Settling the Biological Virus Debate

Perhaps it would be best to list what I agree with Mr. Firstenberg and where we disagree in the case of viruses.


1- I think he provided a lot of evidence that various man made non ionizing EMFs have harmed a lot of people, playing integral roles in diseases such as the flu.

2- I agree with him that the flu is not contagious and believe he presented a lot of good evidence for this.


1- We disagree that biological viruses exist.
You disagree on how flu is activated.
You disagree on how EMFs cause flu
You disagree on what causes flu.
You disagree that viruses are in the human body.
You disagree that viruses can be activated by EMFs.
You disagree on quite a bit that you aren't willing to admit because you are bastardizing his argument to try to make your own.

From Wikipedia:
A virus is a submicroscopic infectious agent that replicates only inside the living cells of an organism.[1]


Because these alleged life forms aren't capable of reproducing on their own, if they weren't contagious, they would have become extinct a long time ago.

I agree that they allegedly spread in varying ways, but the point is that they are all defined as being parasitical in nature.

So you are going to argue that parasites exist but parasites can't exist? Parasites require a host to survive. Without that host they would become extinct. Viruses have more hosts than most parasites since viruses don't often depend on just one species. Claiming they can't exist is nonsense.
Then you confuse the word contagion with infection. One can be infected with something that isn't contagious. Are EMFs contagious? There are plenty of viruses that aren't contagious and don't pass from human to human. Rabies, Lyme disease are two examples of viruses that are not contagious.
I had been considering asking you who you were speaking about until I finally found the bit of text about Tessa in the article after the end of her article. For anyone interested, here's the complete text:

Tessa Lena is a strongly opinionated musician living in New York. She is a classically trained pianist and singer, born and raised in Moscow.

A Story About Polio, Pesticides and the Meaning of Science | Children's Health Defense

In response to your comment, I rely on -evidence-. If you have a problem with any of the evidence that Tessa Lena presents in her article, I suggest focusing on that instead of attacking the messenger simply because she was born and raised in Russia.

Please keep in mind that Tessa Lena's article didn't single out DDT as the only potential cause of polio. Again from her article:

In 2021, Ryan Matters published an excellent, in-depth article called, “mRNA ‘Vaccines,’ Eugenics & the Push for Transhumanism,” in which he looked at the link between polio and DDT, among other things. (I very highly recommend reading his entire article.) Matters wrote:

“One crop pesticide in widespread use at the time was DDT, a highly toxic organochlorine that was widely publicized as being ‘good for you,’ but eventually banned in 1972. In 1953, Dr. Morton Biskind published a paper in the American Journal of Digestive Diseases pointing out that:

“‘McCormick (78), Scobey (100-101) and Goddard (57), in detailed studies, have all pointed out that factors other than infective agents are certainly involved in the etiology of polio, varying from nutritional defects to a variety of poisons which affect the nervous system.’

“The danger of toxic pesticides, including DDT, and their disastrous effects on the environment were illustrated by Rachel Carson in her 1962 book, Silent Spring.

“In more recent times, researchers, Dan Olmstead, co-founder of the Age of Autism, and Mark Blaxill conducted two brilliant investigations into the polio epidemics of the 20th century, reaching a similar conclusion to Scobey and Biskind, namely that the disease was caused by the widespread use of neurotoxic pesticides such as arsenite of soda and DDT.


Another interesting bit of information, the banning of DDT was only a few years before polio was allegedly eradicated. From Tessa Lena's article:

The Salk vaccine was introduced in 1954. DDT was banned in the U.S. in 1972. Polio was officially eradicated in the U.S. in 1979. (The vaccine-derived version of polio (!) is reported to be spreading now in developing countries, and according to ABC News, “More polio cases now caused by vaccine than by wild virus.”)

There's also the fact that Salk's vaccines caused many injuries as well:
“Although Salk’s vaccine was hailed as a success, the vaccine itself caused many cases of injury and paralysis. And though there does appear to be a convincing correlation between the timing of the vaccine and the reduction in polio cases, as all good scientists know, causation doesn’t equal correlation [sic], especially considering the fact that DDT was phased out, at least in the US, over the same period.”

So you admit that Tessa has no science at all if she is not identifying any source of polio. This is what you seem to think proves your case. Denial of any science and providing nothing that can be considered a cause.

What are you talking about? She provides plenty of evidence that many polio cases may have been caused by various toxic substances, focusing on pesticides.
Microwave weapons that could cause Havana Syndrome exist, experts say ... › science › 2021 › jun › 02 › microwave-weapons-havana-syndrome-experts
Jun 2, 2021A National Academy of Sciences report in December, found that the Havana Syndrome injuries were most likely caused by "directed pulsed radio frequency energy". Sceptics of the microwave...
Concerns about energy shortages drive increase as projects progress at 'extraordinary' speed Published: 9:40 PM . China approves biggest expansion in new coal power plants since 2015, report ...

'Havana syndrome' not caused by foreign adversary, US intelligence says ... › us-news › 2023 › mar › 01 › havana-syndrome-us-intelligence-services-determine-no-foreign-adversaries
2 days agoThe assessment involved a painstaking effort to analyze syndrome cases for patterns that could link them, as well as a search, using forensics and geolocation data, for evidence of a directed...
Directed energy weapons shoot painful but - The Conversation › directed-energy-weapons-shoot-painful-but-non-lethal-beams-are-similar-weapons-behind-the-havana-syndrome-167318
Sep 17, 2021If Havana syndrome turns out to be caused by weapons that shoot energy beams, they won't be the first such weapons. As an aerospace engineer and former Vice Chair of the U.S. Air Force...
Expert panel: Havana Syndrome most likely caused by directed energy › politics › national-security › havana-syndrome-symptoms-small-group-likely-caused-directed-energy-say-rcna14584
Feb 2, 2022'Havana Syndrome' symptoms in small group most likely caused by directed energy, says U.S. intel panel of experts Injuries suffered by several dozen diplomats and spies were consistent with...
'Havana Syndrome' likely caused by pulsed microwave energy, government ... › news › all › havana-syndrome-likely-caused-microwave-energy-government-study-finds-n1250094
'Havana Syndrome' likely caused by pulsed microwave energy, government study finds Exclusive: Report on neurological symptoms of U.S. diplomats in China, Cuba does not address whether...
Column: Are electromagnetic weapons involved? Taking victims of 'Havana ... › opinion › story › 2022-02-24 › electromagnetic-weapons-havana-syndrome
Feb 24, 2022The U.S. investigation into mysterious symptoms known as the "Havana syndrome" could provide Americans with long-overdue insights into the emerging threats of directed-energy devices.
Havana Syndrome, energy weapons, radiation weapon | Homeland Security ... › dr20230302-havana-syndrome-not-caused-by-directedenergy-weapons-u-s-intelligence
1 day agoA comprehensive investigation by several agencies of the U.S. intelligence community has now concluded that the symptoms of what came to be called the Havana Syndrome were not the result of an adversary nation using directed-energy or radiation weapons.
US agencies: 'Havana syndrome' not caused by weapon | Popular Science › technology › havana-syndrome-causes-according-to-us-intelligence
2 days agoBecause Havana syndrome sufferers lacked visible marks, it is easy to rule out a laser as the origin. Other directed energy weapons, like high-power microwaves, or sound beyond what...
Are Directed-Energy Weapons Behind the Havana Syndrome? › ideas › 2021 › 09 › are-directed-energy-weapons-behind-havana-syndrome › 185580
Sep 23, 2021I can also personally attest to the effectiveness of directed energy weapons. In 2020, a study on Havana syndrome by the U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine concluded ...
'Havana syndrome' not caused by energy weapon or foreign adversary ... › story › news › nation › 2023 › 03 › 01 › havana-syndrome-not-caused-by-energy-weapon-or-foreign-adversary-intelligence-review-finds › 69958678007
2 days agoThe mysterious ailment known as "Havana syndrome" did not result from the actions of a foreign adversary, according to an intelligence report that shatters a long-disputed theory that hundreds...
Microwave weapons that could cause Havana Syndrome exist, experts say ... › science › 2021 › jun › 02 › microwave-weapons-havana-syndrome-experts
Jun 2, 2021A National Academy of Sciences report in December, found that the Havana Syndrome injuries were most likely caused by "directed pulsed radio frequency energy". Sceptics of the microwave...
Concerns about energy shortages drive increase as projects progress at 'extraordinary' speed Published: 9:40 PM . China approves biggest expansion in new coal power plants since 2015, report ...

