Sean Hannity has some not so nice views

As far as internet and TV news, I like to flip back and forth from CNN and Fox. Sometimes I agree with one and sometimes with the other, but I always find it interesting that they can report the same story so differently. Most of the "reporters" on the major networks now seem to overtly display politcal bias. Hannity is just one example. Buyer beware.

I do think that 24 hour News "Entertainment" has altered News Delivery forever and not for the better. In the old days, networks only had a half hour here and there to deliver the news. The had to stick to facts because of time constraints. It was 90% News with 10% Speculation. Today we have 10% News with 90% Speculation (analysis, rumors, opinions, hype, etc.). More News - Less Hype Please!

Hannity isn't really a "reporter", he's an opinion man, which is a distnictly different style of news. But I agree, too much of news today is opinion, even the stuff that's supposed to be normal.
What world news networks do you recommend and why? I do think the internet is a viable source, but only if you have time to sift through it all and feel comfortable that you have found something factual.

Olberman, PBS

I am lucky that I have tons of time to cruise the internet.
As far as internet and TV news, I like to flip back and forth from CNN and Fox. Sometimes I agree with one and sometimes with the other, but I always find it interesting that they can report the same story so differently. Most of the "reporters" on the major networks now seem to overtly display politcal bias. Hannity is just one example. Buyer beware.

I do think that 24 hour News "Entertainment" has altered News Delivery forever and not for the better. In the old days, networks only had a half hour here and there to deliver the news. The had to stick to facts because of time constraints. It was 90% News with 10% Speculation. Today we have 10% News with 90% Speculation (analysis, rumors, opinions, hype, etc.). More News - Less Hype Please!

In the old days providing the news was a required public service, not a major money maker.

PBS abd BBC are still pretty good.
Yep, JNN is just darn silly. In reality we are addicted to the hype and crap we digest daily on the major networks. Hopefully our addiction hasn't deminished our own awareness of the muck we view and read...

Sadly I fear it has sucked our brains out somewhat.
Orwell was right.

The Neo Nazi Hal Turner on his friend Sean Hannity
Frm your link:
Here we are, more than eight years later, my [Hal Turner] friendship with Sean has become some sort of hot issue. Morons are trying to equate my relationship with Sean Hannity, with Reverend Wright's relationship with Barak Obama, a man who may well become President of the United States. It is an intellectually dishonest - even meaningless - comparison but someone thinks they should make this fuss. Fine. So be it.
emp mine

Looks like he's got you peg'd.
I read the part you posted. I have no desire to read any of hannitys stuff.

God forbid your brain cells should start moving about in that mostly empty skull.....just grab for the KoolAde and yell na na na na na na should anyone around you offer an opinion that might differ from yours....

I already took my shower this evening and don't want to get dirty again.

I read the part you posted. I have no desire to read any of hannitys stuff.
I already took my shower this evening and don't want to get dirty again.
I didn't read any of Hannity's stuff in that link. In fact, I don't this there's any there.

Nice deflection though. :rolleyes: