sheeple hypocrisy and indifferent partisanship

please. I have to make my coffee with bottled water because some wacky liberal demanded that the city clean the water supply.....with chlorine and flouride.

I pay out of pocket for all my medications because some wacky liberal demanded that companies provide a big enough pool of insured to keep costs down, effectively shutting out small business ability to provide decent insurance for their employees.

if bacon and eggs are safe to eat, please explain e-coli and salmonella and recalls.

some wacky liberal whined and cried about not being able to read on a label and made consumer products a little more expensive.

the air outside isn't any safer than the water out of my tap, so all that wacky liberal did was increase taxes, increase the budget, and create a huge nearly useless beauracracy that does nothing but cost people more taxes.

the government did not provide the sidewalk, the citizens did through their taxes. The government did not provide the subway, the citizens did through their taxes and property. The subway isn't subsidized by the government, it's subsidized through the citizens taxes. more taxes paid because of wacky liberals.

the wacky leftists demanded exorbitant salaries and wages for their union members, who are idiots in the first place, and end up making more money than truly skilled non-unionized members do, thereby making most consumer products more expensive than they should be. thanks liberals.

The creation of the FDIC was to entice more people to use banks, giving bankers more money to invest and reduce their risk, making them richer. thanks liberals for promoting class warfare.

fannie mae, we see how that turned out. and again, subsidies are not free. citizens (thats you and I as well as millions of others) pay for them.

i'll give you the car safety standards maybe, and at least you got taxpayer funded roads right.

how many homes right now are being foreclosed because wacky liberals forced banks to make loans to people that couldn't afford them?

thanks for making my electrical bill higher.

His father lives on Social Security and a union pension because some wine-drinking, cheese-eating liberal made sure he could take care of himself so Joe wouldn't have to.
i'm still pretty disgusted that you don't see the evil in eradicating a persons ability to provide for himself.
please. I have to make my coffee with bottled water because some wacky liberal demanded that the city clean the water supply.....with chlorine and flouride.

I pay out of pocket for all my medications because some wacky liberal demanded that companies provide a big enough pool of insured to keep costs down, effectively shutting out small business ability to provide decent insurance for their employees.

if bacon and eggs are safe to eat, please explain e-coli and salmonella and recalls.

some wacky liberal whined and cried about not being able to read on a label and made consumer products a little more expensive.

the air outside isn't any safer than the water out of my tap, so all that wacky liberal did was increase taxes, increase the budget, and create a huge nearly useless beauracracy that does nothing but cost people more taxes.

the government did not provide the sidewalk, the citizens did through their taxes. The government did not provide the subway, the citizens did through their taxes and property. The subway isn't subsidized by the government, it's subsidized through the citizens taxes. more taxes paid because of wacky liberals.

the wacky leftists demanded exorbitant salaries and wages for their union members, who are idiots in the first place, and end up making more money than truly skilled non-unionized members do, thereby making most consumer products more expensive than they should be. thanks liberals.

The creation of the FDIC was to entice more people to use banks, giving bankers more money to invest and reduce their risk, making them richer. thanks liberals for promoting class warfare.

fannie mae, we see how that turned out. and again, subsidies are not free. citizens (thats you and I as well as millions of others) pay for them.

i'll give you the car safety standards maybe, and at least you got taxpayer funded roads right.

how many homes right now are being foreclosed because wacky liberals forced banks to make loans to people that couldn't afford them?

thanks for making my electrical bill higher.

i'm still pretty disgusted that you don't see the evil in eradicating a persons ability to provide for himself.

ie. you live in neocon TEXAS
ie. you live in neocon TEXAS

this means what? I was born and raised in northern illinois. liberal country. spent time in orange county california, coastal north carolina, and a few years in lovely albuquerque new mexico. they all had the same problem, too much government and too high of taxes.
this means what? I was born and raised in northern illinois. liberal country. spent time in orange county california, coastal north carolina, and a few years in lovely albuquerque new mexico. they all had the same problem, too much government and too high of taxes.

Texas would whoop Louisiana's ass so Topper is just bitter. Yeah I only lived in Dallas for two years but I'll still represent with my Don't Mess With Texas t-shirt.
Texas would whoop Louisiana's ass so Topper is just bitter. Yeah I only lived in Dallas for two years but I'll still represent with my Don't Mess With Texas t-shirt.