'Havana syndrome' not caused by foreign adversary, US intelligence says ... › us-news › 2023 › mar › 01 › havana-syndrome-us-intelligence-services-determine-no-foreign-adversaries
2 days agoThe assessment involved a painstaking effort to analyze syndrome cases for patterns that could link them, as well as a search, using forensics and geolocation data, for evidence of a directed...
Directed energy weapons shoot painful but - The Conversation › directed-energy-weapons-shoot-painful-but-non-lethal-beams-are-similar-weapons-behind-the-havana-syndrome-167318
Sep 17, 2021If Havana syndrome turns out to be caused by weapons that shoot energy beams, they won't be the first such weapons. As an aerospace engineer and former Vice Chair of the U.S. Air Force...
Expert panel: Havana Syndrome most likely caused by directed energy › politics › national-security › havana-syndrome-symptoms-small-group-likely-caused-directed-energy-say-rcna14584
Feb 2, 2022'Havana Syndrome' symptoms in small group most likely caused by directed energy, says U.S. intel panel of experts Injuries suffered by several dozen diplomats and spies were consistent with...
'Havana Syndrome' likely caused by pulsed microwave energy, government ... › news › all › havana-syndrome-likely-caused-microwave-energy-government-study-finds-n1250094
'Havana Syndrome' likely caused by pulsed microwave energy, government study finds Exclusive: Report on neurological symptoms of U.S. diplomats in China, Cuba does not address whether...
Column: Are electromagnetic weapons involved? Taking victims of 'Havana ... › opinion › story › 2022-02-24 › electromagnetic-weapons-havana-syndrome
Feb 24, 2022The U.S. investigation into mysterious symptoms known as the "Havana syndrome" could provide Americans with long-overdue insights into the emerging threats of directed-energy devices.
Havana Syndrome, energy weapons, radiation weapon | Homeland Security ... › dr20230302-havana-syndrome-not-caused-by-directedenergy-weapons-u-s-intelligence
1 day agoA comprehensive investigation by several agencies of the U.S. intelligence community has now concluded that the symptoms of what came to be called the Havana Syndrome were not the result of an adversary nation using directed-energy or radiation weapons.
US agencies: 'Havana syndrome' not caused by weapon | Popular Science › technology › havana-syndrome-causes-according-to-us-intelligence
2 days agoBecause Havana syndrome sufferers lacked visible marks, it is easy to rule out a laser as the origin. Other directed energy weapons, like high-power microwaves, or sound beyond what...
Are Directed-Energy Weapons Behind the Havana Syndrome? › ideas › 2021 › 09 › are-directed-energy-weapons-behind-havana-syndrome › 185580
Sep 23, 2021I can also personally attest to the effectiveness of directed energy weapons. In 2020, a study on Havana syndrome by the U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine concluded ...
'Havana syndrome' not caused by energy weapon or foreign adversary ... › story › news › nation › 2023 › 03 › 01 › havana-syndrome-not-caused-by-energy-weapon-or-foreign-adversary-intelligence-review-finds › 69958678007
2 days agoThe mysterious ailment known as "Havana syndrome" did not result from the actions of a foreign adversary, according to an intelligence report that shatters a long-disputed theory that hundreds...
Tessa Lena (the musician Saunders is referring to) offers a plethora of evidence that various toxic substances may be factors in polio. As to doctors losing their license for speaking truth to power, such as at least 2 of the doctors who signed the statement challenging anyone to find strong evidence that biological viruses exist, you seem to think that reflects badly on the doctors, when it in fact reflects badly on the medical establishment that's responsible for removing their licenses to practice.

