Sarah Palin sealed the deal...

Please quote me in one instance where I have said "I can't take care of myself so I support obama who will provide magical government solutions to take care of me better than I can myself".

The entire concept is absurd. Thanks for the strawman.

"The government is not in business to make a profit, they are in business to make people happy!" -Waterhead
Please quote me in one instance where I have said "I can't take care of myself so I support obama who will provide magical government solutions to take care of me better than I can myself".

The entire concept is absurd. Thanks for the strawman.

Your a liberial educated kid with out a job. You don't have any real life experience or accomplishment yet. you don't pay for your bills, you live at home--you don't take care of yourself and want obama to do it for you.

Tell us all your life experiences. Tell us how you grabbed your American dream and started your own business. tell us how you take care of yourself.

YOU DON'T!! Nobody with a personal dream to follow will vote for Obama--and all the older folks that like him--never had the guts to chase their own dreams.
Your a liberial educated kid with out a job. You don't have any real life experience or accomplishment yet. you don't pay for your bills, you live at home--you don't take care of yourself and want obama to do it for you.

Tell us all you life experiences. Tell us how you grabbed your American dream and started your own business. tell us how you take care of yourself.


Your a liberial educated kid with out a job.

By what basis do you claim that I don't have a job? I do have a job.

I was born in Mississippi. My textbooks came with a disclaimer that evolution was just a theory. I think independently, all of your opinions come from Rush Limbaugh.

This is the common conservative tactic - whenever logic fails, turn to condescending personal attacks.
No it is not. That is a dumb strawman.

It is too---modern day liberialsim presumes the people can not take care of them selfs. I said on the radio the other day, that martin Luther king is a big American hero of mine, but I hate obama. Another liberial caller (who called me a stupid hyprocrit) said he does not understand my statement. it is simple. Not only was martin Luther king a registered republican (when republicans had consertative values) but he was the king because he has faith in people. not just black people, he had faith in all people. listen to Obama talk to you like your a victim in American, and only his social programs could help.

Now, Obama will not be elected--not this time. we are not willing to gain more socialism IMO as a whole, because we realize that with every social program, we lose a bit more of our freedom and liberties. It is individual freedon and liberties that made this country the best in the world in record time--a country that everybody once wanted to live in for some odd reason your professor did not teach you.

Liberials do not have faith in people--they want to control them. It is the same all over the world, and modern day communisum is no different in the USA. They just have a harder time prying the pitch fork from my hands--because I now realize what this country offers, that no other country offers. My individual right to do the beat I can for myself--which in turn helps out family, community, township, state and nation.

your professor is not from here--is he?
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your professor is not from here--is he?

I have several professors. It's stupid to refer to them in singular.

This differentiates me from you - a fifty year old virgin who works at Popeyes, without a college degree, and no hope to get one. Go shoot up a liberal church so that we can execute you.
By what basis do you claim that I don't have a job? I do have a job.

Really? What do you do?

I was born in Mississippi. My textbooks came with a disclaimer that evolution was just a theory.

It is just a theory, dumbass, and 99.9% of scientists will agree. The only scientist bold enough to refer to evolution as a "fact" was Carl Sagan, and I'm pretty sure he was speaking out of his ass when he said it. Most of the time, he called it what it is: a theory.
By what basis do you claim that I don't have a job? I do have a job.

I was born in Mississippi. My textbooks came with a disclaimer that evolution was just a theory. I think independently, all of your opinions come from Rush Limbaugh.

This is the common conservative tactic - whenever logic fails, turn to condescending personal attacks.

Show me some logic. You twisted that 180 deg quick.

Lets hear your whole life experience--then you can tell us you know how to run a country full of free people.

Face it--your just a snot nosed kid that can not make it on your own yet. Do NOT take offense at that, it is just life. I had to spend half of my life gaining the skills to start my own sucessfull business to get my dream. Now, obama wants to tax me because I make more money for a change. Do you relaize, when you go get your dream--obama and commie liberials you support will take it away from you? Get more life experience--then talk like you know something--because then--you will.

