Saying hi!

I know more about my own beliefs than you apparently do. Please don't insult me like that in my own thread. Get off your holier than thou bull. You have no clue what you're talking about and you need to seriously educate yourself on socialism. Not what brainwashing scare tacticts have told you over the years. I answered your question's and you don't like my answers so tough luck.

ANd you merely think you know it all but cannot answer simple questions about your own beliefs.
I know more about my own beliefs than you apparently do. Please don't insult me like that in my own thread. Get off your holier than thou bull. You have no clue what you're talking about and you need to seriously educate yourself on socialism. Not what brainwashing scare tacticts have told you over the years. I answered your question's and you don't like my answers so tough luck.

You didn't answer the question. It's not a personal attack. In your worldview how do nonslaves compete with slaves?
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Welcome to the board. And yes, this is actually somebody new.

I blame Tiana for this humiliation! If she wasn’t always messing around I never would have thought that. Damo you could put up an “actual newbie alert” next time, you know.
I am really sorry, Southernbelle.
I also wanted to add it is a personal attack when you become so holier than thou and insulting on my own political beliefs.

I was asking you to explain your beliefs.

How do nonslaves compete with slaves? Does this question really blow your mind so thoroughly that you can't even respond?

It'd be better if you chill out and think rationally instead of going hysterical.
Well now I understand it's cool so no hard feelings. Well I thought that was the point of this thread?? Maybe they should have some newbie little sign next to the name for a while or something?

I blame Tiana for this humiliation! If she wasn’t always messing around I never would have thought that. Damo you could put up an “actual newbie alert” next time, you know.
I am really sorry, Southernbelle.
Well, I am not even close to socialist. We now have two confirmed cases of socialism on the board. We welcome all to give their opinions, just expect personalities to clash a bit on occasion.
Don't you tell me I'm going hysterical when you personally attack me. I'm allowed to go "hysterical" when you insult me. And I pointed to the Bolivarian Revolution in Venezuela. Here's a link for you to read up on them-

They're very into worker rights etc.

I was asking you to explain your beliefs.

How do nonslaves compete with slaves? Does this question really blow your mind so thoroughly that you can't even respond?

It'd be better if you chill out and think rationally instead of going hysterical.
Well at least I'm not a lone. ;) And sure that happens from time to time on political forums. Bound to happen.

Well, I am not even close to socialist. We now have two confirmed cases of socialism on the board. We welcome all to give their opinions, just expect personalities to clash a bit on occasion.
Don't you tell me I'm going hysterical when you personally attack me. I'm allowed to go "hysterical" when you insult me. And I pointed to the Bolivarian Revolution in Venezuela. Here's a link for you to read up on them-

They're very into worker rights etc.

I didn't attack you. WHy can't you answer a simple question: How do free people compete with slaves? Just answer it instead of getting huffy. I don't care about venezuela.

Intereseting...You are from the South...studying Criminal Justice...Love John(Lt.)Kerry...confess to being a 'Socialist' and support the regeim of Hugo...what is wrong with this picture...should you not be studying for a LLB and working on a job with the ACLU?
Either you are pulling our collective chains...or are maybe Johns daughter...:rolleyes:
I'm studying criminal justice and want to do Criminology. I'm very into that field and am passionate about it. Uh yeah I like John Kerry and I also like Hugo Chavez. What's the problem? And I used to want to work for the ACLU but now I am into Criminology. John Kerry only has two daughters and they're older than I am. Oh the horror that I'm a John Kerry and a Hugo Chavez supporter!! (sarcasm in case you missed it)

Intereseting...You are from the South...studying Criminal Justice...Love John(Lt.)Kerry...confess to being a 'Socialist' and support the regeim of Hugo...what is wrong with this picture...should you not be studying for a LLB and working on a job with the ACLU?
Either you are pulling our collective chains...or are maybe Johns daughter...:rolleyes:
oh no. A CSI fan. The show Where people choose who the perpetrator is based on politics and then come up with magical hunches to lead them to the perpetrator.
Yeah you did attack me when you claimed I didn't even know my own political beliefs. Than you compared socialism to fascism and yet I'm the ignorant one on my beliefs! LOL! Again I already answered your question more than enough times. You can read right? I told you my answer and you weren't happy with it. I also gave you a second answer and that was to google the Bolivarian Revolution and what they're doing in Venezuela. That is my answer. Since apparently you can't go to a simple link yourself I will copy and paste it.