Please cite what you think is evidence.

I think the first 3 noun definitions from Wordnik are good:
noun A thing or set of things helpful in forming a conclusion or judgment.

noun Something indicative; an indication or set of indications.

noun The means by which an allegation may be proven, such as oral testimony, documents, or physical objects.



I said I believe those are the -top- 3 factors. I do believe that bacterial infection, or perhaps generally more accurate, bacterial overgrowth, can be a factor, though I believe this isn't one of the top 3 factors and as generally brought on by one of the 3 factors I mentioned.

So now you seem to be arguing that bacteria can't be found using Koch's postulates.

I have no idea how you came to that conclusion.

Polio virus has been grown in direct contradiction of your claim that no virus has been grown.
In 1948 the team of John Enders, Thomas Weller, and Frederick Robbins, working at Harvard Medical School in Massachusetts, showed how the virus could be grown in large amounts in tissue culture
I guess, I will take the Nobel committee's beliefs over yours every day of the week.

Unlike you, I don't believe in claims just because the mainstream media says it's true. And this has never been just about what I believe. I only came to believe that viruses weren't real after reading the evidence from various doctors, many of whom are signatories in the statement made in the opening post.

There are limits to how much I know, but I've certainly provided a lot of evidence that polio can be caused by various toxic substances, thanks to Tessa Lena's great article on the subject. For anyone who hasn't been following this thread too closely, here is the article from Tessa Lena that I'm referring to:

A Story About Polio, Pesticides and the Meaning of Science | Children's Health Defense

LOL. Limits? I don't think there are any limits to how much you don't know.

Platitudes won't further this discussion.

Tessa doesn't present any science. She simply asks stupid questions and provides stupid answers.

I strongly disagree on all counts.
No, I believe that -all- diseases are caused by one or -more- of the top 3 factors. I definitely believe that the disease that is labelled Covid 19 may be caused by more than one of these factors.

So you believe something that you can't provide any evidence for.

I've been providing evidence that toxic substances and EMF radiation have been causing ill health and diseases in this thread for quite some time now.

There is pollution worldwide, so I definitely think this could be one of the causes. As to this bit about "travelling", I think you're stuck with the notion that Covid is an -infectious- disease, which I don't believe, so there is no need for it to "travel" at all.

Are you really going to argue that the train derailment in Ohio has caused rivers in China and Brazil to be contaminated?

Ofcourse not.

Pollution is localized to the source of that pollution. Pollution didn't travel from Wuhan to Italy, England and NYC. The virus did. Pollution has to follow air currents or water flows. It can't just hop on a plane.

True, but pollution is now in a lot of places. Also, when new harmful technologies come out, such as 5G, they tend to "spread" due to manking putting them in a lot of different places.

Pollution is fairly easy to test for. What pollution in Wuhan can also be found in Venice?

5G and air pollution come to mind.

I definitely believe that EMFs may be part of the reason for some of the people who have been labelled as having Covid 19. I actually started a thread back in 2021 with evidence that 5G networks may have played a part in starting Covid off. Just in case someone's interested, it's here:

Evidence that Covid 19 may have started due to 5G networks |

A belief with out evidence?

Did you even click on the link? You generally can't find evidence if you refuse to look for it.

Surprise, surprise. If 5G was the cause then why didn't the disease first appear in Shanghai or Bejing which had more 5G than Wuhan? Why didn't it originate in the US which was testing 5G in cities before China rolled out their 5G?

