Senior U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Antonin Scalia found dead at West Texas r

LOL. This list makes me laugh. Especially the Kennedy one.. Nobody in their party remembers Bork and that before Kennedy was put up Bork was there and that the seat was empty for quite some time because of the opposition. Biden one year previously notably stated he would support Bork then suddenly was opposed because his party didn't want that guy. This apparent belief that any party must rubber stamp any nominee is preposterous. After Bork he proposed Douglas Ginsburg who fell under fire because he used marijuana in the past, specifically after graduation from college. Finally Kennedy was nominated, and because he supported the one thing that Democrats wanted he was finally seated in February. Basically, holding off until after November 8th would leave that seat open for less time than it was after Lewis Powell left his seat vacant.

It's silly to pretend that the Democrats have always just rubber stamped the nomination of opposition party Presidents. It's truly absurd. Even Obama worked to filibuster Bush's appointees.

Before Bork was nominated, Democrats urged their leaders to create a "solid phalanx" against ANYONE Reagan named. When he nominated Bork, Oh My Liver Teddy Kennedy went on the floor of the Senate within an hour to condemn the choice.

More recent situations involve the now President doing exactly what he condemns today. His fellow idiot Chucky Schumer did the same thing toward Bush. Obama says he regrets having done it but throws in the typical Liberal it was different justification attempt.
I think many GOP Senators, even in some very red States would be dealing with a significant amount of pressure and public back lash, not so much as holding up the confirmation of a SCOTUS nominee for up to year and possibly longer, but due to the back log in Judicial business that would have to be put on hold. Particularly if the candidate in question is highly qualified as a Jurist. Each Senator has his/her own constituencies to answer too.

It's not like the President is powerless here either, because as POTUS, he has the power to bring tremendous public pressure on the Senate. Something I'm sure many Senators would prefer not to have happen during an election cycle. I'm pretty sure that a lot of Senators and a few GOP Presidential candidate would see their odds at election/re-election materially diminish. That could bleed into the House too.

Now the GOP could come out with the propaganda mill but they know that if the candidate is highly qualified and they do not hold hearings or give the hearings and refuse to make a decision Obama can just hit the bully pulpit, explain why his candidate is highly qualified and paint the GOP as obstructionist. I'm sure that the GOP would prefer not to have that sort of public conversation during an election cycle.

Like it or not we all know that some of that mud would stick.

So I think a lot of people kinda think that about all Barry can do is nominate a qualified candidate and if the Senate decides to play politics with a qualified nominee than the President is well within his Constitutional Rights to take that conversation to the people. In other words Barry can, and probably will, play politics too.

In fact, given the way he's beat the GOP in most of his major political fights, he'll probably win this one too. Assuming that said nominee is qualified.

Now if he nominates Jarod...he'd be fucked.

I agree that if they refuse to vote that the backlash would likely occur. I am saying they have the votes to nix anyone they do not approve of for SCOTUS. So next time, save your breath and try reading what I wrote. I already agreed on another thread that Sri would be one they would be hard pressed to vote down. But if Obama goes for another Kagan/Sotomayer left wing type, they could and should shoot them down.