Secret Service ramped up security after receiving intel of Iranian plot to assassinate Trump


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US authorities obtained intelligence from a human source in recent weeks on a plot by Iran to try to assassinate Donald Trump, a development that led to the Secret Service increasing security around the former president in recent weeks, multiple people briefed on the matter told CNN.

There’s no indication that Thomas Matthew Crooks, the would-be assassin who attempted to kill the former president on Saturday, was connected to the plot, the sources said.

The existence of the intelligence threat from a hostile foreign intelligence agency — and the enhanced security for Trump — raises new questions about the security lapses at the Saturday rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, and how a 20-year-old man managed to access a nearby rooftop to fire shots that injured the former president.

It’s not clear whether the specifics of the Iran threat were shared with the Trump campaign, which said in a statement: “We do not comment on President Trump’s security detail. All questions should be directed to The United States Secret Service.”

The Secret Service recently “added protective resources and capabilities to the former President’s security detail,” agency spokesperson Anthony Guglielmi said in a statement on Sunday.

Secret Service officials have warned the Trump campaign repeatedly against holding outdoor rallies, which pose greater risks than events to which the agency can better control access, people briefed on the matter said. The warnings have been more general in nature, the sources said.

At one point during this election cycle, the campaign stopped holding spontaneous off-the-record events where guests weren’t swept by Secret Service beforehand due to security concerns, a source familiar with the matter told CNN.

The FBI, which is conducting the investigation into Saturday’s shooting, declined to comment.

CNN has requested comment from the Department of Homeland Security and the Iran’s Permanent Mission to the United Nations.

I do not want to see anybody killed.

I hope the Secret Service gets its shit in order.

The security handling at this event was a world class fuck up.
I do not want to see anybody killed.

I hope the Secret Service gets its shit in order.

The security handling at this event was a world class fuck up.
Did you hear about the cop that climbed up there, the guy pointed a gun at him so he dropped back down? Yeah... It sounds bad but there was no way to pull a gun and fire back while also holding onto the edge of the roof. I don't blame him but my best guess is the guy would have shot while he was looking forward if he was not rushed by LE on the spot. If he had we would be having an entirely different conversation.
Did you hear about the cop that climbed up there, the guy pointed a gun at him so he dropped back down? Yeah... It sounds bad but there was no way to pull a gun and fire back while also holding onto the edge of the roof. I don't blame him but my best guess is the guy would have shot while he was looking forward if he was not rushed by LE on the spot. If he had we would be having an entirely different conversation.
IGNORE any talk about the "Iranian threat" bullshit, and DON'T fall for the "mistakes were made" bullshit either.

It is merely a head fake to "change the narrative" and distract away from the apparently-purposeful "failings" (inside-job) of the White House / Secret Service / FBI / etc... There's a reason why social media posts re: this dude "can't be found", and there's a reason why this dude's phone information "can't be accessed"... WOW, what a secure phone! Let's make use of this technology for securing our elections!!! I digress.

Stay focused on the correct people!!!

Roof was "too sloped"?! WTF?!?! Look at the roof behind Trump that the agents were stationed on top of... THAT roof was sloped (at least as much as the other roof was). Why weren't the SS also stationed on top of the shooter's roof? The "sloped roof" excuse DOESN'T CUT IT because SS were already stationed on top of a sloped roof behind Trump.

So, IOW, I'm supposed to believe that "one sloped roof = too dangerous", but "another sloped roof = just fine"?? :rofl2:
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The SS does themselves no good with the narrative that an attack on Trump was done after the SS completely failed and also after they had a known threat and had boosted their efforts.

Which makes me wonder why they are spreading this narrative.

It looks like throwing effort to confuse.
Bingo. THIS is the correct answer.
I know.
The SS does themselves no good with the narrative that an attack on Trump was done after the SS completely failed and also after they had a known threat and had boosted their efforts.

Which make me wonder why they are spreading this narrative.
full truthful disclosure is actually part of the plan.

4. Moral Decay​

The apostle Paul, in 2 Timothy 3:1-5, mentions moral decay as a sign of the coming end, where people will be “lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God.”
Christians throughout history have paid attention to periods of moral decline and spiritual apostasy as potential signs preceding the return of Christ.
Today, examples of moral decay can be observed in various aspects of society, including the breakdown of traditional family structures, including high divorce rates, single-parent households, and declining marriage rates, reflecting a departure from biblical principles of marriage and family. Our culture has also experienced increasingly permissive attitudes towards sexuality, pornography, substance abuse, and other forms of immorality indicating a shift away from biblical morality and values.
The growing influence of secularism and relativism has led to a rejection of absolute truth and moral absolutes, resulting in moral relativism and the acceptance of diverse lifestyles and beliefs. Disrespect for authority, erosion of trust in institutions, and increasing polarization and division within society contribute to moral decay and societal unrest.
As moral decay continues to manifest in various aspects of society, discussions about its role in eschatological narratives are likely to persist.

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I am also mindful of many reports that many calls had been made to boost Trump security but that they were turned down, and also the reports that the SS knew that they should be on that roof but were not because they did not have enough people, so they tasked it out to local police.
I am also mindful of many reports that many calls had been made to boost Trump security but that they were turned down, and also the reports that the SS knew that they should be on that roof but were not because they did not have enough people, so they tasked it out to local police.
Megyn Kelly had an interesting podcast on this subject.