I said it may have started things off, but it's just a guess. In any case, a paper has actually been written that provides evidence that there may well be a connection between Covid 19 and 5g:

Evidence for a connection between coronavirus disease-19 and exposure to radiofrequency radiation from wireless communications including 5G |

That'd certainly be a point in your favour if human technologies weren't generating a ton of man made EMFs at this point in our history.

There were not a ton of EMFs in the 1700s when smallpox was rampant. There were not a ton of EMFs when polio was rampant.

I never claimed there was evidence that the primary causes of those diseases were EMFs. In the case of polio, I've provided evidence that toxic substances were a highly likely cause of many if not all cases.

Of the 3 factors I mentioned, I certainly suspect that malnourishment wouldn't play a large role in the disease labelled as Covid 19.

Then explain why the majority of those with complications were obese and overweight.

It appears you misunderstood what I said.
Define 'adverse change'.

I think that Merriam Webster's definition of adverse as harmful would be good here, so harmful change.

Is a flood an 'adverse change'?

They certainly can be:

Is rain pollution?

I've never seen it defined that way, although acid rain (if it truly happens) would be.

How about a drought?

They can certainly be quite harmful to people:
Droughts have killed the most people in the world’s worst natural disasters over the last 50 years | Business Insider

Is the Sun pollution?

I've never seen it defined that way.

How about rust? Is oxygen pollution?

Never seen either rust or oxygen defined as pollution.

How about drowning?

Drowning is a way to die, definitely not pollution.

Is a mountain freshwater lake pollution?

I can't see that being the case.

How about suffocation?

Like drowning, this is a way to die, not pollution.

Is open space pollution?


Getting hit and killed by an electric vehicle is an adverse change. Is the EV pollution?

At last you directly imply that Wikipedia defined "adverse change" -as- pollution. Apparently you forgot that Wikipedia's definition of pollution wasn't simply "adverse change". The complete definition they gave was:

Pollution is the introduction of contaminants into the natural environment that cause adverse change.

If contaminants aren't introduced into the natural environment -causing- adverse change, it's not pollution.
Tessa Lena (the musician Saunders is referring to) offers a plethora of evidence that various toxic substances may be factors in polio. As to doctors losing their license for speaking truth to power, such as at least 2 of the doctors who signed the statement challenging anyone to find strong evidence that biological viruses exist, you seem to think that reflects badly on the doctors, when it in fact reflects badly on the medical establishment that's responsible for removing their licenses to practice.

The vaccine itself causing injuries is one manufacturer had faulty controls in place. This resulted in their vaccine not being properly manufactured and the virus was active in the vaccine and caused infections.

You can believe whatever you like. For my part, I provided a lot of evidence that polio was diminishing before they started administering the polio vaccines, as well as evidence that more people got polio areas got vaccinated then before in Post #715.
I said I believe those are the -top- 3 factors. I do believe that bacterial infection, or perhaps generally more accurate, bacterial overgrowth, can be a factor, though I believe this isn't one of the top 3 factors and as generally brought on by one of the 3 factors I mentioned.

You believe you just can't provide any evidence. I keep asking you for evidence and you keep repeating your same unsubstantiated allegations.
If it's caused by a bacterial infection then it would be easy to identify. Bacteria are visible under a microscope. Bacteria can be isolated and grown in culture using Koch's postulates. Are you saying Bacteria are not subject to Koch's postulates?

I believe that Bacteria are fairly easy to identify. However, when it comes to Koch's postulates always working to prove that a given bacteria is the true cause of a disease, not so much. An article from viroliegy gets into this:

By 1937, it was very clear that virologists were unable to satisfy any of Koch’s Postulates in order to prove invisible particles assumed to be “viruses” existed and could cause disease. Even Robert Koch himself had difficulty with his own Postulates which led him to wiggle around some of them in attempts to “prove” pathogenicity of certain bacteria. Instead of accepting that the Postulates, as originally stated, worked and disproved the Germ Theory, virologists looked to various indirect immunological methods to prove their claims.

