Senator Max Baucus Drunk / Intoxicated on Senate Floor - Shouts Down Wicker


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good gawd people wake up, vote these bums out..:palm:


Sounds weary of the stupidity and dishonesty your party provides to me.

Now you didnt even listen to what he said huh?
Sounds weary of the stupidity and dishonesty your party provides to me.

Now you didnt even listen to what he said huh?
I found what he said ironic. When every idea proposed by the other party went into his trash bin (the one he had total control over) and then every single one of his party voted lock-step after being bought, he had no room to be casting stones.

It didn't help that he was slurring so much that people believe he is drunk.
Max Baucus Drunk During Health Care Debate
Submitted by Peter Flaherty on Mon, 12/28/2009 - 09:46
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We have already complained about the media double standard in the coverage of Senator Max Baucus' (D-MT) recent ethical problems. Now comes the clearest evidence yet in the form of this video. It already has 176,000 views on YouTube but it has so far been ignored by the major TV networks and newspapers. Let's remember that Baucus is the architect of the Senate-passed health care plan.

Let’s also review what else has the media has virtually ignored. Baucus recommended Melodee Hanes, his live-in ‘girlfriend,’ to the White House for nomination for Montana’s U.S. Attorney’s post. He claimed that he pulled the recommendation only as things heated up, a fact that was contradicted by Jodi Rave, who was at the time a reporter for a Montana newspaper. Rave says that Baucus only pulled it after she informed Baucus’ office that she was going to report on Baucus’ relationship with Hanes.

Even worse, Lee Newspapers in Montana reported that Hanes met at least twice with a divorce lawyer on Baucus’ behalf in 2007, months before Baucus and his wife discussed divorce. According to billing records, Hanes discussed items such as “proposed property settlement,” and “market valuation of house.” Baucus’ office claimed that Hanes met with the divorce lawyer in her “official capacity.” Yeah sure.

This is as tawdry and improper as anything of which Senator John Ensign (R-NV) stands accused. Yet Ensign faces a full-fledged ethics investigation, and nonstop media coverage. Of course, the Ensign story is making everyone's year-end political scandals list.


Baucus’ Girlfriend Planned His Divorce; Story Contradicted of Her Withdrawal from U.S. Attorney Consideration

Ex-Chief of Staff Accused Max Baucus of Sexual Harassment

Baucus Statement Doesn’t Pass the Laugh Test

related article on the DEMOCRAT at..
good gawd people wake up, vote these bums out..:palm:


YouTube- Senator Max Baucus Drunk / Intoxicated on Senate Floor - Shouts Down Wicker

:rolleyes: The usual RW smear. Not only a lie, but stolen by "SocialistsSteal" from the Think Progress website. Any other time you clowns would dismiss anything on Think Progress as not worthy of comment. But let some nut decide Baucus was drunk and suddenly Think Progress becomes a bastion of truth. You fringies are just comical.

Baucus Shouts Down Wicker: ‘Your Leadership Pressured Them, Pressured Them, Pressured Them Not To Work Together’

This afternoon, in uncharacteristically impassioned and frank speech on the Senate floor, Sen. Max Baucus (D-MT) challenged “courageous” Republicans to “break from their leadership” and “work together to pass health care reform.” Baucus argued that the Republican party was more interested in winning seats during the 2010 election than offering sensible alternatives to the health care crisis and accused the Republican leadership of pressuring members of ‘Gang of Six’ to abandon bipartisan negotiations.

Sens. Snowe, Enzi and Grassley “wanted to pass health care reform,” Baucus insisted. “They asked very good questions,” but “one by one by one they started to drift away. They wanted to pass health care reform, they wanted to act in a bipartisan basis but they were pressured, pressured from their political party not to do it.”

At one point, Sen. Roger Wicker (R-MS) explained the unanimous Republicans opposition by suggesting that members of the Gang of Six wanted to support a compromise but “it dawned on them that my friends on the other side of the aisle wanted to Europeanize the health care system of the United States of America.” Baucus responded angrily. “I want to tell this Senator that is not what happened,” he shouted, waiving his index finger at Wicker:
:rolleyes: The usual RW smear. Not only a lie, but stolen by "SocialistsSteal" from the Think Progress website. Any other time you clowns would dismiss anything on Think Progress as not worthy of comment. But let some nut decide Baucus was drunk and suddenly Think Progress becomes a bastion of truth. You fringies are just comical.

