Sharing Palin


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Well Howdy you all! that is how they talk down here in Texas.

I am about to pull out a can of whoop ass and get busy promoting my book down here!

It is a long way from Alaska and I can't see Russia, but I got a good glimpse of Mexico and damn, it is full of Mexicans! Can you imagine!

Todd, the hunky first dude just wants to get back to riding snow machines, but I told him that down here it is steers and queers we ride!

It was not my time, it was not my moment, but Jesus tells me it is coming soon!
2012, Sarah Palin for President! Hey, that is the same year as the Myan calendar ends, do you think the two have anything in common?

My book promotion is fun! Todd has to do all the yucky stuff like take care of the kids, but he likes the money so he doesn't complain much and when he does, I just get out the red lips stick and bite him on the ass like a pit bull.

I am in Plano and yet, I have not gotten an invitation from my good buddy George to come over and visit Laura and him. It just breaks this little Wasilly heart to think that we just can't be friends. I am trying to forget those hurtful things he has said about me.

Well, time to go to the mall and find some new dudes and hairspray! I have to wear my hair BIG here to attract the BIG money. Big hair and shorts skirts, those Texans know how to treat a woman! Now if I can just get them steered, that 's a joke son, in my direction!
Another fan, I tell ya, I just can't keep 'em away, it is like flies to manure, that is also Texas talk, in Alaska we just call it shit.
Well, you can have as many guesses as you wish, they are free and if you guess right, well, there might be a copy of my book for you!
Well, gorsch, you learn something new everyday, will you be joining me for my book signing in Plano? I sure would love for you to come out and give me some money, I am in desperate need, all the clothed bills, the suits, and now that posing for naked magazine worhtless money grubbing lad that knocked up my daughter thinks he has a right to see the kids he fathered. I just can't let that happen.
Don't give up your day job..

as a impersonator or comedian you just might starve..:pke:

It's toad breath~~~

I'm telling ya Mem's, frog can't even sneak up on stupid she's so dumb~~~I guess the beer got stale :(

(PM me ifin ya want details...)
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Douche is that a French word for dude? I have been wandering around the country trying to learn the lingo, we talk a lot different up in Wasilly. It is easy to get confused. I sometimes feel like people are talkin a foreign language. They speak all fancy and me and the dude, we just like to talk regular and stuff.
Douche is that a French word for dude? I have been wandering around the country trying to learn the lingo, we talk a lot different up in Wasilly. It is easy to get confused. I sometimes feel like people are talkin a foreign language. They speak all fancy and me and the dude, we just like to talk regular and stuff.

((((((((((REPULSES ME:cof1:))))))))))​
See, it is like this, I just don't understand what this little lady is trying to say here, hugging herself and drinking coffee, it is right confusing. Things are a lot simpler where I come from in Alaska.
What a fish bowl I live in. The media watching my every move and as always, putting their negative spin on it. I'm amazed at my stamina. All women must remain strong to support their husbands and families, But I am the strongest woman I have ever known. " Keep the faith in our Lord and Savior and He will never fail you."
I love God and that is why they hate me. I am like Ronald Reagan, they hate me because I am beautiful and I talk all mixed up and things. I am grounded in the divine and he has a plan for me and Iraq. God gives us our rights, not Washington or any other place where governments reside. When God is on your side and he has a divine plan for you, it doesn't matter who people think you are, you are grounded in greatness and when you are shaped by something from beyond this world you are not being judgemu are being grounded in God.

I listened to my horoscope and found that Jupiter is coming in through my back door so I must wait and gather my strength for the monumental fight that I am about to embark upon and I swear by the God above that I will not let Nancy Pelosi put the elderly or the aborted out on ice flows, nor will I let government intervene in their health care or their Social Security or their Medicare.

I hear the clarion call of my base and me and the the ex-first dude are gathering our stamina for this fight for the rights of the states.

President Obama is immoral, he is part of the machine that is ready to take Washington down the road to Socialism and eventually Communism and then to Atheism and I am having a vicereal gut reaction to all of this creepy stuff that is going on and Todd and I know that we must hook this nation to the dog team of morality and pull Washington out of their elistist, I am a lawyer and what is your degree in slump they are sliding towards.
So, let's support the troops, keep them in Afghanistan and fighting those evil, creeps who threaten the very fiber of our existence on this six thousand year old Earth.
As a Christian, I do not fear death. I long for the eternal respite from the sheer evil and depraved insanity of this world. I hope for the end of this life as fervently as a soldier in combat longs for peace. That day when all hostilities cease, the struggle won, the victory realized.

The day is coming. We who have repented and made peace with the Creator will shed this mortal coil and be refreshed.

I am Sarah, hear me roar, with God on my side, who can be against me?