Sensible Health Care Plan

i'm not really sure that what she proposes would change anything. think about it. if you open up the, for lack of a better word, "borders" for insurance companies, i think one of two things would happen:
1. the insurance companies stay within the states they're in anyways because they either wouldn't have the money to compete in an entirely new market, or because they make deals with the companies already present in such states
2. the richer insurance companies completely steam-roll the not-so-rich ones and buy them all.

the effect of either scenario is that this lady and all those shouting people have either the same 6 companies, at best 1 or 2 more, maybe even 1 or 2 less.
i'm not really sure that what she proposes would change anything. think about it. if you open up the, for lack of a better word, "borders" for insurance companies, i think one of two things would happen:
1. the insurance companies stay within the states they're in anyways because they either wouldn't have the money to compete in an entirely new market, or because they make deals with the companies already present in such states
2. the richer insurance companies completely steam-roll the not-so-rich ones and buy them all.

the effect of either scenario is that this lady and all those shouting people have either the same 6 companies, at best 1 or 2 more, maybe even 1 or 2 less.
Gee that didn't happen with bank deregulation. Although many large banks bought up smaller ones, at the same time folks started up new banks.

I think that your trying to equate this with an industry that has huge start-up costs, like the automobile industry. In that type of industry new companies just don't start up from scratch. But in an industry that is relatively easy to start up the free market stem works very well.
im wondering how many of those small banks that were started are still around and who owns them. seriously. this is not meant to be sarcastic or anything. also, how many banks are still around? not individual companies but banks that are not owned by other banks.
Gee that didn't happen with bank deregulation. Although many large banks bought up smaller ones, at the same time folks started up new banks.

I think that your trying to equate this with an industry that has huge start-up costs, like the automobile industry. In that type of industry new companies just don't start up from scratch. But in an industry that is relatively easy to start up the free market stem works very well.

Its relatively easy to start up, as long as you have plenty of capital, a supply of healthy clients, and a method of getting your system into the current medical provider's system almost instantly.
im wondering how many of those small banks that were started are still around and who owns them. seriously. this is not meant to be sarcastic or anything. also, how many banks are still around? not individual companies but banks that are not owned by other banks.
Look in the yellow pages directory for any small city under banks and you'll see a list of them. They are generally called community banks and are typically started by a handful of partners that used to work or a larger bank.
Its relatively easy to start up, as long as you have plenty of capital, a supply of healthy clients, and a method of getting your system into the current medical provider's system almost instantly.
Actually, due to current regulatory burden its very difficult to start up a health insurance company.
i'm not really sure that what she proposes would change anything. think about it. if you open up the, for lack of a better word, "borders" for insurance companies, i think one of two things would happen:
1. the insurance companies stay within the states they're in anyways because they either wouldn't have the money to compete in an entirely new market, or because they make deals with the companies already present in such states
2. the richer insurance companies completely steam-roll the not-so-rich ones and buy them all.

the effect of either scenario is that this lady and all those shouting people have either the same 6 companies, at best 1 or 2 more, maybe even 1 or 2 less.

And when she rants on about tort reform.....does she understand that the "reform" that corporations want would limit legal recourses for people like her? The Shrub & company made efforts that resulted in the corporations being further shielded from being sued for producing a bad product that has a detrimental effect on customers.

Well, the little fool had her moment in the somebody needs to sit her dopey ass down and explain the facts of life to her.
And when she rants on about tort reform.....does she understand that the "reform" that corporations want would limit legal recourses for people like her? The Shrub & company made efforts that resulted in the corporations being further shielded from being sued for producing a bad product that has a detrimental effect on customers.

Well, the little fool had her moment in the somebody needs to sit her dopey ass down and explain the facts of life to her.
The only little fool I see here is you.
Gee that didn't happen with bank deregulation. Although many large banks bought up smaller ones, at the same time folks started up new banks. And what was the ratio of "new banks"? Or are you referring to new "branches" of established banks? And of course, the deregulation just royally fucked up our economic system, cumulating in the Shrub initiating bank & Wall St. bailouts WITHOUT oversight or major accountability.

