Science confirms Scripture.

That is the difference between science and religion, science has a very rigorous method of inquires, testing, retesting looking for a null hypothesis, science doesn't start out with an answer and then tries to prove the answer, that's religion ie guessing or basing it on perceived information on untested, unproven facts

When, in science an hypothesis is excepted after testing as stated above , it becomes a theory, when new formation comes to light the science is again tested and updated .

"Just a Theory": 7 Misused Science Words

Appeal to Faith
I'm not interested in the evidence — I just have faith that what I believe is true.

Arguing about God is useless because God is beyond scientific reasons or arguments.

I refuse to believe in all this global warming doom-and-gloom. I have faith that God wouldn't let such a bad thing happen to us.

Sound familiar? These are common refrains repeated by people who have appealed to their faith when making an argument — a fallacy in which religious convictions are conflated with reason and evidence. But while many of these people believe they're acting rationally, the truth is of the matter is that the choice to believe in something is no substitute for science.
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That is the difference between science and religion, science has a very rigorous method of inquires, testing, retesting looking for a null hypothesis, science doesn't start out with an answer and then tries to prove the answer, that's religion ie guessing or basing it on perceived information on untested, unproven facts

When, in science an hypothesis is excepted after testing as stated above , it becomes a theory, when new formation comes to light the science is again tested and updated .

how do the humanist's ideas about origin stand up against that scientific testing?......

I refuse to believe in all this global warming doom-and-gloom.

and yet, now even atheists have to admit the global warming doom and gloom was nothing but bullshit.......
The moral of the Story Of Jesus is that he came as an advocate for the dispossessed and downtrodden, and was put to death by the power structure.

Damn, and so how did *that* original meme get so twisted by today's modern American Christians? According to the ones on the Reichwing, He came with an AR15 to kick librul butt, make everyone Xtian wealthy, and put them back in charge till Armageddon comes around.
how do the humanist's ideas about origin stand up against that scientific testing?......

and yet, now even atheists have to admit the global warming doom and gloom was nothing but bullshit.......

your jerry fartwell U degree is showing!

Appeal to Faith
I'm not interested in the evidence — I just have faith that what I believe is true.

Arguing about God is useless because God is beyond scientific reasons or arguments.

I refuse to believe in all this global warming doom-and-gloom. I have faith that God wouldn't let such a bad thing happen to us.

Sound familiar? These are common refrains repeated by people who have appealed to their faith when making an argument — a fallacy in which religious convictions are conflated with reason and evidence. But while many of these people believe they're acting rationally, the truth is of the matter is that the choice to believe in something is no substitute for science.
your jerry fartwell U degree is showing!

Appeal to Faith
I'm not interested in the evidence — I just have faith that what I believe is true.

Arguing about God is useless because God is beyond scientific reasons or arguments.

I refuse to believe in all this global warming doom-and-gloom. I have faith that God wouldn't let such a bad thing happen to us.

Sound familiar? These are common refrains repeated by people who have appealed to their faith when making an argument — a fallacy in which religious convictions are conflated with reason and evidence. But while many of these people believe they're acting rationally, the truth is of the matter is that the choice to believe in something is no substitute for science.

no, it doesn't sound familiar......but the idiots who claimed that global warming was CAUSED by human activity have been shown by science to be liars.....I am glad we have put the era of lib'rul stupidity about global warming behind us....
That is the difference between science and religion, science has a very rigorous method of inquires, testing, retesting looking for a null hypothesis, science doesn't start out with an answer and then tries to prove the answer, that's religion ie guessing or basing it on perceived information on untested, unproven facts

When, in science an hypothesis is excepted after testing as stated above , it becomes a theory, when new formation comes to light the science is again tested and updated .

"Just a Theory": 7 Misused Science Words

Appeal to Faith
I'm not interested in the evidence — I just have faith that what I believe is true.

Arguing about God is useless because God is beyond scientific reasons or arguments.

I refuse to believe in all this global warming doom-and-gloom. I have faith that God wouldn't let such a bad thing happen to us.

Sound familiar? These are common refrains repeated by people who have appealed to their faith when making an argument — a fallacy in which religious convictions are conflated with reason and evidence. But while many of these people believe they're acting rationally, the truth is of the matter is that the choice to believe in something is no substitute for science.

You know, that's really funny. What you said about starting with an answer and trying to prove it. Because that is exactly what evolution does. So much for your scientific method. Lol.
You know, that's really funny. What you said about starting with an answer and trying to prove it. Because that is exactly what evolution does. So much for your scientific method. Lol.

You must have been "educated" with this book:

Donkeys Can Talk, People Can Fly, And A Man Named Jesus Lives Up In The Sky!
(Creation Science For Teens) -by Pastor Deacon Fred

Donkeys Can Talk and People Can Fly - Creation Science for Teens is a Bible based textbook designed to reclaim America's children from the corrupting influence of today's culture. Religious leaders around the country believe it will replace most high school science textbooks in the next four years. The book opens up with an unforgettable Bible truth in the form of a poem: "Donkeys Can Talk, People Can Fly and There's a God-Man Named Jesus Who Lives In The Sky - Science and Math are all made up lies, by a giant old demon with a tail and red eyes." These words describe in beautiful simplicity the glorious True Christian principles upon which the United States of America was founded.