Thomas Rivers Revision of Koch’s Postulates (1937) |
Microwave weapons that could cause Havana Syndrome exist, experts say ... › science › 2021 › jun › 02 › microwave-weapons-havana-syndrome-experts
Jun 2, 2021A National Academy of Sciences report in December, found that the Havana Syndrome injuries were most likely caused by "directed pulsed radio frequency energy". Sceptics of the microwave...
Concerns about energy shortages drive increase as projects progress at 'extraordinary' speed Published: 9:40 PM . China approves biggest expansion in new coal power plants since 2015, report ...

'Havana syndrome' not caused by foreign adversary, US intelligence says ... › us-news › 2023 › mar › 01 › havana-syndrome-us-intelligence-services-determine-no-foreign-adversaries
2 days agoThe assessment involved a painstaking effort to analyze syndrome cases for patterns that could link them, as well as a search, using forensics and geolocation data, for evidence of a directed...
Directed energy weapons shoot painful but - The Conversation › directed-energy-weapons-shoot-painful-but-non-lethal-beams-are-similar-weapons-behind-the-havana-syndrome-167318
Sep 17, 2021If Havana syndrome turns out to be caused by weapons that shoot energy beams, they won't be the first such weapons. As an aerospace engineer and former Vice Chair of the U.S. Air Force...
Expert panel: Havana Syndrome most likely caused by directed energy › politics › national-security › havana-syndrome-symptoms-small-group-likely-caused-directed-energy-say-rcna14584
Feb 2, 2022'Havana Syndrome' symptoms in small group most likely caused by directed energy, says U.S. intel panel of experts Injuries suffered by several dozen diplomats and spies were consistent with...
'Havana Syndrome' likely caused by pulsed microwave energy, government ... › news › all › havana-syndrome-likely-caused-microwave-energy-government-study-finds-n1250094
'Havana Syndrome' likely caused by pulsed microwave energy, government study finds Exclusive: Report on neurological symptoms of U.S. diplomats in China, Cuba does not address whether...
Column: Are electromagnetic weapons involved? Taking victims of 'Havana ... › opinion › story › 2022-02-24 › electromagnetic-weapons-havana-syndrome
Feb 24, 2022The U.S. investigation into mysterious symptoms known as the "Havana syndrome" could provide Americans with long-overdue insights into the emerging threats of directed-energy devices.
Havana Syndrome, energy weapons, radiation weapon | Homeland Security ... › dr20230302-havana-syndrome-not-caused-by-directedenergy-weapons-u-s-intelligence
1 day agoA comprehensive investigation by several agencies of the U.S. intelligence community has now concluded that the symptoms of what came to be called the Havana Syndrome were not the result of an adversary nation using directed-energy or radiation weapons.
US agencies: 'Havana syndrome' not caused by weapon | Popular Science › technology › havana-syndrome-causes-according-to-us-intelligence
2 days agoBecause Havana syndrome sufferers lacked visible marks, it is easy to rule out a laser as the origin. Other directed energy weapons, like high-power microwaves, or sound beyond what...
Are Directed-Energy Weapons Behind the Havana Syndrome? › ideas › 2021 › 09 › are-directed-energy-weapons-behind-havana-syndrome › 185580
Sep 23, 2021I can also personally attest to the effectiveness of directed energy weapons. In 2020, a study on Havana syndrome by the U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine concluded ...
'Havana syndrome' not caused by energy weapon or foreign adversary ... › story › news › nation › 2023 › 03 › 01 › havana-syndrome-not-caused-by-energy-weapon-or-foreign-adversary-intelligence-review-finds › 69958678007
2 days agoThe mysterious ailment known as "Havana syndrome" did not result from the actions of a foreign adversary, according to an intelligence report that shatters a long-disputed theory that hundreds...
Microwave weapons that could cause Havana Syndrome exist, experts say ... › science › 2021 › jun › 02 › microwave-weapons-havana-syndrome-experts
Jun 2, 2021A National Academy of Sciences report in December, found that the Havana Syndrome injuries were most likely caused by "directed pulsed radio frequency energy". Sceptics of the microwave...
Concerns about energy shortages drive increase as projects progress at 'extraordinary' speed Published: 9:40 PM . China approves biggest expansion in new coal power plants since 2015, report ...

