Secrecy Versus Truth [Jack Teixeira vs. Biden Administration] |

Never read your shit anyway.

Not only have you read what I've had to say, you've responded to it on numerous occassions. We wouldn't be having this conversation if it weren't for that fact. In any case, it looks like you're fine with being thread banned from my threads, so perhaps I'll be doing you a favour from ridding you of the temptation to start insulting posters in my threads.
Not only have you read what I've had to say, you've responded to it on numerous occassions. We wouldn't be having this conversation if it weren't for that fact. In any case, it looks like you're fine with being thread banned from my threads, so perhaps I'll be doing you a favour from ridding you of the temptation to start insulting posters in my threads.

fuck off
Ah, so that's how it's going to be? I guess it's time to add you to my thread ban list.

You have to understand, when having a debate with a radical Leftist (aka BidenPresident), they only have three options when confronted with facts they don't like and can't or won't agree with:

1. Change the subject.

It that doesn't work, they go to #2

2. Ad hominem and insults

If that fails, their last resort is always

3. Angrily curse you then storm off mad refusing to discuss it further.
You have to understand, when having a debate with a radical Leftist (aka BidenPresident), they only have three options when confronted with facts they don't like and can't or won't agree with:

1. Change the subject.

It that doesn't work, they go to #2

2. Ad hominem and insults

If that fails, their last resort is always

3. Angrily curse you then storm off mad refusing to discuss it further.

You may well be right. Up until now, I'd had a passable relationship with him, but simply pointing out that insulting someone wasn't helping anything seemed to be enough for him to turn on me too. I'll possibly still converse with him in threads that aren't mine, as I have with others on my thread ban list, but I think in my own threads it makes sense to eliminate the possibility of him going off like that again.
You may well be right. Up until now, I'd had a passable relationship with him, but simply pointing out that insulting someone wasn't helping anything seemed to be enough for him to turn on me too. I'll possibly still converse with him in threads that aren't mine, as I have with others on my thread ban list, but I think in my own threads it makes sense to eliminate the possibility of him going off like that again.

I am correct. I actually studied this problem years ago, and came to the conclusion I posted.

There is a rare variant of #3 where they babble incoherently at you. Also on #3, when doing this in person, face-to-face, you have to be careful as it is possible the Leftist will get physically violent with you. But they almost invariably follow that pattern. They have no depth or understanding to their positions and arguments. They are like little kids when they debate you. They believe something, and that's that. No changing their closed little minds.

That's why they love Biden. He's a pliable idiot who will parrot what those around him say. So, he's surrounded by radical Leftists right now, he parrots the radical Left. Everybody else sees what a total moron he is, but for the radical Left, he's their guy. And, the only way they can move forward is to shutdown all opposing positions and arguments. But since they have no way of debating those, they do it by insults, ad hominem, and physical force.
Arresting a 21 year old E3,
who probably couldn't find his own ass with both hands
for espionage
has to be a low point for the Biden Administration.

I voted for Biden,
but only because my idiot party nominated him.

The other party doesn't run idiots.
They run sub-human mutants.
At the very least, I have to vote for a member of my own species.

Actually, a good dog would be OK too.
You may well be right. Up until now, I'd had a passable relationship with him, but simply pointing out that insulting someone wasn't helping anything seemed to be enough for him to turn on me too. I'll possibly still converse with him in threads that aren't mine, as I have with others on my thread ban list, but I think in my own threads it makes sense to eliminate the possibility of him going off like that again.

I am correct. I actually studied this problem years ago, and came to the conclusion I posted.

There is a rare variant of #3 where they babble incoherently at you. Also on #3, when doing this in person, face-to-face, you have to be careful as it is possible the Leftist will get physically violent with you. But they almost invariably follow that pattern. They have no depth or understanding to their positions and arguments. They are like little kids when they debate you. They believe something, and that's that. No changing their closed little minds.

That's why they love Biden. He's a pliable idiot who will parrot what those around him say. So, he's surrounded by radical Leftists right now, he parrots the radical Left. Everybody else sees what a total moron he is, but for the radical Left, he's their guy. And, the only way they can move forward is to shutdown all opposing positions and arguments. But since they have no way of debating those, they do it by insults, ad hominem, and physical force.

