Scratch dirtback Clark from the VP slot

Uh, what seems to be the problem:

CLARK: He has been a voice on the Senate Armed Services Committee. And he has traveled all over the world. But he hasn't held executive responsibility. That large squadron in the Navy that he commanded — that wasn't a wartime squadron. He hasn't been there and ordered the bombs to fall. He hasn't seen what it's like when diplomats come in and say, "I don't know whether we're going to be able to get this point through or not, do you want to take the risk, what about your reputation, how do we handle this publicly? He hasn't made those calls, Bob.

SCHIEFFER: Can I just interrupt you? I have to say, Barack Obama hasn't had any of these experiences either, nor has he ridden in a fighter plane and gotten shot down.

CLARK: I don’t think getting in a fighter plane and getting shot down is a qualification to become president.

Schieffer suggested that riding in a fighter plane and getting shot down is relevant to whether McCain's record qualifies him to be in a position of leadership in the military. Clark simply responded to a bullshit premise.

The fact of the matter is that, while McCain's service to the country is honorable and to be commended, it doesn't qualify him to be anything more than an honorable and commendable guy that got shot down in a fighter plane.
obama rejected the statement. tells me hes off the vp list.

Since you can't see it in my avatar, here is what I think of Obama and his playing-not-to-lose bullshit:


I don't really give a shit about Clark and whether he is on or off the VP list. His statement was 100% not controversial and Obama should have backed it up instead of ceding the idea that McCain is somehow qualified to be president by virtue of having been shot down in Vietnam. And fuck the press with their McCain idol worship too.

If any random person claimed that getting shot down in a fighter jet somehow qualified him or her to be President they would be laughed at or maybe institutionalized. McCain claims it and everyone nods in agreement.

What the fuck?
Since you can't see it in my avatar, here is what I think of Obama and his playing-not-to-lose bullshit:


I don't really give a shit about Clark and whether he is on or off the VP list. His statement was 100% not controversial and Obama should have backed it up instead of ceding the idea that McCain is somehow qualified to be president by virtue of having been shot down in Vietnam. And fuck the press with their McCain idol worship too.

If any random person claimed that getting shot down in a fighter jet somehow qualified him or her to be President they would be laughed at or maybe institutionalized. McCain claims it and everyone nods in agreement.

What the fuck?

I agree!
Obama’s letting them get the outrage quotient up on this by not waving the whole thing off in the first place. They are really running with it. And now McCain hired one of the swiftboat liars for bush.
CLARK: I don’t think getting in a fighter plane and getting shot down is a qualification to become president.

I agree with Clark's statement, but that is not at all the same as agreeing that he should have said it.

It was piss-on-your-own-legs stupid, and serves absolutely no purpose other than to get Republicans righteously indignant and more supportive of McCain.
CLARK: I don’t think getting in a fighter plane and getting shot down is a qualification to become president.

I agree with Clark's statement, but that is not at all the same as agreeing that he should have said it.

It was piss-on-your-own-legs stupid, and serves absolutely no purpose other than to get Republicans righteously indignant and more supportive of McCain.

It’s an obvious statement of truth. You have to be a real coward to be scared such an obvious truth.

I guess I just don’t turn yellow that easily.
I don't know why Obama was so quick to distance himself from this statement. It's another sign of skittishness, imo...
I don't know why Obama was so quick to distance himself from this statement. It's another sign of skittishness, imo...

SCHIEFFER: Can I just interrupt you? I have to say, Barack Obama hasn't had any of these experiences either, nor has he ridden in a fighter plane and gotten shot down.

CLARK: I don’t think getting in a fighter plane and getting shot down is a qualification to become president.

When you look at that exchange, the first part of which Epic cut-off because like 99% of “libertarians” he’s basically a Republican, it’s so clear that Clark gave the right answer, and only faux outrage queens and cowards are “upset” over it.

Obama is beginning to disappoint me every day. I almost feel as if I am reliving 2004. I feel sick to my stomach.
And now they are readying the attack on Iran. I thought that obama was something. Now I see that as soon as we bomb the shit out of Iran, they will have Obama on his knees genuflecting to Israel and rallying around Bush right along with the other Democrats.
And that’s part of why Iran is going to be bombed.
what do you people expect out of obama. hes campaigned from what I can tell the high road even against hillary who trashed him daily.

Im just glad clark is not going to be on the ticket.
"Obama is beginning to disappoint me every day. I almost feel as if I am reliving 2004. I feel sick to my stomach."

That sums it up for me right now. What next?

The only excitement I can muster right now is that Bush will be gone, which is an improvement. Obama is becoming Mr. Expediency; I'm just not seeing any kind of political courage whatsoever.

This comment from Clark was nothing.
I was doing a little looking on the internet to see what McCain's grades were in Highschool, what his SAT's were etc. I wanted to know if he met the standards set by the naval acadamy to be a midshipman. Well low and behold none of that can be found. Are were in the midst of one more politician that didn't EARN his way in school but instead got his position because of who his father and grandfather are? I know of kids that were right on the cusp that could not get into the military acadamies. I want to know, did a man who MIGHT be my president EARN his way into the naval acadamy or was it a birthright?
I was doing a little looking on the internet to see what McCain's grades were in Highschool, what his SAT's were etc. I wanted to know if he met the standards set by the naval acadamy to be a midshipman. Well low and behold none of that can be found. Are were in the midst of one more politician that didn't EARN his way in school but instead got his position because of who his father and grandfather are? I know of kids that were right on the cusp that could not get into the military acadamies. I want to know, did a man who MIGHT be my president EARN his way into the naval acadamy or was it a birthright?

fair question.. as is did obama receive the appointment of president of the Harvard law review because hes black or because he had the best credentials.

those questioning mcain will be snarled at as anti military.. those questioning obama will be called some sort of racist.

its all a game
fair question.. as is did obama receive the appointment of president of the Harvard law review because hes black or because he had the best credentials.

those questioning mcain will be snarled at as anti military.. those questioning obama will be called some sort of racist.

its all a game

I belive all law school grades are done anomiously, thus the professor does not know if you are black or not. At my school, Law Review was based on those grades.