She was for it before she was against it?

Big Money

New member

What is the proper word for the claim by Hillary Clinton and the more factually disinclined supporters of her campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination - made in speeches, briefings and interviews - that she has always been a critic of the North American Free Trade Agreement?

Now that we know from the 11,000 pages of Clinton White House documents that the former First Lady was an ardent advocate for NAFTA; now that we know she held at least five meetings to strategize about how to win congressional approval of the deal; now that we know she was in the thick of the maneuvering to block the efforts of labor, farm, environmental and human rights groups to get a better agreement.

Now that we know all of this, how should we assess the claim that Hillary's heart has always beaten to a fair-trade rhythm?

Now that we know from official records of her time as First Lady that Clinton was the featured speaker at a closed-door session where 120 women opinion leaders were hectored to pressure their congressional representatives to approve NAFTA; now that we know from ABC News reporting on the session that "her remarks were totally pro-NAFTA" and that "there was no equivocation for her support for NAFTA at the time;" now that we have these details confirmed, what should we make of Clinton's claim?

Clinton says, "I have been a critic of NAFTA from the very beginning."

White House records confirm that this is not true.

Her statement is, to be precise, a lie.
Gee! I wonder how many RINOs were for it before they were against it? Is the Wicked Witch Of The West any more a hypocrite than BIG government RINOs?
Do some research and post the results.

If I were actually to do the research on DUOPOLY politicians & NAFTA, I’d surely find politicians of both sides of the Duopoly coin that have flipped on NAFTA totally depending on which pro or con crowd they were bullshitting at any particular time. I don’t think I’ll waste my time to do that stupid shit.

Furthermore, as fucked up as the Wicked Witch Of The West is, I would have thought you’d at least plastered her sorry ass with her ineptitude and irrationality on way more relevant issues than the NAFTA non-issue.
Furthermore, as fucked up as the Wicked Witch Of The West is, I would have thought you’d at least plastered her sorry ass with her ineptitude and irrationality on way more relevant issues than the NAFTA non-issue.

The point of this thread was a further illustration of what a lying partisan asshat the Hildebeast, the next "chosen one" by the leftist media, is.

I'm sure in the next few years we will see many examples like this one illustrating the profound partisan nature of corrupt political apparatchiks like Hillary.

The fact that the leftist media have divined that Hildebeast shall be the first woman President and are willing to pull out all the stops to ensure this cannot be discounted or underestimated.

They proved they could get the most inept, inexperienced and hyper partisan person ever to inhabit the White House elected for no other reason than he was the first "acceptable" semi-black person. Never underestimate the power of a leftstream media that has shed any pretense of impartiality and practicing journalistic malfeasance.
The point of this thread was a further illustration of what a lying partisan asshat the Hildebeast, the next "chosen one" by the leftist media, is.

I'm sure in the next few years we will see many examples like this one illustrating the profound partisan nature of corrupt political apparatchiks like Hillary.

The fact that the leftist media have divined that Hildebeast shall be the first woman President and are willing to pull out all the stops to ensure this cannot be discounted or underestimated.

They proved they could get the most inept, inexperienced and hyper partisan person ever to inhabit the White House elected for no other reason than he was the first "acceptable" semi-black person. Never underestimate the power of a leftstream media that has shed any pretense of impartiality and practicing journalistic malfeasance.

And be sure to never underestimate the extreme stupidity and criminal intentions of the fucking moron RINO right who are at present adorning their 2016 Christmas tree wishes with their favorite fat-assed trash mouthed RINO Chris Christi, Mitt’s and Barrack’s best friend, and anti-Second Amendment tax hiking public union ass kissing fraud.

Christi or Clinton. The moron’s fucking choice of the century. Looks like Obama-Care is guaranteed law and worse to come for at least the next decade, huh?
And be sure to never underestimate the extreme stupidity and criminal intentions of the fucking moron RINO right who are at present adorning their 2016 Christmas tree wishes with their favorite fat-assed trash mouthed RINO Chris Christi, Mitt’s and Barrack’s best friend, and anti-Second Amendment tax hiking public union ass kissing fraud.

Christi or Clinton. The moron’s fucking choice of the century. Looks like Obama-Care is guaranteed law and worse to come for at least the next decade, huh?

Enjoying your rant? Yet,the only ones wanting to rescind Obamacare are those RINOs you claim are no different from Democrats. By choosing not to vote for any viable candidates, you ensure Democratic victory.

So please spare me your paranoid omens of dictatorship; it is beneath dignified debate and suggests someone more interested in engaging in brain dead rants than intellectual arguments.

Your "duopoly" rants are no more coherent than the leftist "class envy" rants on this forum.

I, similar to you, distrust all politicians and believe in the genius contained in our Constitution; but unlike you, i dont stick my head in the sand foolishly thinking that this elevates my arguments.

If we truly want political reform on ALL sides, then we should all work, and demand of our Politicians, to abolish the current tax code abomination and supplant it with a "Fair Tax" or Flat Tax and pass term limits on Congress. In addition, we should demand an end to subsidies and demand a balanced budget requirement except in time of war.

You won't get this with Democrats in charge; you have a chance with Republicans. Right now they are the ONLY party attempting internal reform and reconciliation with the TEA Party elements.

So continue being juvenile and ranting about the "duopoly" and playing ostrich if that gives you the warm and fuzzies, but I can assure you it will do nothing to ensure political reform or change. That will only come through working within the Republican Party, not fighting it.
He seems angry.

Maybe he blames someone for revoking his senior discount or something...:dunno:

Now, what about The Hildebeasts' flip-flop on NAFTA?
Enjoying your rant? Yet,the only ones wanting to rescind Obamacare are those RINOs you claim are no different from Democrats.