< This co-management is oriented towards workers´ control, such as in INVEPAL, INVEVAL, INVETEX and ALCASA (four factories under workers´ control and which are well-known in Venezuela - Ed). All this has its origins in the struggle of the workers of Venepal, now INVEPAL, when they took it 4 years ago. Formalists in our movement said that nationalisation under workers´ control was impossible because the government would not defend such a demand.

We defended that it was possible because the government did not have one sole policy on that issue. What was needed was to extend the struggle and to link it up with the peasants in the countryside to deepen the revolutionary process.

The key to deepening the process are the links between the struggles in defence of the Bolivarian Revolution, and how these struggles were won.

We felt great joy and enthusiasm after the victory of those workers, but it was not a sign of joy but to point out the way forward to the rest of the movement - to be able to have a concrete plan of action to unite the working class for a victorious campaign of factory occupations.

President Hugo Chávez has demonstrated himself to be an honest man and a great revolutionary, but on his own he cannot make a triumphant revolution, and he is aware of that. That is why the tasks of the Marxists are to defend and deepen the co-management campaign and lead it to self-management of the economy by the workers.

The workers of those factories are aware that in order to advance it is necessary to nationalise the principal components of the economy that are still in the hands of the ruling class. The monopolies, the big estates and the private banks, with all their economic power, are used to finance the attacks of mercenary groups against the revolution. We have recently seen attacks by paramilitary groups in some cities. They were armed and some university rectors have allowed those groups to use university laboratories to develop Molotov cocktails. Also in the countryside there is a terror campaign, where more than 200 peasants have been killed.

But we are sure about the victory of the revolution. The victory of the factory occupations provoked a domino effect. With a new wave of factory occupations and by the initiative of the workers a new organisation has been created. The FRETECO, the Revolutionary Front of Workers of Factories Occupied and under Co-management, the main aim of which is to coordinate the different conflicts, which at the end of the day are all part of the same struggle.

Using this as a way to unify the rest of the working class, workers from occupied factories, under co-management and on struggle are the first battalion in this war - they know that to achieve victory they need the rest of the army to follow. That army is the rest of the working class.

Now the revolution depends on whether the working class will place itself at the forefront of the revolutionary struggle with the oppressed and exploited to achieve socialism. This is the key for the victory of the Bolivarian Revolution.

The Bolivarian Revolution can only survive as long as the different struggles around the world are successful, in other words, the World Socialist Revolution. To use an expression of Chávez, "capitalism has to fall internationally or it won't fall".

Long Live the struggle of the exploited and oppressed because they will change the world!

Long live the World Socialist Revolution because the world belongs to all peoples!

We must support Chávez and the Bolivarian Revolution!

Workers of the world unite! >

I didn't attack you. WHy can't you answer a simple question: How do free people compete with slaves? Just answer it instead of getting huffy. I don't care about venezuela.
No problem..........

I'm studying criminal justice and want to do Criminology. I'm very into that field and am passionate about it. Uh yeah I like John Kerry and I also like Hugo Chavez. What's the problem? And I used to want to work for the ACLU but now I am into Criminology. John Kerry only has two daughters and they're older than I am. Oh the horror that I'm a John Kerry and a Hugo Chavez supporter!! (sarcasm in case you missed it)

you have the right to support anyone or anything you like...however I don't like John Kerry not do I like a problem with that?If so too bad...we are all free to support or cut anyone we like or dislike.......:readit: