Senate Report: Kremlin Used NRA To Help Funnel Money To Trump Campaign


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In yet another weird coinkidink where somehow Russians managed to connect with the Trump campaign of 2016, we find the NRA in the middle. A Russia/Trump sandwich with the nasty gun PR lobbying group in the center. Interesting.

How do we know this? Well, the Daily Beast is reporting that the Senate Judiciary Committee reported on Wednesday that documents "suggest the Kremlin used the NRA to offer the campaign a back channel to Moscow—including a potential meeting between Trump and Vladimir Putin—and might have secretly funded Trump’s campaign."

WHOA. This is big news, if true. As we all know, foreign governments cannot contribute in any way to United States elections. Like, zero. Not a penny.

If true, this is a huge problem for the NRA, especially since they spent a record $30 million on the Trump campaign. How much of that money came from Russia (or Qatar or China or some other company trying to curry favor with Donald Trump and the Trump Organization)?
Not surprising given Russia's long-standing connections with the NRA that pre-date even the 2012 election.

There was just recently an article in Rolling Stone about it.

Inside the Decade-Long Russian Campaign to Infiltrate the NRA and Help Elect Drumpf
Femme fatales, lavish Moscow parties and dark money – how Russia worked the National Rifle Association
As part of Putin's "active measures," Hall says, Russia has attempted to influence right-wing and populist factions abroad, preaching unity around social conservatism: "'We're both religious-based countries – we have the Orthodox Church that's a big deal for us.' " The Russians, Hall believes, "made a natural transition in the United States to the NRA"; over time Putin became determined to exploit the American gun lobby "and decided Mr. Torshin is going to be the guy to do it for him."
NRA and Trump pro Russian? The RWers never cease to amaze me. Reagan must be turning in his grave.
NRA and Trump pro Russian? The RWers never cease to amaze me. Reagan must be turning in his grave.

Hilarious. As if you didn't hate Reagan, too?

Did Russians pay half a million dollars to Trumps' spouse for a single speech and donate millions to his foundation while the Uranium One deal was in the balance?
Oh yea, the standard conservative reply, "BUT HILLARY!"
Hilarious. As if you didn't hate Reagan, too?

Did Russians pay half a million dollars to Trumps' spouse for a single speech and donate millions to his foundation while the Uranium One deal was in the balance?
Hilarious. As if you didn't hate Reagan, too?

Did Russians pay half a million dollars to Trumps' spouse for a single speech and donate millions to his foundation while the Uranium One deal was in the balance?

Obviously you are not as indoctrinated in conservobot lore as I am. Reagan forced Russia to "tear down that wall" because he was awesome and is now a conservative deity. The difference now is Trump probably owes being POTUS to Putin.
Rayguns worked with the last decent russian leader

Obviously you are not as indoctrinated in conservobot lore as I am. Reagan forced Russia to "tear down that wall" because he was awesome and is now a conservative deity. The difference now is Trump probably owes being POTUS to Putin.

Gorby told rayguns he was going to take down the wall BEFORE rayguns made that speach
In yet another weird coinkidink where somehow Russians managed to connect with the Trump campaign of 2016, we find the NRA in the middle. A Russia/Trump sandwich with the nasty gun PR lobbying group in the center. Interesting.

How do we know this? Well, the Daily Beast is reporting that the Senate Judiciary Committee reported on Wednesday that documents "suggest the Kremlin used the NRA to offer the campaign a back channel to Moscow—including a potential meeting between Trump and Vladimir Putin—and might have secretly funded Trump’s campaign."

WHOA. This is big news, if true. As we all know, foreign governments cannot contribute in any way to United States elections. Like, zero. Not a penny.

If true, this is a huge problem for the NRA, especially since they spent a record $30 million on the Trump campaign. How much of that money came from Russia (or Qatar or China or some other company trying to curry favor with Donald Trump and the Trump Organization)?

more charcoal for the barbecue , I know.
Hilarious. As if you didn't hate Reagan, too?

Did Russians pay half a million dollars to Trumps' spouse for a single speech and donate millions to his foundation while the Uranium One deal was in the balance?

The japanese paid raygun one million for a speech. Do the math.
Hilarious. As if you didn't hate Reagan, too?

Did Russians pay half a million dollars to Trumps' spouse for a single speech and donate millions to his foundation while the Uranium One deal was in the balance?

Fake news!
Uranium One!
Witch hunt!
No collusion!
Deep State!
the NRA is going down

Donations to NRA's Political Action Committee Surge

The National Rifle Association’s political arm had a record spike in donations in March, even as students took part in demonstrations in Washington and around the country calling for stronger gun control.

The NRA Political Victory Fund raised $2.4 million, up from $779,063 in February, according to its latest filing with the Federal Election Commission.

That was more than it had raised in any month since at least 2000, a review of FEC records showed. In 2016, when the NRA spent $31 million either attacking Hillary Clinton or supporting the campaign of Donald Trump, its political action committee collected a little less than $1.5 million in its best fundraising month. The Political Victory Fund ended March with $5.8 million in the bank.

Membership in Gun Groups Is Spiking

Membership in the NRA and gun rights groups across the country, which includes more than five million Americans, is spiking, according to people familiar with the numbers.
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Hilarious. As if you didn't hate Reagan, too?

Did Russians pay half a million dollars to Trumps' spouse for a single speech and donate millions to his foundation while the Uranium One deal was in the balance?

The Uranium One deal is totallymeaningless. Give it up already, sis.