Sharing Palin

Imagine a city, if set on the North American continent, would have it's southwest corner resting in San Diego, it's northwest in Vancouver, it's northeast in Minneapolis, and it's southeast corner in Dallas.

Light, brilliant hues, mansions of indescribable beauty, crystal rivers, trees bearing a new crop of fruit each month for the healing of the body. Outside the city gates, a world of wondrous nature, flowers to make the soul weep. Picnics with loved ones long ago lost to injury, sickness, or old age. Traveling at the speed of thought, in a physical body that never tires or grows old or infirm. Run and do not stop, laugh with the children who mature into adults as millions of newly murdered children appear in the city each year.

Who will mother them? Perhaps those women who could not have their most fervent desires fulfilled on earth. someday, I, Sarah Palin will be there.

Imagine my mansion, It is SO me. Everything, down the most minute detail, prepared for me. God knows me more intimately than I know myself, sometimes I blush when I think of him looking at me.
I get to walk with Him, and to talk with Him, and hear Him say, you're His own. I'll ask hundreds of questions I've been dying to know the answers to. "Why, Lord, Why did You let me run as Vice President and not be elected?"

"I need to experience what life without Me was truly like. The pain, the heartache, the misery. But, I picked you up when the trial was over, and tended to your wounded knees and elbows. I dusted you off and sent you on your way. And because I allowed you to be afflicted, the next time I spoke, you heard my voice and heeded me." I carried you and at times you were really heavy"

Dance and twirl, quiver and swirl, for I hast entered the joy o' thy Lord. I am His chosen and he is mine. I wonder what Todd will do when I am in heaven with God?
I got to thinking this morning after church services where I had my weekly conversation with Jesus and while Todd and I were gathering road kill for breakfast that Maybe Barrack Hussein Obama is a robot, a new Muslim technology? He sure doesn't seem to have any emotion for his troops or the people of the United States who are always footing the bills. Oh yeah, he has feelings for illegal alien voters, or the Acorn Mafia, but for those of us who have small businesses, ...or who are in the income bracket that will have to pay -no pity. We don't owe lazy ass citizens one red cent. We do need to be compassionate but not enablers. He wants to take our hard earned money and re-distribute it to the people who didn't prepare for their retirement like those Enron people or people who get diseases like cancer and such.
My God, that only been around on t'internet for about 10 years, have you just received it as a viral?

Next time I post something Thomasina, should I get the okay from you? Is there some sort of year limit on material you believe people should be able to post, you nosey, handwringing, cry baby lil gurl?

Are you up so late at night, every night, because your wife has long since figured out that the idea of intimacy is long gone like this frog in a blender deal?

Maybe you should spend a little more time taking care of your marriage and less time diddling yourself on the internet, eh?
Next time I post something Thomasina, should I get the okay from you? Is there some sort of year limit on material you believe people should be able to post, you nosey, handwringing, cry baby lil gurl?

Are you up so late at night, every night, because your wife has long since figured out that the idea of intimacy is long gone like this frog in a blender deal?

Maybe you should spend a little more time taking care of your marriage and less time diddling yourself on the internet, eh?

What and give up his posting on sex tapes and pole dancing trannies? I think our Tom needs another trip to visit the sex huts of Thailand~~~
Actually, I just visit the various Sarah Palin fan sites and then change the wording up just a bit to fit what Todd and I believe and then post those thoughts here for you'al!

I am sorry that my fan base sucks!
It's toad breath~~~

I'm telling ya Mem's, frog can't even sneak up on stupid she's so dumb~~~I guess the beer got stale :(

(PM me ifin ya want details...)
Just an FYI... As far as I can tell this is not Froggie. The IPs are not telling me that this new "troll" is Froggs...
