad:

Modern-day liberalism is the idea that most people are too stupid to take care of themselves - that we need elitists like Obama and Biden to run our lives. This is why I found Obama's acceptance speech very degrading. He basically said that if you're poor, you can't help yourself out of it - you need government to do it for you. I find that ideology very offensive.

Obama is an elitist asshole, as well as a communist swine. :mad:
They are. They were hand picked from a sea of liberial do nothings. They were not a accurate repersentation of the American people. You or I--would not be allowed into that building when Obama was there.

They hand picked 70,000 people? Wow, how many people actually showed up, must have been like 1/2 a million?