
Don Quixote

cancer survivor
why is it that most conservatives do not want public schools or public libraries and most liberals want public schools and public libraries
There is also the possibility that the town could not afford it?

Someone brings up a measure to expand the library but had no way to pay for it. There is nothing to do but vote against it, no matter how noble the idea may be.
Have you considered the possibility that you're an idiot?

We've considered the possibility that you were one. We gave up, it was a deadlock. Some thought you were indeed an idiot, others argued you had sense to log into the 'Internets' so you can't be a complete idiot. I maintained you were only a half-assed idiot... but you may grow out of it someday and be a full-fledged idiot.
why is it that most conservatives do not want public schools or public libraries and most liberals want public schools and public libraries

I am a Conservative... some say, an 'extreme' Conservative... I have never favored having 'no public libraries' or banning any book from it, with the generally accepted exceptions of visual pornography and terrorist manuals, etc. I have never favored doing away with public funding for schools or education, I think it is one of government's key responsibilities. I am in favor of a voucher program, and so are many others who are faced with the debacle that has become our public educational system. I don't swallow the teacher's union koolaid of continuing to throw my money at something that just isn't working. I believe every family should have a choice of schools, and let the schools compete for their child's education. What the hell is so 'extreme' about that, I have no clue. It makes perfect sense to me.

What Liberals want, is to federally fund smut huts they call 'libraries' and 'whore houses' they continue to call public schools. Liberals say they want "Change" but do they? Not when it comes to schools and libraries, they want no change... just pay teachers more and expand more smut-wings on the libraries... and do it with the tax they bilk from the 'wealthy' public!
The Republicans in my county want to close down the last 2 small out in county schools and build a new mega school in town. Those 2 small schools get better test scores than any of the in town schools and have much less problems with students, better attendance, etc. It will cost mega bucks to bus students to town. and they are crying now that they can't afford fuel for their busses.
I live in a red county and state.

Stupid asses.
The Republicans in my county want to close down the last 2 small out in county schools and build a new mega school in town. Those 2 small schools get better test scores than any of the in town schools and have much less problems with students, better attendance, etc. It will cost mega bucks to bus students to town. and they are crying now that they can't afford fuel for their busses.
I live in a red county and state.

Stupid asses.

They can't afford fuel for the busses so the solution is to build a bigger school to save gas money? WTF are they thinking. I'm sure 30 years from now, the cost benefit will seem within reach, right about the time they start discussing building another school.
They can't afford fuel for the busses so the solution is to build a bigger school to save gas money? WTF are they thinking. I'm sure 30 years from now, the cost benefit will seem within reach, right about the time they start discussing building another school.

you have got me, mass cranialanalitis is all I can suspect.
They almost threw me out of a meeting on the issue.
Well, studies show, the more money you spend on schoolin', the more smarter they be. I learnt that in public school.

Nope since the studies here show they are spending less per student on the 2 schools they want to close down.

How well you learn depends on the parents, students and the teachers.
Good teachers are wonderful.
Well, studies show, the more money you spend on schoolin', the more smarter they be. I learnt that in public school.

Don't know what studies you are looking at, but that isn't true. The average American is now paying almost $9k per year, per student for public education. I sent my daughter to a private academy in the 9th grade, it cost around $5k for the year, and her ACT scores were higher then the Valedictorian from her former school.

Test scores indicate, charter schools beat the living brains out of public schools in every area. In fact, the only two areas they don't beat public schools, is cost to the individual and federal/state funding. From a purely educational standpoint, there is no comparison, they are far superior.

Now you have to ask yourself, if these schools are so great, why aren't we doing this more? It's because the powerful teachers union lobby has the Democrat party in their hip pocket. Mind-numbed imbeciles march in lockstep to support the continuation of a broken and failed public education system, because the party leaders have sold them bunch of absolute bullshit, like DQ posted above. No Conservative wants to do away with public funding for schools, or even public schools for that matter, if they can get their act together and actually EDUCATE our kids for a change!
Don't know what studies you are looking at, but that isn't true. The average American is now paying almost $9k per year, per student for public education. I sent my daughter to a private academy in the 9th grade, it cost around $5k for the year, and her ACT scores were higher then the Valedictorian from her former school.

Test scores indicate, charter schools beat the living brains out of public schools in every area. In fact, the only two areas they don't beat public schools, is cost to the individual and federal/state funding. From a purely educational standpoint, there is no comparison, they are far superior.

Now you have to ask yourself, if these schools are so great, why aren't we doing this more? It's because the powerful teachers union lobby has the Democrat party in their hip pocket. Mind-numbed imbeciles march in lockstep to support the continuation of a broken and failed public education system, because the party leaders have sold them bunch of absolute bullshit, like DQ posted above. No Conservative wants to do away with public funding for schools, or even public schools for that matter, if they can get their act together and actually EDUCATE our kids for a change!

I'm ashamed, my joke fell flat :(
Don't know what studies you are looking at, but that isn't true. The average American is now paying almost $9k per year, per student for public education. I sent my daughter to a private academy in the 9th grade, it cost around $5k for the year, and her ACT scores were higher then the Valedictorian from her former school.

Test scores indicate, charter schools beat the living brains out of public schools in every area. In fact, the only two areas they don't beat public schools, is cost to the individual and federal/state funding. From a purely educational standpoint, there is no comparison, they are far superior.

Now you have to ask yourself, if these schools are so great, why aren't we doing this more? It's because the powerful teachers union lobby has the Democrat party in their hip pocket. Mind-numbed imbeciles march in lockstep to support the continuation of a broken and failed public education system, because the party leaders have sold them bunch of absolute bullshit, like DQ posted above. No Conservative wants to do away with public funding for schools, or even public schools for that matter, if they can get their act together and actually EDUCATE our kids for a change!

1. In Alabama I seriously doubt they spend 9k per a person.
2. I'm not going to take any of this shit you made up off the top of your head for truth.
3. Public education works in every nation on Earth, private education works in no nation on Earth. Use common sense.
There is also the possibility that the town could not afford it?

Someone brings up a measure to expand the library but had no way to pay for it. There is nothing to do but vote against it, no matter how noble the idea may be.

Or, they only need two books, the Republican Guide to Voting and the BIBLE!
observation over 63 years

ps palin voted against expanding the library in her town couldn't become that stupid in only 63 years.....not without sniffing a shitload of model airplane glue....
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