Sexism rears its ugly head....

Cancel 2016.2

The Almighty

""There is a special place in hell for women who do not help other women," former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright once remarked.
Where, then, are the liberal women when it comes to Alaska Governor Sarah Palin?

Palin became the first woman to grace a Republican ticket on Friday, August 29, when Senator John McCain selected her as his running mate. The following day, a diarist at the mainstream left-wing Daily Kos (Barack Obama himself appeared as a Kos diarist back in 2005) suggested without any evidence whatsoever that Sarah Palin's son, Trig, recently born and with Down syndrome, was birthed not by Palin but by her daughter. Andrew Sullivan of The Atlantic jumped on the bandwagon, demanding that the McCain campaign release Trig's medical records.

The rumor, of course, was demonstrably false -- Kos took down the post. Sullivan, however, stubbornly claimed that the questions about Palin's pregnancy were legitimate. And certain deranged leftist bloggers continue to speculate that Palin wore a padded suit in order to disguise her supposed non-pregnancy.

On Monday, September 1, Palin released the news that her 17-year-old daughter, Bristol, was pregnant, and that she would have the baby and marry the father. To Barack Obama's credit, he quickly condemned the focus on Bristol's pregnancy, noting that he was born when his mother was 18. But that made little difference to his followers. The left was already trembling with new paroxysms of delight. They immediately blamed Palin for her daughter's pregnancy.

"Sarah Palin opposes programs that teach teenagers anything about contraception," complained Ruth Marcus of the Washington Post. Max Blumenthal of The Nation obnoxiously wrote, "Could Bristol Palin have benefited from the sex education and contraceptives the GOP seeks to deny to public school students?" The New York Times writes that some wonder if Palin should have stayed out of politics in order to raise her family: "With five children, including an infant with Down syndrome and, as the country learned Monday, a pregnant 17-year-old, Ms. Palin has set off a fierce argument among women about whether there are enough hours in the day for her to take on the vice presidency, and whether she is right to try." A few commentators on the left have written that Palin should have told Bristol to consider abortion.

There is no question that the left's attachment to both the Trig Palin non-story and the Bristol Palin story are dramatic examples of sexism. Attacking a female politician's pregnancy without any evidence -- accusing her of lying about her own baby -- is simply sickening. Exposing a female politician's 17-year-old pregnant daughter and then implying that the politician is an unfit mother and should have stayed at home to tend to the children is simply discriminatory. Liberal women should feel free to oppose Palin's candidacy on policy grounds -- but they have the moral obligation to defend Palin from such sexist attacks.

When Palin accepted McCain's offer, she thanked Hillary Clinton for her breakthrough candidacy. Where is Hillary Clinton, defending Palin against such blatant sexism? After all, Clinton recognizes that sexism remains a prevalent force in American politics, saying: "The manifestation of some of the sexism that has gone on in this campaign is somehow more respectable, or at least more accepted, and ... there should be equal rejection of the sexism and the racism when it raises its ugly head." How about rejecting sexism when it raises its ugly head, Senator Clinton?

Where is Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House? "I'm a victim of sexism myself all the time," Pelosi recently stated. How about confronting sexism in its tracks, Madam Speaker?

Where is Katie Couric? "Like [Hillary] or not, one of the great lessons of that campaign is the continued -- and accepted -- role of sexism in American life, particularly in the media," Couric stated about Hillary's failed presidential bid. How about standing up against the continued role of sexism in American life with regard to a vice presidential nominee, Katie?

The Democrats' support of women's rights, it seems, is restricted only to the most convenient political situation: liberal women versus white males. When it's liberal women versus black males -- see Clinton vs. Obama -- the left dumps women's rights in favor of racial gains. When it's conservative women versus anybody, the left ignores women's rights completely.

For Sarah Palin, according to the left, it's back to the kitchen and the minivan. And for liberal women who sit by idly as Palin is excoriated for her gender, there's a special place in hell. At least according to Madeleine Albright. Who, so far, has said nothing. "

For shame....
I supported Sarah to be governor, because she wouldn't play the games the dirty Republicans wanted her to play and I agreed with her stance on oil taxation and the gas pipeline, but I can't support her for VP, no apologies.

Supporting them just because they are women would be like voting for them just because they are Democrat and I don't play that way!
I supported Sarah to be governor, because she wouldn't play the games the dirty Republicans wanted her to play and I agreed with her stance on oil taxation and the gas pipeline, but I can't support her for VP, no apologies.

Supporting them just because they are women would be like voting for them just because they are Democrat and I don't play that way!

As the article said, you obviously don't have to vote for her or show support of all her policies. That was not his point.