'Havana syndrome' not caused by foreign adversary, US intelligence says ... › us-news › 2023 › mar › 01 › havana-syndrome-us-intelligence-services-determine-no-foreign-adversaries
2 days agoThe assessment involved a painstaking effort to analyze syndrome cases for patterns that could link them, as well as a search, using forensics and geolocation data, for evidence of a directed...
Directed energy weapons shoot painful but - The Conversation › directed-energy-weapons-shoot-painful-but-non-lethal-beams-are-similar-weapons-behind-the-havana-syndrome-167318
Sep 17, 2021If Havana syndrome turns out to be caused by weapons that shoot energy beams, they won't be the first such weapons. As an aerospace engineer and former Vice Chair of the U.S. Air Force...
Expert panel: Havana Syndrome most likely caused by directed energy › politics › national-security › havana-syndrome-symptoms-small-group-likely-caused-directed-energy-say-rcna14584
Feb 2, 2022'Havana Syndrome' symptoms in small group most likely caused by directed energy, says U.S. intel panel of experts Injuries suffered by several dozen diplomats and spies were consistent with...
'Havana Syndrome' likely caused by pulsed microwave energy, government ... › news › all › havana-syndrome-likely-caused-microwave-energy-government-study-finds-n1250094
'Havana Syndrome' likely caused by pulsed microwave energy, government study finds Exclusive: Report on neurological symptoms of U.S. diplomats in China, Cuba does not address whether...
Column: Are electromagnetic weapons involved? Taking victims of 'Havana ... › opinion › story › 2022-02-24 › electromagnetic-weapons-havana-syndrome
Feb 24, 2022The U.S. investigation into mysterious symptoms known as the "Havana syndrome" could provide Americans with long-overdue insights into the emerging threats of directed-energy devices.
Havana Syndrome, energy weapons, radiation weapon | Homeland Security ... › dr20230302-havana-syndrome-not-caused-by-directedenergy-weapons-u-s-intelligence
1 day agoA comprehensive investigation by several agencies of the U.S. intelligence community has now concluded that the symptoms of what came to be called the Havana Syndrome were not the result of an adversary nation using directed-energy or radiation weapons.
US agencies: 'Havana syndrome' not caused by weapon | Popular Science › technology › havana-syndrome-causes-according-to-us-intelligence
2 days agoBecause Havana syndrome sufferers lacked visible marks, it is easy to rule out a laser as the origin. Other directed energy weapons, like high-power microwaves, or sound beyond what...
Are Directed-Energy Weapons Behind the Havana Syndrome? › ideas › 2021 › 09 › are-directed-energy-weapons-behind-havana-syndrome › 185580
Sep 23, 2021I can also personally attest to the effectiveness of directed energy weapons. In 2020, a study on Havana syndrome by the U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine concluded ...
'Havana syndrome' not caused by energy weapon or foreign adversary ... › story › news › nation › 2023 › 03 › 01 › havana-syndrome-not-caused-by-energy-weapon-or-foreign-adversary-intelligence-review-finds › 69958678007
2 days agoThe mysterious ailment known as "Havana syndrome" did not result from the actions of a foreign adversary, according to an intelligence report that shatters a long-disputed theory that hundreds...