Well, I don't know about leftists in general. As a matter of fact, I have some positions on the left myself. But BidenPresident disqualified himself from my threads with his ad hominem attacks. If he ever sees the error of his ways and apologizes for these attacks, I think I'd probably let him back into threads I make, but unless that happens, I think I'll just be seeing him in other people's threads.
Arresting a 21 year old E3,
who probably couldn't find his own ass with both hands
for espionage
has to be a low point for the Biden Administration.

I voted for Biden,
but only because my idiot party nominated him.

The other party doesn't run idiots.
They run sub-human mutants.
At the very least, I have to vote for a member of my own species.

Actually, a good dog would be OK too.

If I were American, I would have voted for Biden too. The fact that Sanders ultimately endorsed him made me think he'd be alright and I felt it would be hard to do worse than Trump. Then he started with his covid mandates. If I could have gone back in time, I would have supported the Green party or something, as I did back when it was Hillary against Trump. No chance of winning, but at least I wouldn't have supported someone who ended up doing what Biden did.
That's right. My point is it was written down that former (current at the time) Secretary of State James Baker promised Gorbachev that NATO wouldn't expand eastwards and everyone worth their salt knows that full well. Only a weasel of a country would make some lame excuse about it not being in a treaty to try to deflect from the fact that an acting U.S. Secretary of State promised this to Gorbachev. Sad to say that when it comes to foreign policy, the U.S. has become a real weasel of a country.

Russia Lays Out Demands for a Sweeping New Security Deal With NATO
Andrew E. Kramer and Steven Erlanger

Dec. 17, 2021

KYIV, Ukraine — Russia demanded on Friday that the United States and its allies halt all military activity in Eastern Europe...
The Russian proposal — immediately dismissed by NATO officials — came in the form of a draft treaty suggesting NATO should offer written guarantees that it would not expand farther east toward Russia

Gee, if he already had written guarantees NATO would not expand eastward why did he demand new written guarantees?
And why didn't he invade Finland after they applied to enter NATO thus doubling NATO's border with Russia?

I'm ready to further discuss your OP if you can relinquish your dishonesty on this small item.
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Putin’s NATO smokescreen

We can now say with near certainty that Vladimir Putin’s decision to invade Ukraine had nothing to do with NATO enlargement and the possibility of Ukraine’s membership in the Alliance.

According to an in-depth investigative piece by the highly respected Russian journalist Ilya Zhegulev (a former special correspondent for SmartMoney, Forbes, Reuters and Meduza), the Russian strongman decided to attack Ukraine in February-March 2021, a full year before the actual invasion and many months before the Kremlin confronted NATO with a list of unacceptable demands, including a written promise never to enlarge eastwards.
That's right. My point is it was written down that former (current at the time) Secretary of State James Baker promised Gorbachev that NATO wouldn't expand eastwards and everyone worth their salt knows that full well. Only a weasel of a country would make some lame excuse about it not being in a treaty to try to deflect from the fact that an acting U.S. Secretary of State promised this to Gorbachev. Sad to say that when it comes to foreign policy, the U.S. has become a real weasel of a country.

Russia Lays Out Demands for a Sweeping [SIZE=3[U]]New[/U][/SIZE] Security Deal With NATO
Andrew E. Kramer and Steven Erlanger

Dec. 17, 2021

KYIV, Ukraine — Russia demanded on Friday that the United States and its allies halt all military activity in Eastern Europe...
The Russian proposal — immediately dismissed by NATO officials — came in the form of a draft treaty suggesting NATO should offer written guarantees that it would not expand farther east toward Russia

Gee, if he already had written guarantees NATO would not expand eastward why did he demand new written guarantees?

Where did I say there were written guarantees? I said that former Secretary of State James Baker had promised not to expand eastwards and no one in the U.S. contradicted him at the time. It just goes to show what a weasel the U.S. has become in foreign policy. Ofcourse Russia would now be going for written guarantees. It's clear many if not most U.S. politicians can't be trusted to keep their word.

And why didn't he invade Finland after they applied to enter NATO thus doubling NATO's border with Russia?

Finland hasn't been killing Russian speakers and ethnic Russians for the last 8 years, have they?
Where did I say there were written guarantees?

Apparently you consider that it was written down ( :doh: ) that Baker, who had zero authority to make NATO policy, said NATO would not expand eastward was somehow enough of a guarantee.
Finland hasn't been killing Russian speakers and ethnic Russians for the last 8 years, have they?
Of course not. There was no civil war in Finland between Finns and ethnic Russians.