I think that your trying to equate this with an industry that has huge start-up costs, like the automobile industry. In that type of industry new companies just don't start up from scratch. But in an industry that is relatively easy to start up the free market stem works very well.

We're not talking about start ups here....the woman was talking about "competition" across state lines for existing insurance companies. As things stand now, Moe's scenario is not only highly plausible, but probable.
We're not talking about start ups here....the woman was talking about "competition" across state lines for existing insurance companies. As things stand now, Moe's scenario is not only highly plausible, but probable.
You came into the conversation late and don't have my position correct yet are arguing against it anyway.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
And when she rants on about tort reform.....does she understand that the "reform" that corporations want would limit legal recourses for people like her? The Shrub & company made efforts that resulted in the corporations being further shielded from being sued for producing a bad product that has a detrimental effect on customers.

Well, the little fool had her moment in the somebody needs to sit her dopey ass down and explain the facts of life to her.

The only little fool I see here is you.

Typical...attack me but don't deal with the content of what I wrote. You try to blame the Dems for the current economic crisis, yet I don't recall the Dems being the major players in the S&L scandal, or Enron..and it wasn't the Dems who spearheaded legislations that protect corporations from lawsuits for their faulty products, or initiated bail outs for banks and wall st. with taxpayers money WITHOUT ACCOUNTABILITY.
And don't even bother regurgitating the neocon BS about laws forcing bad bank loans to minorities as the cause for all this....the law that was passed was to make sure that minorities got the SAME loan offers that non-minorities in similar financial situations did. NO ONE forced the banks to mix in any bad loans with the good ones in their financial reports, and then sell the products to each other. Deal with it.
Just as an experiment I did a yellow pages search for Topeka Kansas using the term "Community Bank" and got 106 results. Some of the big national banks show up but on page 1 of 4 I count 12 small independents. I assert that this is typical of any small to medium size city in the US meaning and that there is real competition in the banking industry. Why would the insurance industry be any different?,+ks
Typical...attack me but don't deal with the content of what I wrote. You try to blame the Dems for the current economic crisis, yet I don't recall the Dems being the major players in the S&L scandal, or Enron..and it wasn't the Dems who spearheaded legislations that protect corporations from lawsuits for their faulty products, or initiated bail outs for banks and wall st. with taxpayers money WITHOUT ACCOUNTABILITY.
And don't even bother regurgitating the neocon BS about laws forcing bad bank loans to minorities as the cause for all this....the law that was passed was to make sure that minorities got the SAME loan offers that non-minorities in similar financial situations did. NO ONE forced the banks to mix in any bad loans with the good ones in their financial reports, and then sell the products to each other. Deal with it.
We've been over this before Bwarny Fag et al forced banks to lend to folks with crappy credit. That's the main cause of the current recession. Deal with it.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
We're not talking about start ups here....the woman was talking about "competition" across state lines for existing insurance companies. As things stand now, Moe's scenario is not only highly plausible, but probable.

You came into the conversation late and don't have my position correct yet are arguing against it anyway.

First off, if you read the chronologicial order of the posts, you can't "come in late" on the's not radio or television. :rolleyes:

I am simply NOT following up the divergence you bring forth to avoid the core point by Moe. My point is valid within dealing with the core points of the opening video of this thread and what Moe pointed out. If you chose NOT to deal with that and continue to stubbornly try to foster your side bar as one and the same, that is your choice. I don't have to follow point remains valid.
First off, if you read the chronologicial order of the posts, you can't "come in late" on the's not radio or television. :rolleyes:

I am simply NOT following up the divergence you bring forth to avoid the core point by Moe. My point is valid within dealing with the core points of the opening video of this thread and what Moe pointed out. If you chose NOT to deal with that and continue to stubbornly try to foster your side bar as one and the same, that is your choice. I don't have to follow point remains valid.
Posts 5, 6 and 7. :readit: