Scratch dirtback Clark from the VP slot

doesnt matter to me either way. just pointing out the similarities and the game that played. Both are probobly not the best candidates and have selfish reasoning to be president.

I have already decided im voting for obama and have set my financial bets on it. Baring some major change like him selecting hillary as VP or finding out hes a communist that will not change.
I don't know why Obama was so quick to distance himself from this statement. It's another sign of skittishness, imo...

I think it was how it was worded that concerned him. When taken out of context it can appear to be exactly what it was not.

Just guessing, but who wants to bet Obama was told about the

"CLARK: I don’t think getting in a fighter plane and getting shot down is a qualification to become president. "

portion of the interview and he responded knee jerk to it prior to knowing the full context of what Clark was saying.

What Clark stated was correct and I do not see it as an attack on McCain. If McCain were running on a "I was in a plane and got shot down, so I should be your President" campaign, then it would have more relevance. But since McCain is doing nothing of the sort, this is all really nothing more than the media trying to play a gotcha game.
There is no need to be concerned about Obama's instantaneous effort to distance himself from Clark's statement, or any one else's for that matter. When his surrogates come out and make potentially disparaging remarks about McCain, Obama can quickly tell the press that he has the greatest respect for McCain, McCain's service should not be questioned, I do not agree with what was said, it was wrong to say that, blah blah blah, and this makes him look good. He is seen as taking the "high road." The disparaging or damaging remark is still out there making it's way through the news cycle, everyone is talking about it, and they are talking about how good Obama looks by denouncing the statement. Meanwhile, back at headquarters, they're debating about who they will trot out next and what their script for slamming McCain will be.

Politics as usual. They all do it. None are immune.
I think it was how it was worded that concerned him. When taken out of context it can appear to be exactly what it was not.

Just guessing, but who wants to bet Obama was told about the

"CLARK: I don’t think getting in a fighter plane and getting shot down is a qualification to become president. "

portion of the interview and he responded knee jerk to it prior to knowing the full context of what Clark was saying.

What Clark stated was correct and I do not see it as an attack on McCain. If McCain were running on a "I was in a plane and got shot down, so I should be your President" campaign, then it would have more relevance. But since McCain is doing nothing of the sort, this is all really nothing more than the media trying to play a gotcha game.

Clearly, McCain doesn't have to do that, the media (Bob Schieffer, for example) does it for him.
Clearly, McCain doesn't have to do that, the media (Bob Schieffer, for example) does it for him.

Look, no question the media likes McCain. But no way would he ever even suggest that he should be President because he flew and was shot down. Yes, he has talked about his service and sacrifice as a part of who he is. But this is nothing more than the media trying to play gotcha with Clark..... and Obama's knee-jerk reaction to try to "distance" himself from any possible "attack" on McCains service.
Well it's a good thing you pack of morons don't run Obama's campaign for him or he would become another McGovern in 2 seconds.

Supporting Clark's statement would have played right into Republican hands.
It’s an obvious statement of truth. You have to be a real coward to be scared such an obvious truth.

I guess I'm a coward. I just care about something calling "winning the election". You have to remember, Darla. Think about how dumb the average person you know is. And then think about the fact that half of the people in America are dumber than that (more than half if you're talking about an average New Yorker). Idiots vote based on statements like these.
SCHIEFFER: Can I just interrupt you? I have to say, Barack Obama hasn't had any of these experiences either, nor has he ridden in a fighter plane and gotten shot down.

CLARK: I don’t think getting in a fighter plane and getting shot down is a qualification to become president.

When you look at that exchange, the first part of which Epic cut-off because like 99% of “libertarians” he’s basically a Republican, it’s so clear that Clark gave the right answer, and only faux outrage queens and cowards are “upset” over it.

Obama is beginning to disappoint me every day. I almost feel as if I am reliving 2004. I feel sick to my stomach.

The days whenever I look at Obama and feel any sort of positive feelings are long gone. He's not playing to us anymore Darla. He's playing to the average American I.E. the idiots. He's a politican just like the rest of them, but he might just not get us into another war. He's no John Kennedy, that's for sure.
Just one more thing on this. McCain's surrogate leading the charge against the Clark "smear" is Bud Day, one of the assholes featured in the Swift Boat Veterans For Truth ads that ran against Kerry. Day held a conference call with reporters on behalf of the McCain campaign and had the balls to say the following:

"The Swift Boat 'attacks' were simply revelation of the truth," said Day, a former prisoner of war and Medal of Honor recipient who served i the Air Force. "The similarity does not exist here."

"What the Swift Boat campaign was about was to lay out John Kerry's record. John Kerry has never produced any evidence to deny that," he said.

In contrast, he said, he and others on the call had produced "evidence pointing out that [Clark's] remarks were completely inaccurate."

"One was about laying out the truth. This one is about attempting ot cast a new shadow on John McCain," he said of the salvos at the two military men.

kennedy played moderate all the time. I think its you guys that are the fringe and not the voice of America no offense of course.
Since you can't see it in my avatar, here is what I think of Obama and his playing-not-to-lose bullshit:


I don't really give a shit about Clark and whether he is on or off the VP list. His statement was 100% not controversial and Obama should have backed it up instead of ceding the idea that McCain is somehow qualified to be president by virtue of having been shot down in Vietnam. And fuck the press with their McCain idol worship too.

If any random person claimed that getting shot down in a fighter jet somehow qualified him or her to be President they would be laughed at or maybe institutionalized. McCain claims it and everyone nods in agreement.

What the fuck?


Absolutely the truth.
It’s an obvious statement of truth. You have to be a real coward to be scared such an obvious truth.

I guess I just don’t turn yellow that easily.

Or dumb enough to believe that being a bad pilot and kissing VC ass to save your own is somehow commendable and qualifies you as Commander-In-Chief
Stop trying to judge this issue and on its merits and start judging it on how it looks.

This is America: Perception is everything.
kennedy played moderate all the time. I think its you guys that are the fringe and not the voice of America no offense of course.

Well the two parties tend try to be at the 60th to 70th percentile of extreme right to left. I'm at about the 80th or 90th, so no, I don't think I'd be happy, and I wouldn't be happy with any of the third parties either.

Libertarians and Greens keep on wondering why we're voting for such shitty parties, but they give us extremely poor candidates so I have no choice but to vote for the Democrat.
And now they are readying the attack on Iran. I thought that obama was something. Now I see that as soon as we bomb the shit out of Iran, they will have Obama on his knees genuflecting to Israel and rallying around Bush right along with the other Democrats.
And that’s part of why Iran is going to be bombed.

Saw this coming.

Obama is running a campaign of fear .. HIS OWN.
you guys are beating up on your man like you did to gore in 00.. typical Dems. How about remembering that u have to represent ALL of America in the election.. Not just your party.
Stop trying to judge this issue and on its merits and start judging it on how it looks.

This is America: Perception is everything.

OK, and what perception is created by relying on one of the Swiftboat Veterans for Truth to be your surrogate, particularly when the so-called "smear" involves a candidate's service in Vietnam?

Additionally, you can create the perception that McCain served honorably in Vietnam without ratifying the perception that getting shot down qualifies a candidate to be president.
you guys are beating up on your man like you did to gore in 00.. typical Dems. How about remembering that u have to represent ALL of America in the election.. Not just your party.

Nope you just have to represent enough people to get elected, and make sure your base has no other choice.
you guys are beating up on your man like you did to gore in 00.. typical Dems. How about remembering that u have to represent ALL of America in the election.. Not just your party.

Yeah, this standard applies to Republicans all the time. Fuck off Chap.

Republicans are judged by how strongly they assert the party line. Democrats are judged by how quickly they run from theirs.
OK, and what perception is created by relying on one of the Swiftboat Veterans for Truth to be your surrogate, particularly when the so-called "smear" involves a candidate's service in Vietnam?

Additionally, you can create the perception that McCain served honorably in Vietnam without ratifying the perception that getting shot down qualifies a candidate to be president.

Not a good one I agree, but fewer people will hear that or understand its importance.

"Obama surrogate attacks McCain's service!" however, is a easily repeatable easily digestable soundbite that you and I both know will receive 10x the coverage of McCain hiring the Swiftboat guy.