My prediction is that you will start listening to Rush (who is a puppet for the right--but has good info) when you try to take care of yourself, and realize your work is for social programs for thsoe who refuse to take care of themselfs. When they take your money--you will see the light. Tell me that Obama will take care of people, when his own half brother (his father had 4 wives, and was a polygamist--did not read that in his book either?) lives to this day--dirt poor in a hut in some thrid world country. The half brother lives on 1 dollar a month. Obama "is his brothers keeper" (a recient obama quote).

I do agree with the Dems on one topic. Irresponsible world trade is hurting the people of the USA and every industrialized nation. But--because the rich world banks and the shareholders are putting us unfairly in a poor position--I still don't agree that any government can fix that with social programs. Social programs during this time will expand poverty for people that take care of them self a bit better than you do at this point in your young life.
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This differentiates me from you - a fifty year old virgin who works at Popeyes, without a college degree, and no hope to get one.

There's liberalism right there: no hope to do anything by our own initiative, and therefore we need government to take care of us and run our lives. Thanks for finally admitting it. Debate over.
There's liberalism right there: no hope to do anything by our own initiative, and therefore we need government to take care of us and run our lives. Thanks for finally admitting it. Debate over.

Don't ever say "debate over. That is what liberials say when they get so arrogant that they can't debate logic--that is what they say about global warming "debate over" (but somegbody forgot to tell the cooler temps we experience today). it is a liberial arrogant move, that we need not adopt.

I love the way this kid liberial who can't whipe his own butt yet--calls you a looser. I was a loser two years ago at 42--with a job. Loosing it, and having it taken away from you are two different things. Wait until little water mark gets a job, and has to take care of himself. he will spen his whole live fighting a feeling of entitlement. Entitlement that he may have actually earned himself--but his choices of elected officials will make sure he does not get what he earns. That is what he learned in college--it is called "collectivism" and is the basis for communisum. But--they don't dare use those words in his college--because it will make him a critical thinker and not good for "the movement" (that water mark refuses to explain the movement he once talked about--he is a little commie). We can't have critical thinkers in this country, and have a successfull modern day communist society.

By the way Watermark---didn't time mag (a liberial commie mag) make Putin "man of the year" a few months ago? Wake up watermark.
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Ah - the thread of delusioned people.

Palin is the female Dan Quayle. Get ready for the hangover.

I don't know much about Dan Quayle, but I hardly consider anybody who deserves the fruits of their labor delusioned. If you are not a liberial, and have some kind of ambition of your own--USA and Palin are the way to go. If you want to be a slave to a government--Obama and McCain are the way to go---in that order.
Palin is a genuine conservative. I encourage you to look at her record. Alaska has the lowest taxes of all the States, and she has fought to keep it that way. She is 100% pro-life, and stood by her principles when her youngest was diagnosed with Down's syndrome in utero. She will help push American toward independence from foreign oil.

Obama says he will make America independent from foreign oil WITHOUT drilling. As usual, he is full of shit. :mad:

a dead baby is better than a retard baby. Who's with me?
Probably more people from Mass and SoCal are with you--I am sure.
I am not a person who cares for the abortion debate, because I think it is more about being a emotional morality gauge for some people. but--I do have to say, Palin claims to be a pro lifer, and she stuck with her guns when they were pointed at her--after she already had 4 children. That is pro family for sure. Some people may extend your attitude to gays. if the day comes that technology can determine if a fetus will be gay or not--I bet you will change your tune --right? Palin seems to have the integrity I am looking for. She has the kind of integrity is very hard to find today--with 90% of our politicians. I don't see Row Vrs Wade being over turned with any candidate, or it probably would have happened already. To me--the subject is almost mute, because both sides have great points IMO. I think you will find that the American masses will see Palin as a well rounded individual, who has a back bone against corruption and is not scare to fight hard. She likes it. I think she really digs giving Americans back their lives---even her disavantaged last child. Down syndrom babies quite often work jobs and support them selfs pretty well. better than most liberials. hehe
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Watermark, when you you going to respond?

You admitted that we cannot help ourselves. You said, referring to TheMajority, "This differentiates me from you - a fifty year old virgin who works at Popeyes, without a college degree, and no hope to get one."

You believe government must nurture us from the cradle to the grave.

Why do you hate America?
America today

I think everyone is looking forward to a modern nation that teaches creationism in its schools, drills in everyone's backyard, bans a woman right to choose as they veto child care. We lost credibility under Bush, we will now become a joke under McCain.