
What do you think about it?

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Sexism is still very alive.
And I am not sure that is altogether a bad thing....
Some aspects of course are. But i like women in short skirts and high heels , etc, but not men.
Sorry USC sexism is a bad thing for the same reason that any other sort of bigotry is. Like racism, sexism is based on stereotypes that make generalities about women. Like all stereotypes these generalities may have some basis in fact but when those generalities are applied to all women, as a group and as individuals, they inevitably prove to be wrong.
Sexism is still very alive.
And I am not sure that is altogether a bad thing....
Some aspects of course are. But i like women in short skirts and high heels , etc, but not men.

A man being pleased and attracted to women who wear high heels and short skirts is fine. It's one way of many for a woman to signal her sexuality to a receptive male. But if she chooses to wear bib coveralls and could care less wether or not you are attracted to her sexuality does not make her any less of a woman.
Sorry USC sexism is a bad thing for the same reason that any other sort of bigotry is. Like racism, sexism is based on stereotypes that make generalities about women. Like all stereotypes these generalities may have some basis in fact but when those generalities are applied to all women, as a group and as individuals, they inevitably prove to be wrong.

yes. But because there are statistical outliers and exceptions, it doesn't render generalities useless. They're, in fact, quite useful.

For instance:

"Clyde, don't you go marrying that broad, she a gold diggin ho just trying to get your check."

next thing you know clyde is shackled up, bitch taking his money, and he still isn't getting any.
yes. But because there are statistical outliers and exceptions, it doesn't render generalities useless. They're, in fact, quite useful.

For instance:

"Clyde, don't you go marrying that broad, she a gold diggin ho just trying to get your check."

next thing you know clyde is shackled up, bitch taking his money, and he still isn't getting any.

Such generalities can be useful when applied to individuals in which you know something about their character, when applied across the board to groups, in this case women, they are always wrong.
Such generalities can be useful when applied to individuals in which you know something about their character, when applied across the board to groups, in this case women, they are always wrong.

Except for cases where the individuals in the group do, in fact, exhibit said characteristic.

It's intellectual nihilists like you that make humanity more stupid.
Sorry USC sexism is a bad thing for the same reason that any other sort of bigotry is. Like racism, sexism is based on stereotypes that make generalities about women. Like all stereotypes these generalities may have some basis in fact but when those generalities are applied to all women, as a group and as individuals, they inevitably prove to be wrong.

The above is quite sexist of you.
wait up. sexism is a bad thing? why?

Women should never wear dresses or stokckings to show off their nice legs should they ? Makeup hair styles nice tans.

They should all just wear flannel shirts, jeans and sneakers I suppose ?

sorry I am an old fashioned guy who still opens doors for ladies and seat them first, etc.

I guess all that is just out the window for this gen though...
A large part of our economy depends on sexism.

I think you are mistaking "sexism" for "sexuality" aren't you?

Sexism is the belief that women are subservient creatures to man, or that men are superior to women. I don't know of a company in America that could stay afloat if that were the message they were sending.

Sexual attraction is a common human attribute, there is nothing "sexist" in it, unless it is intentionally used to promote a sexist stereotype. Sure, you have Playboy and Hooter's, but you also have Chippendale's and Playgirl. Are the later two also "sexist" even though it's from the opposite perspective? I don't think any of them are, because they deal with common and normal human sexual attraction, and there is nothing inherently 'sexist' about men and women being physically attracted to one another.

To me, actual "sexism" is more along the lines of a company not promoting a female executive to CEO because she is a woman... or a woman being paid less to do the same job as her male counterpart... those are sexist. If a woman asks a question, and is answered with "sugar" or "sweetheart", that is also sexism through patronization. There is also a 'gray area' here... is it 'sexist' that there are no female coaches in the NFL? I don't think so, because it is a male sport, all males play it, and subsequently, they are more qualified to be coaches.