schadenfreude died tuesday 17 jan 2012

Don Quixote

cancer survivor
my brother died after a prolonged illness

he has joined his wife who he had mourned since her death after a lingering illness
My deepest sympathy Don Quixote.

"When he shall die take him and cut him out into stars and he shall make the face of heaven so fine that all the world will be in love with night and pay no worship to the garish sun."

William Shakespeare
I'm very sorry to hear this, DQ, and you have my deepest sympathy. I enjoyed reading schadenfreude's comments. It was apparent how much he missed his wife, now they're reunited.
my brother died after a prolonged illness

he has joined his wife who he had mourned since her death after a lingering illness

My long time friend, who reached out to my family when my daughter was in a horrendous auto accident, I am so very sorry for your loss.

May he find his bride, may he find his peace.

Big hugs to you and I am again sorry for your great loss.
my brother died after a prolonged illness

he has joined his wife who he had mourned since her death after a lingering illness

My condolances Don.

When our loved one dies, it’s as if they are on a ship, leaving port and disappearing over the horizon. And those of us left on the dock watch sadly and say, “There he goes.” And when the ship goes over the horizon we mourn because our loved one seems to be gone completely, because we can’t see him any more.

But, when the ship disappears over the horizon to us, it is just appearing to those at another port. And there are loved ones and fellow believers standing on the dock there who have already made the same journey. They are watching expectantly, and when the ship comes over the horizon and approaches, they cheer and say joyously, “Here he comes!”
My most heartfelt condolences for your loss. I hope and pray that your brother finds his loving wife and peace.
My condolances Don.

When our loved one dies, it’s as if they are on a ship, leaving port and disappearing over the horizon. And those of us left on the dock watch sadly and say, “There he goes.” And when the ship goes over the horizon we mourn because our loved one seems to be gone completely, because we can’t see him any more.

But, when the ship disappears over the horizon to us, it is just appearing to those at another port. And there are loved ones and fellow believers standing on the dock there who have already made the same journey. They are watching expectantly, and when the ship comes over the horizon and approaches, they cheer and say joyously, “Here he comes!”

thank you

my brother and i both believe in gaea of the universes, he and his wife are either with gaea or have begun a new journey, but my wife and i miss him nontheless

however, we shall join them as we bid an end to this journey and begin another
i recently lost my brother as well. i hope you make it through this tough time. you're in my prayers.

and you in mine

this is the second time i have lost a brother and i know your pain and feelings of loss

all i can say is that while the loss never goes away, after a while the loss becomes bearable, peace unto you
To both Yurt and DQ, I am truly sorry for you loss. I have yet to lose anyone in my immediate family and I imagine the loss must be so hard. You are both in my prayers.