Regardless, that written guarantee Putin demanded turned out to be pure bullshit. Otherwise he would have invaded Finland.
Putin’s NATO smokescreen

We can now say with near certainty that Vladimir Putin’s decision to invade Ukraine had nothing to do with NATO enlargement and the possibility of Ukraine’s membership in the Alliance.

According to an in-depth investigative piece by the highly respected Russian journalist Ilya Zhegulev (a former special correspondent for SmartMoney, Forbes, Reuters and Meduza), the Russian strongman decided to attack Ukraine in February-March 2021, a full year before the actual invasion and many months before the Kremlin confronted NATO with a list of unacceptable demands, including a written promise never to enlarge eastwards.

That author is something else. In an -opinion- piece, he says "We can now say with near certainty that Vladimir Putin’s decision to invade Ukraine had nothing to do with NATO enlargement and the possibility of Ukraine’s membership in the Alliance." Certainly doesn't seem to be acting like he's just writing an opinion piece, does he? His main source appears to be a Russian journalist by the name of Ilya Zhegulev, who just so happens to work for the Wilson Center. A bit about the Wilson Center:

The Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars (WWICS) or Wilson Center is a quasi-government entity and think tank which conducts research to inform public policy.[1] Located in the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center in Washington, D.C., it is a United States presidential memorial that was established as part of the Smithsonian Institution by an act of Congress in 1968.


So there you have it, an employee of a "quasi" governmental think tank telling us what to think of the war in Ukraine. Don't you think he -might- be just a tad biased?

I decided to look at this article from Zhegulev, and noticed that he made absolutely no mention of the fact that it was Russia's state Duma that requested Putin recognize the Donbas Republics days before Putin actually did so. Former Swiss Intelligence officer certainly points this out in and article I made a thread about here back in November. From the article that I reference in said thread:

Ukrainian preparations in the contact zone continue. The Russian Parliament is alarmed and on February 15 asks Vladimir Putin to recognize the independence of the Republics, which he refuses.

On February 17, President Joe Biden announces that Russia will attack Ukraine in the coming days. How does he know? Mystery… But since the 16th, the artillery shelling of the populations of Donbass has increased dramatically, as shown by the daily reports of OSCE observers. Naturally, neither the media, nor the European Union, nor NATO, nor any Western government reacts and intervenes. We will say later that this is Russian disinformation. In fact, it seems that the European Union and some countries purposely glossed over the massacre of the people of Donbass, knowing that it would provoke Russian intervention.

Finland hasn't been killing Russian speakers and ethnic Russians for the last 8 years, have they?

Of course not. There was no civil war in Finland between Finns and ethnic Russians.

Exactly, unlike the civil war in Ukraine that has been simmering since 2014. Don't you think that this just might be the reason that Russia is so opposed to Ukraine joining NATO vs. its stance on Finland joining NATO?
That author is something else. In an -opinion- piece, he says "We can now say with near certainty that Vladimir Putin’s decision to invade Ukraine had nothing to do with NATO
I don't see how you can possibly disagree with that.
Otherwise he would have invaded Finland.
Hindsight shows he just wanted a guarantee that NATO would never include Ukraine . Why didn't he invade Poland, Latvia, Slovakia, Lithuania, et al?
So the invasion had nothing to do with NATO expansion.
And now that he (Putin) sees Ukraine has no problem getting volunteers from all walks of life , including women, participating in the war and performing quite ably, it's apparent his goal is the genocide of Ukraine because he sure isn't going to integrate Ukraine into Russia.
Putin massively miscalculated that fantasy.
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That author is something else. In an -opinion- piece, he says "We can now say with near certainty that Vladimir Putin’s decision to invade Ukraine had nothing to do with NATO enlargement and the possibility of Ukraine’s membership in the Alliance." Certainly doesn't seem to be acting like he's just writing an opinion piece, does he?

I don't see how you can possibly disagree with that.
Otherwise he would have invaded Finland.

I'm guessing you hadn't yet read my post #57 when you wrote that.
Exactly, unlike the civil war in Ukraine that has been simmering since 2014. Don't you think that this just might be the reason that Russia is so opposed to Ukraine joining NATO vs. its stance on Finland joining NATO?

Ah, so you seemingly agree that his demand for a written guarantee that NATO not expand eastward was BS. Only pertained to ukraine. We're getting somewhere.