Secret Service ramped up security after receiving intel of Iranian plot to assassinate Trump

IGNORE any talk about the "Iranian threat" bullshit, and DON'T fall for the "mistakes were made" bullshit either.

It is merely a head fake to "change the narrative" and distract away from the apparently-purposeful "failings" (inside-job) of the White House / Secret Service / FBI / etc... There's a reason why social media posts re: this dude "can't be found", and there's a reason why this dude's phone information "can't be accessed"... WOW, what a secure phone! Let's make use of this technology for securing our elections!!! I digress.

Stay focused on the correct people!!!

Roof was "too sloped"?! WTF?!?! Look at the roof behind Trump that the agents were stationed on top of... THAT roof was sloped (at least as much as the other roof was). Why weren't the SS also stationed on top of the shooter's roof? The "sloped roof" excuse DOESN'T CUT IT because SS were already stationed on top of a sloped roof behind Trump.

So, IOW, I'm supposed to believe that "one sloped roof = too dangerous", but "another sloped roof = just fine"?? :rofl2:
The SS farmed out the control of that building to the police. But ultimately it is the SS responsibility to make sure it was done right.
Megyn Kelly had an interesting podcast on this subject.
Larry Johnson, one of the most qualified experts in America on this sort of thing, said on the Duran today that there are only two possibilities:

1) An almost unbelievable collapse of SS competence.

2) They were in on a hit.
The SS farmed out the control of that building to the police. But ultimately it is the SS responsibility to make sure it was done right.
Right. I don't care what BS excuses are peddled re: the "mistakes were made" song and dance. They had a duty, and they, as far as I can tell, from all the evidence that I have gathered about it, PURPOSELY failed that duty.

Smells like a Deep State inside job to me.

Oh, and did you hear the one from the head of SS about agents not being stationed on top of that roof because of "the slope"?? :rofl2: Have you seen the rooftop that the SS agents were stationed on top of behind Trump? Pretty sloped, eh? One sloped roof = "too dangerous", another sloped roof = "juuuuust fine" ..... hmmmmmmmmm.....

Thankfully, God, against the Deep State's wishes, determined that it wasn't the correct time for Trump to die.
"We tried" after complete competence failure at best tends to not work......and as you can see with my sig I doubt this was competence failure.

This was treason.
Right. I don't care what BS excuses are peddled re: the "mistakes were made" song and dance. They had a duty, and they, as far as I can tell, from all the evidence that I have gathered about it, PURPOSELY failed that duty.

Smells like a Deep State inside job to me.

Oh, and did you hear the one from the head of SS about agents not being stationed on top of that roof because of "the slope"?? :rofl2: Have you seen the rooftop that the SS agents were stationed on top of behind Trump? Pretty sloped, eh? One sloped roof = "too dangerous", another sloped roof = "juuuuust fine" ..... hmmmmmmmmm.....

Thankfully, God, against the Deep State's wishes, determined that it wasn't the correct time for Trump to die.
They will get him the next time....this failed only because they used a 20 year old trigger finger and the wrong weapon because they were looking beyond the death of Trump to using this to drive narrative wars.

Next time they will concentrate on the main mission.
Did you hear about the cop that climbed up there, the guy pointed a gun at him so he dropped back down? Yeah... It sounds bad but there was no way to pull a gun and fire back while also holding onto the edge of the roof. I don't blame him but my best guess is the guy would have shot while he was looking forward if he was not rushed by LE on the spot. If he had we would be having an entirely different conversation.
Hadn't heard it, but one way or another...this was a fuck up. No candidate should have to fear for his/her life while campaigning.
Right. I don't care what BS excuses are peddled re: the "mistakes were made" song and dance. They had a duty, and they, as far as I can tell, from all the evidence that I have gathered about it, PURPOSELY failed that duty.

Smells like a Deep State inside job to me.

Oh, and did you hear the one from the head of SS about agents not being stationed on top of that roof because of "the slope"?? :rofl2: Have you seen the rooftop that the SS agents were stationed on top of behind Trump? Pretty sloped, eh? One sloped roof = "too dangerous", another sloped roof = "juuuuust fine" ..... hmmmmmmmmm.....

Thankfully, God, against the Deep State's wishes, determined that it wasn't the correct time for Trump to die.
Give it a fucking break, Moron.

Did Secret Service actively participate to assassinate President Trump? If so, imagine how incredibly incompetent they are to miss an assassination of someone they are protecting. Or…there is still another layer… I see Alex and others coming to same ideas. I’ve been saying since
did acoustic calculations that the shots may have come from inside.I made this video earlier tonight but been on long calls and not published.


I am starting to wonder if the kid was not the shooter, if the hit on Trump was a rerun of what so many claim that the hit on JFK was.

Bullet Trace, and interesting mattersIt’s nearly 0400 here in Japan. So this is a mind-dump, sans edit:Interesting on bullet trace — scratching my memories, I do not recall seeing any bullet trace photos from close to 90 degrees from bullet’s flight path. Am not saying it cannot be done. It probably can be done with modern cameras and high shutter speeds.Now keep in mind I am pretty handy with weapons and with cameras. I was a Special Forces weapons specialist. As a photographer, I shot some of the most famous photos in Iraq and in Afghanistan. Substantial crossover knowledge.My first thought was — I’d never seen a trace shot from that angle. Second thought was it should be possible. Third thought was that would be a fast shutter speed.I was preparing to reach out to the photographer. Hunting and pecking online, I found New York Times quoting the shutter speed at 1/8000th of second. It happens that I have sitting on table here the top three DSLRs Sony makes. The cameras most people salivate over, I have three here. Because I know how important serious gear is.I use only the very best cameras and lenses. Top gear helped make some of the most interesting and often intense photos in two wars. Unfortunately I often broke lenses while jumping on the ground or hitting against a wall or doorway. No camera ever broke.I use the cameras regularly though rarely publish photos from them these days. The maximum shutter speed on all three of these cameras in 1/8000. The the New York Times photographer, Doug Mills, is quoted as shooting at 30fps 1/8000. Those are settings I would choose if I were trying to catch extremely fast action. Such as a head exploding.Am not suggesting anything at all. Just as a war correspondent…I never cranked shutter that high even for anything. I wanted to keep ISO lower. Other professionals choose other settings.


Ya....Yon is not the only one talking about this......very suspicious.... as if the photog had been told that the Regime was doing the hit.

Makes more sense than any other explanation.
We are in the zone re wrong/strange things that Bret sometimes talks or a couple of these that happened randomly happening Ok.....that could happen.......but this long list?

No Way....something else was going on here.