Baucus Shouts Down Wicker: ‘Your Leadership Pressured Them, Pressured Them, Pressured Them Not To Work Together’

This afternoon, in uncharacteristically impassioned and frank speech on the Senate floor, Sen. Max Baucus (D-MT) challenged “courageous” Republicans to “break from their leadership” and “work together to pass health care reform.” Baucus argued that the Republican party was more interested in winning seats during the 2010 election than offering sensible alternatives to the health care crisis and accused the Republican leadership of pressuring members of ‘Gang of Six’ to abandon bipartisan negotiations.

Sens. Snowe, Enzi and Grassley “wanted to pass health care reform,” Baucus insisted. “They asked very good questions,” but “one by one by one they started to drift away. They wanted to pass health care reform, they wanted to act in a bipartisan basis but they were pressured, pressured from their political party not to do it.”

At one point, Sen. Roger Wicker (R-MS) explained the unanimous Republicans opposition by suggesting that members of the Gang of Six wanted to support a compromise but “it dawned on them that my friends on the other side of the aisle wanted to Europeanize the health care system of the United States of America.” Baucus responded angrily. “I want to tell this Senator that is not what happened,” he shouted, waiving his index finger at Wicker:

"stolen" from thinkprogress..HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
Yep. TP had the article and tape on 12/22 and "SocialistsSteal" put a truncated version on Youtube a day later.

oh well then that must surly mean it was STOLEN..:palm:
and of course it has to be a right wing conspiracy that is out to get call people out for being BUSH defenders, you are one of the worst defenders of all things Democrat no matter their behavior, why is that, sheep?
proove hes drunk.

he is telling the truth, the Rs did everything they could to avoid helping the American people by reforming a broken system.

They worked against their own constituients for political purposes.
proove hes drunk.

he is telling the truth, the Rs did everything they could to avoid helping the American people by reforming a broken system.

They worked against their own constituients for political purposes.

lol... prove it! Go back in time and take a breathalizer (sp) test with you and give it to him on the Senate floor. I demand you do this!
oh well then that must surly mean it was STOLEN..:palm:
and of course it has to be a right wing conspiracy that is out to get call people out for being BUSH defenders, you are one of the worst defenders of all things Democrat no matter their behavior, why is that, sheep?

I've seen and heard drunken people talk and they can barely string together a coherent thought. They sway, their eyes are unfocused, their clothing is sloppy. I didn't see any of that in this clip.

Sorry but I don't defend all things Democratic. Obama has not lived up to my expectations, based on his campaign. There are plenty of good reasons to criticize him, Baucus, and other Democrats but a stupid video making an unproven accusation isn't the way to go. All this does is makes you fringies look more disgruntled and mean-spirited, and give liberals even less reason to take seriously anything you say.
I've seen and heard drunken people talk and they can barely string together a coherent thought. They sway, their eyes are unfocused, their clothing is sloppy. I didn't see any of that in this clip.

Sorry but I don't defend all things Democratic. Obama has not lived up to my expectations, based on his campaign. There are plenty of good reasons to criticize him, Baucus, and other Democrats but a stupid video making an unproven accusation isn't the way to go. All this does is makes you fringies look more disgruntled and mean-spirited, and give liberals even less reason to take seriously anything you say.

hahaha, there's those word again, "mean spirited"...from someone who calls Dick Cheney, Darth Cheney and calls Sarah Palin a ditz..:palm:
is anything on Youtube original? all material on the site is taken from somewhere.

I suppose home videos could be considered original. However, that wasn't my point to mimi. The entire video was on Think Progress and people like her hold TP up to scorn -- except when it can be edited and used to "prove" </sarcasm> that a Dem was drunk on the Senate floor.
the new EXCUSE from the left...All videos from Acorn corruption to any Democrat is EDITED...:cof1: