Second Amendment Stupidity

Did you read the oral arguments? The ONLY justice leaning towards a fundamental liberty interest was Scalia. Every other justice that I would consider friendly toward gun rights was willing to discuss a lower level of scrutiny. My bet is we get an individual rights ruling, but with intermediate scrutiny which means that they will say that regulations are ok so long as they are reasonably related to the harm sought to be avoided. I actually lean to them deciding that it is an individual right but that intermediate scrutiny applies and then request briefs to address the harm and if the restrictions are reasonable. The one thing I think to many people overlook is that ALL of the jusitices are Ivory Tower scholars with little or no real lawyering under their belt. The thought of the general populace owning handguns in DC probably scares the shit out of 8 out of the 9 justices with Scalia being the only hardcore strict scrutiny justice in the bunch.

Just as a side note, you might be interested to know that Thomas said narry a word during the oral arguments. Floors me that he is actually a justice.

Arguing at a trial gives you far more expertise to be a supreme court justice than years of study in law.

Anyway, the only two people on the court who could really be said to be called qualified, are Scalia and Ginsberg. The rest didn't have much legal experience at all.
Vice presidents should not be allowed to have a gun. How many VP's have we had and how many have shot someone ? horrible statistics.
Since they've only heard one other 2A case and decided that one the other way, technically you're correct. Hard to think of that as a "trend", though.

It's a miscarriage that has needed righting for a long time. I think it's about to get it.

I was speaking more to the court's antagonism toward individual rights more generally, not specifically in the 2nd Amendment context.
I was speaking more to the court's antagonism toward individual rights more generally, not specifically in the 2nd Amendment context.

Yep you've got a Supreme Court that will go fascist on you as soon as anyone tries to kick BushCheney out of the WhiteHouse when his term is up.
Topper's such a goob. He doesn't have a clue when it comes to this issue. What am I saying......outside of his alleged money he hasn't a clue about much.