Sean Hannity has some not so nice views

I just read up on Turner. He was Pat Buchanan's NJ coordinator for the presidential campaign. He has advocated the assassination of judges and put instructions on his website on how to make a bomb and then encouraged people to fire bomb an apartment building that was primarily rented by blacks. He also advocates the murder of immigrants so that after enough have been killed they will quit coming here.
I just read up on Turner. He was Pat Buchanan's NJ coordinator for the presidential campaign. He has advocated the assassination of judges and put instructions on his website on how to make a bomb and then encouraged people to fire bomb an apartment building that was primarily rented by blacks. He also advocates the murder of immigrants so that after enough have been killed they will quit coming here.
Dayum. I'll gaurantee the association would kill Buchanan's chances in an election, also Hannity's. Shoot, Hannity knows that strong association will even harm his ratings.
Dayum. I'll gaurantee the association would kill Buchanan's chances in an election, also Hannity's. Shoot, Hannity knows that strong association will even harm his ratings.

Hannity comes off as to holier than thou to me. While I agree with him on issues far more than I disagree I don't care for his delivery of the message or his style.
Hannity comes off as to holier than thou to me. While I agree with him on issues far more than I disagree I don't care for his delivery of the message or his style.
True dat. Well, I find that he is way too religiously "conservative" for me.
Anyone who would continue to associate with him will be tainted. Lets just see what Fox news does about this?
I just read up on Turner. He was Pat Buchanan's NJ coordinator for the presidential campaign. He has advocated the assassination of judges and put instructions on his website on how to make a bomb and then encouraged people to fire bomb an apartment building that was primarily rented by blacks. He also advocates the murder of immigrants so that after enough have been killed they will quit coming here.

LOL I wonder why you didn't include a link?
As far as internet and TV news, I like to flip back and forth from CNN and Fox. Sometimes I agree with one and sometimes with the other, but I always find it interesting that they can report the same story so differently. Most of the "reporters" on the major networks now seem to overtly display politcal bias. Hannity is just one example. Buyer beware.

I do think that 24 hour News "Entertainment" has altered News Delivery forever and not for the better. In the old days, networks only had a half hour here and there to deliver the news. The had to stick to facts because of time constraints. It was 90% News with 10% Speculation. Today we have 10% News with 90% Speculation (analysis, rumors, opinions, hype, etc.). More News - Less Hype Please!
They are all corporate owned and have only one aim and that is to make money.

They will do what benifits them and they only time they report anything from a left leaning perspective is because it is bringing in viewership.

The right leaning reporting benifits the corporations even if it doesnt increase ratings.
We need an Indendent JNN "Just News Network"... and even if the big story is Farmer McDonald's Mule stuck in the mud and rescued by local law enforcement, we would be better off...
This is what I saw over and over again over the last couple of years.

I would sit at my computor chasing down stories and have the news on the TV listening.

In the lead up to the war the internet had the stories and the news would never report them. There was plenty of evidence before we went to Iraq which showed that Bush and team were lying their asses off about Iraq. The TV news would report 1% of it. When the viewership started to fail they slowly started reporting. I used to take magazines too and the pieces of shit did not report it either so I dumped every one of them.

I will never again trust the TV or mainstream news to give me what I need to understand the world. They have been outed for the corporation profit only smucks they are.
Yep, JNN is just darn silly. In reality we are addicted to the hype and crap we digest daily on the major networks. Hopefully our addiction hasn't deminished our own awareness of the muck we view and read...
Its the internet and the world news for me.

I get it from everyplace in the world and it has proven to me that there are those who do tell you the truth( I know because they are proven over time) and I will trust them as long as I can verify them through other sources.
What world news networks do you recommend and why? I do think the internet is a viable source, but only if you have time to sift through it all and feel comfortable that you have found something factual.