Holy Link worship.
I definitely believe that EMFs may be part of the reason for some of the people who have been labelled as having Covid 19. I actually started a thread back in 2021 with evidence that 5G networks may have played a part in starting Covid off. Just in case someone's interested, it's here:

Evidence that Covid 19 may have started due to 5G networks |

LOL. Now you are using yourself as a reference?

I've referred to threads of mine in the past on this site, as have others here. As with pretty much all of my threads, I cite articles and the like in the thread mentioned above.

phoenyx said:
viruses are created by the body in order to try to purge toxins form the body,

That's funny. You make a post on another message board where you argue that viruses likely exist and then use it as a source to argue that viruses don't exist.

Always snipping bits of sentences giving the wrong impression. The complete sentence was:
If it's true that viruses are created by the body in order to try to purge toxins form the body, then the new variants could be the body's attempts to purge other drugs and the covid 19 vaccines themselves from the body.

I created that thread at the end of August, 2021. While I'm not completely sure, I think I said that because of a certain site that argued that viruses were real but that they weren't contagious, this one to be precise:

Later on, I came to believe that it would be best to stick with the mainstream definition of viruses, which stipulates that they -are- contagious, which would make uncontagious viruses an oxymoron.
Last edited:
Perhaps it would be best to list what I agree with Mr. Firstenberg and where we disagree in the case of viruses.


1- I think he provided a lot of evidence that various man made non ionizing EMFs have harmed a lot of people, playing integral roles in diseases such as the flu.

2- I agree with him that the flu is not contagious and believe he presented a lot of good evidence for this.


1- We disagree that biological viruses exist.

You disagree on how flu is activated.

True, but we both agree that EMFs play a large role in the disease.

You disagree on how EMFs cause flu

Only that he adds a step, the activation of the alleged flu virus, whereas I don't feel there is any evidence that the flu virus exists, which means that EMFs would be the sole cause.

You disagree on what causes flu.

Again, only partially true, as we both agree that EMFs play a large role in causing the flu.

You disagree that viruses are in the human body.

Yes, that is our major disagreement.

You disagree that viruses can be activated by EMFs.

Naturally, as I don't believe that contagious viruses exist.

You disagree on quite a bit that you aren't willing to admit because you are bastardizing his argument to try to make your own.

No, I'm not "bastardizing his argument", I'm pointing out the evidence he's brought to the table that EMFs play a large role in the causation of the flu.

From Wikipedia:
A virus is a submicroscopic infectious agent that replicates only inside the living cells of an organism.[1]


Because these alleged life forms aren't capable of reproducing on their own, if they weren't contagious, they would have become extinct a long time ago.

I agree that they allegedly spread in varying ways, but the point is that they are all defined as being parasitical in nature.

So you are going to argue that parasites exist but parasites can't exist?

No, I've never made such an argument.

Parasites require a host to survive. Without that host they would become extinct.


Viruses have more hosts than most parasites since viruses don't often depend on just one species.

You know I no longer believe that biological viruses exist, so I clearly don't agree with any of this.

Claiming they can't exist is nonsense.

I have never made such a claim. The claim I've made is that I don't believe they exist because of the lack of solid evidence that they exist.

Then you confuse the word contagion with infection. One can be infected with something that isn't contagious.

Can you give me an example?

Are EMFs contagious?

Definitely not.

There are plenty of viruses that aren't contagious and don't pass from human to human. Rabies, Lyme disease are two examples of viruses that are not contagious.

According to Wikipedia, rabies is usually transmitted via a bite:
The virus is usually present in the nerves and saliva of a symptomatic rabid animal.[47][48] The route of infection is usually, but not always, by a bite.


Sounds contagious to me.

Lyme disease is not a virus, it's a bacterium. I've never claimed I don't believe in bacteriums. From Wikipedia:

Lyme disease, also known as Lyme borreliosis, is a vector-borne disease caused by the Borrelia bacterium, which is spread by ticks in the genus Ixodes.[3][7][8]


Again, sounds contagious to me.