But were some of those comments sexist? if so, why no condemnation of the comments and the 'sexist media' as we saw when the media went after Hillary?
I cannot support anyone who tries to start a book banning at a local public library.
Feminist women only like strong women--that think like they do. Palin is a strong woman who thinks differently than they do. They think all women are liberial.

The hostility against Palin---I love it--because I think she can tear them down and beat them like a adopted red hair lesbian child.

Now Palin did not have a abortion when she foiund out her last child was going to have DS. I know the woman has integrity, but I wonder if she would have aborted if she found out her child was going to be a liberial lesbian?
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How is the Bristol Palin story sexist? Bush was blasted for his girl's public drinking, Gore got static over his son as did Huckabee? Politicians are criticized for the actions of their kids regardless of gender. It might be below the belt, but I don't see how it is sexist.
I cannot support anyone who tries to start a book banning at a local public library.

Who did that--and show me a credible source. Liberial sources do not apply right now (and usually never do as a credible source--because they have a socialist agenda to dupe us into), because some of the attacks now are false. Like Her last child being somebody elses child.
How is the Bristol Palin story sexist? Bush was blasted for his girl's public drinking, Gore got static over his son as did Huckabee? Politicians are criticized for the actions of their kids regardless of gender. It might be below the belt, but I don't see how it is sexist.

They (even some feminist liberials--which is all of liberials--lol) are telling Palin that she should be home, taking care of her last child with special needs. Say that to a liberial feminist about a woman they like--and she will rip your nads off.
I don't see his comments as sexist, but I allow for there to be two types of women, those who love to stay home and raise their children and those who don't. I don't pass judgement on either. I loved staying home, it would have been disasterous for my sister!
We are both happy.

Sexism to me is a woman not getting paid a man's salary when she does the same job as the man performs.
Who did that--and show me a credible source. Liberial sources do not apply right now (and usually never do as a credible source--because they have a socialist agenda to dupe us into), because some of the attacks now are false. Like Her last child being somebody elses child.

Palin, when she was mayor of Wasilla tried to fire the librarian. Supposedly due to her refusal to remove certain books from the library. I have not seen anything more than the basics, but that is the story. Her trying to fire the librarian is fact. Whether that was the reason for it or not, I am not sure.
I don't see his comments as sexist, but I allow for there to be two types of women, those who love to stay home and raise their children and those who don't. I don't pass judgement on either. I loved staying home, it would have been disasterous for my sister!
We are both happy.

Sexism to me is a woman not getting paid a man's salary when she does the same job as the man performs.

I agree that is certainly sexist. But if someone suggests Sarah should stay home with her kids or questions whether she is up to being VP because of her kids... is that not also sexist? Because I doubt anyone would suggest the same of a man with five kids.
I don't see his comments as sexist, but I allow for there to be two types of women, those who love to stay home and raise their children and those who don't. I don't pass judgement on either. I loved staying home, it would have been disasterous for my sister!
We are both happy.

Sexism to me is a woman not getting paid a man's salary when she does the same job as the man performs.

Nature does have it's gender rolls--but we can do what we want if it works for us. Good for you froggie.

Sexual discrimination used to be for the bosses who wanted a blow job so she could get a raise in pay, or promotion. But--that has outreached it's boundries a bit too. I have seen men get fired just because a woman on the assembly line next to her, heard a joke from him that could be construed as being sexist. It does not work the other way though--women can just about say anything, grab a guys butt at work--and nothing usually happens to her job. of course--a guy has to not like it. :)
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Who did that--and show me a credible source. Liberial sources do not apply right now (and usually never do as a credible source--because they have a socialist agenda to dupe us into), because some of the attacks now are false. Like Her last child being somebody elses child.

"...Palin continued to inject religious beliefs into her policy at times. "She asked the library how she could go about banning books," he says, because some voters thought they had inappropriate language in them. "The librarian was aghast." That woman, Mary Ellen Baker, couldn't be reached for comment, but news reports from the time show that Palin had threatened to fire Baker for not giving "full support" to the mayor.",8599,1837918,00.html?imw=Y
"...Palin continued to inject religious beliefs into her policy at times. "She asked the library how she could go about banning books," he says, because some voters thought they had inappropriate language in them. "The librarian was aghast." That woman, Mary Ellen Baker, couldn't be reached for comment, but news reports from the time show that Palin had threatened to fire Baker for not giving "full support" to the mayor.",8599,1837918,00.html?imw=Y

Amazing how you managed to leave out the part that it was Stein, the man Palin beat in her original run for Mayor that has made this assertation. I think I will wait for the librarian (or others that may be privy to why she threatened to fire the librarian) to comment before I accept this story completely.

that said, it is a story that should be followed.