Saving Some Dignity

I know, that is what I always see when he writes “manhatter”. I see “madhatter”. Which is funny, because I decided to buy a hat over the weekend. A really cool fedora type of hat. I love the way it looks. I never really wear hats. You know, something new.
I still have a leather fedora from my HS days, of course I don't wear it anymore but I have it. It went along with the whole Metalhead or "stoner" look.
THERE ARE tons of issues to get the cons on without going full retard like desh and dhula the swiftboaters do.
THERE ARE tons of issues to get the cons on without going full retard like desh and dhula the swiftboaters do.

I didnt even post in this thread assclown.

Aint you the guy who told us we were Gerbers for warning about the subprime and CEO pay?

More Millionaires huh toppledspin
Topper is in a tizzy and just can't decide which way to flop lately.

One thing has become clear though. toppy is a brownnosing suckup.
the clear thing is there's not a decent college degree between usc, desh, and dhula nor a good job.
I like my job.

Im good at it.

I spent the summer getting my rental house in shape( reroofing, relandscaping, marketing and renting).

I just put in great tenenats with ression proof income who will make me money for years to come.

Not all people have to sell their souls to make money.

Just wow

Here is a tip folks, anytime a political discussion deteriorates to calling women cunts and talking about a man's "half-hard microscopic penis" its safe to say the topic is a waste.

On the subject of hats, I had a dark grey fedora many years ago that was a great hat. I have had a lotta hats over the years (until I started shaving my head), but that fedora was one of my favorites.

On the subject of hats, I had a dark grey fedora many years ago that was a great hat. I have had a lotta hats over the years (until I started shaving my head), but that fedora was one of my favorites.

Isn't it strange that when you start shaving your head you don't want to wear a hat. I used to wear hats all the time and now have to force myself to put one on when I'm out in the sun....but never wear them otherwise.
Isn't it strange that when you start shaving your head you don't want to wear a hat. I used to wear hats all the time and now have to force myself to put one on when I'm out in the sun....but never wear them otherwise.

I know! I am finally immune to "hat hair" and I don't wear them.

Part of it is the way it looks. It looks like I am being treated for cancer and want to hide it.

The other part is that it gets more expensive. Now that its against my bare scalp, I can tolerate any plastic or cheap junk.

I paid more for my hats I wear hunting than I would have liked.
I love fedoras on men.

It was one of the things that got women all hot on Indiana Jones

You can do so much with a fedors. Cock it back, set it at a rakish angle, or have it low and look out from under it.

They are a great costume piece at least.
No hat hair, no helmet head (I ride a motorcycle and yes, I wear a helmet), no windblown look, no hair's great. Plus my wife likes to rub it. Scalp massages are great.
Isn't it strange that when you start shaving your head you don't want to wear a hat. I used to wear hats all the time and now have to force myself to put one on when I'm out in the sun....but never wear them otherwise.

just use suncreen.... much easier than a hat.
just use suncreen.... much easier than a hat.

They make a sunscreen stick (like solid deodorant) that works well and is easy to keep handy.

The only two drawbacks to a shaven head is the sunburn and the fact that there is nothing to slow the sweat down. It seems to pour right into my eyes.
They make a sunscreen stick (like solid deodorant) that works well and is easy to keep handy.

The only two drawbacks to a shaven head is the sunburn and the fact that there is nothing to slow the sweat down. It seems to pour right into my eyes.

I have started wearing dorky sweatbands. they do work pretty good.
I do not shave my head just getting thin ion top. Had to start wearing hats and such. Don't want any McCain melonoma.