Sensible Health Care Plan

First off, if you read the chronologicial order of the posts, you can't "come in late" on the's not radio or television. :rolleyes:

I am simply NOT following up the divergence you bring forth to avoid the core point by Moe. My point is valid within dealing with the core points of the opening video of this thread and what Moe pointed out. If you chose NOT to deal with that and continue to stubbornly try to foster your side bar as one and the same, that is your choice. I don't have to follow point remains valid.

You can't expect SM to start arguing with facts now. Its not in his M.O. to do so. The personal attacks are so much easier.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Typical...attack me but don't deal with the content of what I wrote. You try to blame the Dems for the current economic crisis, yet I don't recall the Dems being the major players in the S&L scandal, or Enron..and it wasn't the Dems who spearheaded legislations that protect corporations from lawsuits for their faulty products, or initiated bail outs for banks and wall st. with taxpayers money WITHOUT ACCOUNTABILITY.
And don't even bother regurgitating the neocon BS about laws forcing bad bank loans to minorities as the cause for all this....the law that was passed was to make sure that minorities got the SAME loan offers that non-minorities in similar financial situations did. NO ONE forced the banks to mix in any bad loans with the good ones in their financial reports, and then sell the products to each other. Deal with it.

We've been over this before Bwarny Fag et al forced banks to lend to folks with crappy credit. That's the main cause of the current recession. Deal with it.
Sorry, but you can repeat that lie until you're blue in the face....there is no record of a law that stated that a bank must make a bad loan to fill a quota. If you can provide the link to that law, then please do. Otherwise, my explanation above, which can be readily substantiated for those interested in the ALL the informaiton, does Moe's analysis, and my subesequent reponses. You can stubbornly repeat yourself, but it does no good against reality. As I said, the Dems were NOT responsible for the S&L scandal, Enron, or sole/initiators of the current bail out mess or deregulation legislation.
Or the wimpy behind-your-back personal attacks that you do, Solitary.

Behind your back? lol

Its your thread, you are actively replying in it, and I replied to someone who posted directly to you.

How is that behind your back? Was it snide? Certainly. But behind your back? lol You got that new chair that spins around, didn't you? Silly SM, did you think we could see you? I bet you have been busy making faces at your monitor haven't you?

Sorry, but you can repeat that lie until you're blue in the face....there is no record of a law that stated that a bank must make a bad loan to fill a quota. If you can provide the link to that law, then please do. Otherwise, my explanation above, which can be readily substantiated for those interested in the ALL the informaiton, does Moe's analysis, and my subesequent reponses. You can stubbornly repeat yourself, but it does no good against reality. As I said, the Dems were NOT responsible for the S&L scandal, Enron, or sole/initiators of the current bail out mess or deregulation legislation.
Again, we've been over this before. Bwarny Fag is your guy and I don't expect for you too see past his bullshit.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
First off, if you read the chronologicial order of the posts, you can't "come in late" on the's not radio or television.

I am simply NOT following up the divergence you bring forth to avoid the core point by Moe. My point is valid within dealing with the core points of the opening video of this thread and what Moe pointed out. If you chose NOT to deal with that and continue to stubbornly try to foster your side bar as one and the same, that is your choice. I don't have to follow point remains valid.

Posts 5, 6 and 7. :readit:

Pay attention....I started with post 1 and went on from there. Your divergence to a parallel sub topic is NOT what I am addressing. That you cannot or will not deal with the core issue that Moe put out and I followed up on is your choice. I reserve the right to stay on one can do what you want....but you can't disprove one subject by trying to present another one. Now you understand what I am saying if you stubbornly repeat yourself as if you don't, I'll just ignore you.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Sorry, but you can repeat that lie until you're blue in the face....there is no record of a law that stated that a bank must make a bad loan to fill a quota. If you can provide the link to that law, then please do. Otherwise, my explanation above, which can be readily substantiated for those interested in the ALL the informaiton, does Moe's analysis, and my subesequent reponses. You can stubbornly repeat yourself, but it does no good against reality. As I said, the Dems were NOT responsible for the S&L scandal, Enron, or sole/initiators of the current bail out mess or deregulation legislation.

Again, we've been over this before. Bwarny Fag is your guy and I don't expect for you too see past his bullshit.

As usual, whenever you can't disprove or refute what someone writes, you put forth some myopic moot point or create a parallel argument...then you try to trumpet that as the MAIN argument...which is silly being that there is a chronological history of posts that shows your stubborn folly. Moe's point is valid and does mine. Your false allegations and accusations require one to ignore what everyone else has stated...and in a printed medium, that is not possible. So you can claim whatever you wish....reality just differs. Carry on.
As usual, whenever you can't disprove or refute what someone writes, you put forth some myopic moot point or create a parallel argument...then you try to trumpet that as the MAIN argument...which is silly being that there is a chronological history of posts that shows your stubborn folly. Moe's point is valid and does mine. Your false allegations and accusations require one to ignore what everyone else has stated...and in a printed medium, that is not possible. So you can claim whatever you wish....reality just differs. Carry on.
Again, I was discussing a point with Moe before you stuck your skanky head in. Deal with it.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
First off, if you read the chronologicial order of the posts, you can't "come in late" on the's not radio or television.

I am simply NOT following up the divergence you bring forth to avoid the core point by Moe. My point is valid within dealing with the core points of the opening video of this thread and what Moe pointed out. If you chose NOT to deal with that and continue to stubbornly try to foster your side bar as one and the same, that is your choice. I don't have to follow point remains valid.

You can't expect SM to start arguing with facts now. Its not in his M.O. to do so. The personal attacks are so much easier.

That coupled with his insipid stubborness that borders on the irrational. I'm finding that he's just not capable of rational debate beyond a certain point.
Again, I was discussing a point with Moe before you stuck your skanky head in. Deal with it.

Ok, so lets review SM's rules:

#1 - All jokes must have some truth in them.
#2 - Anyone who dislikes being called a fag gets SM's standard response.
#3 - Any insults of SM must be addressed must be addressed directly to SM when he is facing his monitor
#4 - When SM is arguing with someone, no one else is allowed to enter the discussion unless they are on SM's side.
#5 - Any challenge by SM must be answered or a loss of credibility is imminent, and the person will be called a coward or a liar.
#6 - Any challenge of SM will be ignored without said loss of credibility or without being a liar or a coward.
#7 - SM will be awarded points any time someone insults him instead of debating him.
#8 - Rule #7 does not apply to SM himself.

Have I got them all?
does touchyliberal ever debate? seems all his has is ad homs

Yurt, you're just bitter that I've humiliated you in every exchange we've had. Exposing your ignorance (willfull or cogenital) is no great in point your accusation here which incorrectly and improperly uses words in an accusation readily debunked by just reading my posts and the exchanges I'm envolved with. It's not my fault you're a braying neocon ass Yurt...that's your choice. And since you've demonstrated that you're not interested in an honest debate, I'm not interested in entertaining your foolishness for now. Back in the dust bin you go....perhaps you'll grow up.
does touchyliberal ever debate? seems all his has is ad homs

I don't know............but when you kick his ass with simple truth and logic, hes terrific at name calling and changing the topic....and shouting "willfully ignorant neo-con" over and over....its quite entertaining...
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