Yeah right! What fucking planet do you live on moron? Are you offering up those fucking RINOs like McCain and his little ventriloquist dummy Lindsey Graham and the rest of the majority of fucking RINOs in the Senate and the fucking idiot House Speaker John Boehner and other House RINOs Who badmouthed Cruz and Paul and joined the Demorats accusations that they shut down the government? Seems the fuck heads forgot all about Obama’s & Reid’s part in shutting down the government, huh Goober?
By choosing not to vote for any viable candidates, you ensure Democratic victory.

How’s that work dumbass? I don’t vote for fucking Demorats either.

So please spare me your paranoid omens of dictatorship; it is beneath dignified debate and suggests someone more interested in engaging in brain dead rants than intellectual arguments.

Spare me your cowardly fucking copouts because you have no rational arguments in opposition to the TRUTH IDIOT!!!
Your "duopoly" rants are no more coherent than the leftist "class envy" rants on this forum.

If there is no such thing as the Duopoly, then list the real identifying differences between the Demorats and the RINOs.

I, similar to you, distrust all politicians and believe in the genius contained in our Constitution; but unlike you, i dont stick my head in the sand foolishly thinking that this elevates my arguments.

You don’t distrust politicians if they’re RINO’s. You even think the fucking CIA is saintly.

If we truly want political reform on ALL sides, then we should all work, and demand of our Politicians, to abolish the current tax code abomination and supplant it with a "Fair Tax" or Flat Tax and pass term limits on Congress. In addition, we should demand an end to subsidies and demand a balanced budget requirement except in time of war.

You already have term limits Goober, it’s called voting the bastards out and you blew that opertunity long ago and Demorats and RINOs are endlessly ”AT FUCKING WAR” So much for that idiot exception, huh Goober?

You won't get this with Democrats in charge; you have a chance with Republicans. Right now they are the ONLY party attempting internal reform and reconciliation with the TEA Party elements.

Yada, yada, yada. You’ve exchanged Demorats for RINOs a hundred times and all you’ve accomplished is more fucking wars, more fucking debt, less freedom and RINOs so fucked up like the Bushwhacker you guaranteed that the present communist in the White House would get elected next. You better find a new scam, Goober your tactics suck!!!!!

So continue being juvenile and ranting about the "duopoly" and playing ostrich if that gives you the warm and fuzzies, but I can assure you it will do nothing to ensure political reform or change. That will only come through working within the Republican Party, not fighting it.

Yeah right Goober, I’ve noticed your RINO CHANGE for 77 years now and it still looks like the same fucking shit to me. Fucking RINOs lie like Demorats, spend like Demorats, run up debt like Demorats, start fucking wars like Demorats, create socialist programs like Demorats, legislate subsidies like Demorats for BIG money special interest contributors, fuck over the middle class like the Demorats, promote and support the Military Industrial Complex just like the Demorats, support the World police force and Nation Building just like the fucking Demorats and on and on and on. So what were those ”DIFFERENCES” between the sons-of-bitches again Goober?????

Got a comment on The Hildebeasts' volte-face on NAFTA, old man?

NAFTA, is that your best attempt RINO? The fucking power hungry slut has skeletons in her closet enough to shock the Devil and all you can come up with is NAFTA? Pretty damn sad if your asking me!
Yeah right! What fucking planet do you live on moron? Are you offering up those fucking RINOs like McCain and his little ventriloquist dummy Lindsey Graham and the rest of the majority of fucking RINOs in the Senate and the fucking idiot House Speaker John Boehner and other House RINOs Who badmouthed Cruz and Paul and joined the Demorats accusations that they shut down the government? Seems the fuck heads forgot all about Obama’s & Reid’s part in shutting down the government, huh Goober?

Dear dunce; I never liked McCain or Lindsey Graham. But I am pointing out that as dimwitted as they are, they would support rescinding the law you find more repugnant than Saddam Hussien. Something you will NEVER get from Democrats.

But alas; I am trying to have a coherent debate with someone more inclined to engage in his moronic "duopoly" meme and rant than spend a moment attempting coherent comprehension.

So do you also believe in Chemtrails and black ops copters?
Dear dunce; I never liked McCain or Lindsey Graham. But I am pointing out that as dimwitted as they are, they would support rescinding the law you find more repugnant than Saddam Hussien. Something you will NEVER get from Democrats.

To further your education moron, I’ll be pleased to inform you that the RINO offerings of Congress are actually ”REPEAL AND REPLACE” Obama-Care. To further, further your education there’s absolutely no authority in our Constitution for the fucking federal government to be involved in the nation’s healthcare, period! Thus REPLACING Obama-Care is still a Constitutional violation.

But alas; I am trying to have a coherent debate with someone more inclined to engage in his moronic "duopoly" meme and rant than spend a moment attempting coherent comprehension.

So do you also believe in Chemtrails and black ops copters?

More to educate you Goober. You can’t have a coherent conversation with anybody until you learn to be ”COHERENT."

Secondly, the vast majority of so-called “Republicans” in the Congress are fucking RINOs like McCain & Graham, put there by morons like you. So why would any sane folk take your ignorant advise and vote for more RINOs?

Thirdly, The fundamental ingredients of the Obama-Care law was dreamed up in a fucking wet dream by your RINO Heritage Foundation, experimented into State law in Massachusetts by a RINO Governor named Mitt Romney who you voted for the Presidency. You now have Romney/Obama-Care, so you should be a happy little brained camper moron!!!!!

And YES, I do believe Chem-trails have melted what was left of your pea-brain after the majority of it ran down your daddy’s leg.