Donkeys Can Talk and People Can Fly is a wonderfully animated approach to the Bible. Secular children will be introduced to timeless True Christian beliefs that come directly out of the Scriptures and not from the hallucinations of some boat-riding, bird-watching, monkey-loving, lizard-humping, 19th-century liberal! Teens will enjoy hearing stories about angels, "the flying people with wings," and demons, "naked red-skinned creatures with razor sharp teeth and horns sticking out of their sweaty heads." What a great book to have in secular schools! Kids will finally learn the truth about Creation- "how a giant old man with a long beard just snapped his fingers and everything just poofed into existence." Parents will be overjoyed to find that their children will no longer be exposed to the fantasies and supposed truths that public schools have been teaching them for the last 30 years. They will learn that some bodies do not decay after death, but remain intact and never rot so that when God finally decides to invade Earth, they will all come back to life and become "flying people" who zoom up to the clouds to join Jesus' army of angels on jet-propelled horses!"
You must have been "educated" with this book:

Donkeys Can Talk, People Can Fly, And A Man Named Jesus Lives Up In The Sky!
(Creation Science For Teens) -by Pastor Deacon Fred

Donkeys Can Talk and People Can Fly - Creation Science for Teens is a Bible based textbook designed to reclaim America's children from the corrupting influence of today's culture. Religious leaders around the country believe it will replace most high school science textbooks in the next four years. The book opens up with an unforgettable Bible truth in the form of a poem: "Donkeys Can Talk, People Can Fly and There's a God-Man Named Jesus Who Lives In The Sky - Science and Math are all made up lies, by a giant old demon with a tail and red eyes." These words describe in beautiful simplicity the glorious True Christian principles upon which the United States of America was founded.

Donkeys Can Talk and People Can Fly is a wonderfully animated approach to the Bible. Secular children will be introduced to timeless True Christian beliefs that come directly out of the Scriptures and not from the hallucinations of some boat-riding, bird-watching, monkey-loving, lizard-humping, 19th-century liberal! Teens will enjoy hearing stories about angels, "the flying people with wings," and demons, "naked red-skinned creatures with razor sharp teeth and horns sticking out of their sweaty heads." What a great book to have in secular schools! Kids will finally learn the truth about Creation- "how a giant old man with a long beard just snapped his fingers and everything just poofed into existence." Parents will be overjoyed to find that their children will no longer be exposed to the fantasies and supposed truths that public schools have been teaching them for the last 30 years. They will learn that some bodies do not decay after death, but remain intact and never rot so that when God finally decides to invade Earth, they will all come back to life and become "flying people" who zoom up to the clouds to join Jesus' army of angels on jet-propelled horses!"

or this book

The Talking Snake Theory: Creation Science & History For Christian Children
(Recommended for Children ages 3-12) -by Pastor Deacon Fred

The Talking Snake Theory is a fact-based historical Creation Science book for Christian youngsters. Readers journey back 6,000 years ago in time to the actual date when God created the first two humans from a pile of dirt and a spare rib. It is a time and place that, despite the first hand accounts from eyewitnesses in the Bible, most ignorant secular scholars and scientists refuse to believe existed. For True Christians®, Jews, and Muslims, our entire belief systems hinge on a few words from a talking snake who appeared around this same time. By using fun characters and cartoons based on factual accounts from the Holy Bible book of Genesis (one of the few history books that all three major religions in the world agree on), youngsters are taken on an educational journey they will remember for the rest of their lives. Children will learn the truth about how snakes used to have legs until one of them opened up his mouth and gave Eve (the first woman) some bad dieting advice. After God kicks Adam and Eve (the first humans) out of his Garden for listening to a talking snake, readers will follow the first family as they begin to populate the Earth. The author uses an imaginary character named "Becky," who is Cain's daughter by his mother, Eve, to explain how it was possible for Adam and Cain to find another woman to help them make more babies. After Becky agrees to be her dad's wife, they have more children together so that Adam can make babies with his grandchildren instead of his daughters, and so on.
or this book

The Talking Snake Theory: Creation Science & History For Christian Children
(Recommended for Children ages 3-12) -by Pastor Deacon Fred

The Talking Snake Theory is a fact-based historical Creation Science book for Christian youngsters. Readers journey back 6,000 years ago in time to the actual date when God created the first two humans from a pile of dirt and a spare rib. It is a time and place that, despite the first hand accounts from eyewitnesses in the Bible, most ignorant secular scholars and scientists refuse to believe existed. For True Christians®, Jews, and Muslims, our entire belief systems hinge on a few words from a talking snake who appeared around this same time. By using fun characters and cartoons based on factual accounts from the Holy Bible book of Genesis (one of the few history books that all three major religions in the world agree on), youngsters are taken on an educational journey they will remember for the rest of their lives. Children will learn the truth about how snakes used to have legs until one of them opened up his mouth and gave Eve (the first woman) some bad dieting advice. After God kicks Adam and Eve (the first humans) out of his Garden for listening to a talking snake, readers will follow the first family as they begin to populate the Earth. The author uses an imaginary character named "Becky," who is Cain's daughter by his mother, Eve, to explain how it was possible for Adam and Cain to find another woman to help them make more babies. After Becky agrees to be her dad's wife, they have more children together so that Adam can make babies with his grandchildren instead of his daughters, and so on.

Your pathetic attempts at deflection are simply hilarious. You claim to believe in science. According to the Bible, snakes had legs and lost them. Science has proven this to be the truth. I'm wondering why you have a problem with this. Science agrees with Scripture. It's a fact. Deal with it, then get on with your pathetic life
Is the Bible confirming Zombies?


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