Senate Republicans block windfall profits tax on oil companies


New member
Looks like the Democrats will once again fail to cut our noses off to spite our faces.

Had the tax hike on oil companies passed, oil companies would have simply passed the costs on to their customers (you and me), thus raising the price of gasoline even higher. Oil companies don't have money trees. Where else did the Democrats expect them to get the extra money to pay for this new tax?

OTOH, if Democrats actually want oil prices to go DOWN as they claim, they could cut, say, the peresent Federal tax of $0.18/gallon on gasoline. Then the amount we pay for gas would go down.. along with the amount we pay for foodstuffs transported by truck or train, furniture made with power tools, anything containing vinyl plastic (made from petroleum), and lots of other things whose prices have been going up.

How about it, Dems? Do you actually want to HELP?


Republicans Block Extra Taxes on Oil Companies

Tuesday, June 10, 2008 12:55 PM

WASHINGTON - Senate Republicans blocked a proposal Tuesday to tax the windfall profits of the largest oil companies, despite pleas by Democratic leaders to use the measure to address America's anger over $4 a gallon gasoline.

The Democratic energy package would have imposed a tax on any "unreasonable" profits of the five largest U.S. oil companies and given the federal government more power to address oil market speculation that the bill's supporters argue has added to the crude oil price surge.

"Americans are furious about what's going on," declared Sen. Byron Dorgan, D-N.D., and want Congress to do something about oil company profits and "an orgy of speculation" on oil markets.

But Republicans argued the Democratic proposal focusing on new oil industry taxes is not the answer to the country's energy problems.

"The American people are clamoring for relief at the pump," said Sen. Pete Domenici, R-N.M., but if taxes are increased on the oil companies "they will get exactly what they don't want. The bill will raise taxes, increase imports."

The Democrats failed, 51-43, to get the 60 votes needed to overcome a GOP filibuster and bring the energy package up for consideration.
the masses in general have more than a GED usc.
They Know the blatent unfair joke this was. Shooting arrows at Opec and nasty oil companies as the democrats sit atop billions of barrells. A comedy!!!
Earnings have been staggering in their amount, but "big oil" is still only making 8cents profit on every dollars worth of sales. Not a jaw dropping percentage as far as profits go. I bet Top can point you to a dozen far more profitable companies that make far more for every dollars worth of sales. If you really want oil prices to go down then STOP USING SO DAMN MUCH OF IT.
Are families having to choose between google and food, moron?
Drive less, car pool, get a bike, don't go to the lake on saturday, summer at home. Big oil is NOT gouging when their profit margins are ONLY 8 cents for every dollar.
Drive less, car pool, get a bike, don't go to the lake on saturday, summer at home. Big oil is NOT gouging when their profit margins are ONLY 8 cents for every dollar.

Yeah, I already posted all off the real figures on that, in another thread. They in fact do have a higher profit margin than the S & P 500 average, and for instance, BP's profits were up 63% so sell your story to the cuban girls, ok?
Earnings have been staggering in their amount, but "big oil" is still only making 8cents profit on every dollars worth of sales. Not a jaw dropping percentage as far as profits go. I bet Top can point you to a dozen far more profitable companies that make far more for every dollars worth of sales. If you really want oil prices to go down then STOP USING SO DAMN MUCH OF IT.


what and give up our 'freedom of the road travel' and muscle cars?

never, or at least until the price rises too high even for the wasters

we voted with our wallet and bought a prius...

oh well
Earnings have been staggering in their amount, but "big oil" is still only making 8cents profit on every dollars worth of sales. Not a jaw dropping percentage as far as profits go. I bet Top can point you to a dozen far more profitable companies that make far more for every dollars worth of sales. If you really want oil prices to go down then STOP USING SO DAMN MUCH OF IT.

Yea good point. I hear so many people bitching about the price of gas but are still driving there 18 mpg suv and aint actually cut back on the mileage either. I'm taking a drastic measure. I'm buying a condo about a mile from where I work. The oil companies can kiss my ass then cause I'll only be driving about 20 miles a week. lol
Drive less, car pool, get a bike, don't go to the lake on saturday, summer at home. Big oil is NOT gouging when their profit margins are ONLY 8 cents for every dollar.

I'd have to ask you to provide a source for that figure. If your talking about Joe's gas station then your probably right. The oil men I know are a hell of a lot better business men then $0.8/gal.
yep many are in the SUV trap. Upsidedown on their loan and can't sell em for 1/4 of what they owe on em.
Still stupid in my opinion, I saw this coming several years ago.

I may get a cheap one in about a year just to drive around on the farm pulling a feed trailer.
In fact, I'd go so far as to say that anyone who thinks that the oil companies are only making $0.8/gal profits aren't doing their homework.
Mottley what would you legislate is our limit. Who's next big Pharma, then Walmart. How about google limit what they can charge for adds?