Dallas has it's good points, but have you ever stood outside and studied the horizon? A more featureless horizon you will not find on this planet!

Talk about barren! I swear to God you can actually see the curve of the Earth from the right spot near Dallas, that's how featureless the horizon is.
Dallas has it's good points, but have you ever stood outside and studied the horizon? A more featureless horizon you will not find on this planet!

Talk about barren! I swear to God you can actually see the curve of the Earth from the right spot near Dallas, that's how featureless the horizon is.

You know, I was 7 and 8 years old when we lived there so I don't remember everything but I do remember it being very flat. Isn't a lot of Texas like that?
strawman. and a huge one at that. totally irrelevant.

but I could build my own house. I've built others with my stepfather and uncle.

What's strawman about it? You talk about "a persons ability to provide for himself". Did you provide for yourself?

The only thing totally irrelevant are your comments.
Did you build your own house? Build your own car? Do you supply your own electricity?

Do you think it's fair that almost 50% of Americans don't pay federal income taxes? These are people that drive on our roads and use other federal public services that they didn't contribute to right?
Do you think it's fair that almost 50% of Americans don't pay federal income taxes? These are people that drive on our roads and use other federal public services that they didn't contribute to right?

Why didn't they contribute? Unless you're talking about special exemptions what could be more fair than income tax? One has to earn the money before they are expected to pay anything.
Do you think it's fair that almost 50% of Americans don't pay federal income taxes?

These are people that drive on our roads and use other federal public services that they didn't contribute to right?

roads and highways are paid for by federal gasoline taxes and local taxes, which everybody pays. You must know this.

Moderate income people pay for the mandatory part of the federal budget through payroll taxes, and other excise taxes. Medicare, unemployment insurance, social security, etc.

The only part of the federal budget they probably aren't contributing to to any great extent is the discretionary part of the budget. Like the war on Iraq. The pentagon. And other executive agency budgets.
Why didn't they contribute? Unless you're talking about special exemptions what could be more fair than income tax? One has to earn the money before they are expected to pay anything.

I f*cked up, Cypress was right I shouldn't have said roads that was a bad example.

Yeah you're not paying federal income taxes if you don't make a certain amount of money so I guess it's more a philosophical question of does someone have the same vested interest in the country if they aren't paying federal income taxes? Of course they pay a mariad (sp) of other taxes but come April 15th they don't pay federal.

I got laid off last year at the beginning of the year and didn't make sh*t. I survived on savings and some side investments/jobs that were cash only. I just found out I get a big refund. Why I have no clue. For not working and barely paying any taxes? I mean I guess I should thank all the people that worked because its their money I'm receiving. Is that fair?
I f*cked up, Cypress was right I shouldn't have said roads that was a bad example.

Yeah you're not paying federal income taxes if you don't make a certain amount of money so I guess it's more a philosophical question of does someone have the same vested interest in the country if they aren't paying federal income taxes? Of course they pay a mariad (sp) of other taxes but come April 15th they don't pay federal.

I got laid off last year at the beginning of the year and didn't make sh*t. I survived on savings and some side investments/jobs that were cash only. I just found out I get a big refund. Why I have no clue. For not working and barely paying any taxes? I mean I guess I should thank all the people that worked because its their money I'm receiving. Is that fair?

If you're unemployed, you shouldn't get slammed on taxes. You aren't unemployed by choice. But, that's just the liberal in me. Maybe Sarah Palin and George Bush think unemployed schmucks and low income working schmucks should get slammed on taxes.

Hey man, don't blow your whole refund at the strip club! Cheers!
If you're unemployed, you shouldn't get slammed on taxes. You aren't unemployed by choice. But, that's just the liberal in me. Maybe Sarah Palin and George Bush think unemployed schmucks and low income working schmucks should get slammed on taxes.

Hey man, don't blow your whole refund at the strip club! Cheers!

Technically you bring up an interesting point. I didn't choose to get laid off and have been looking for work in my industry and haven't been able to find it. Now technically could I get a low income job somewhere? Probably. I've chosen to remain unemployed in a sense to find something in my field. Just talking technical b.s. here.

I will not waste my money at the strip club but I will waste it buying girls drinks at the bar which is essentially the same thing! :)
Technically you bring up an interesting point. I didn't choose to get laid off and have been looking for work in my industry and haven't been able to find it. Now technically could I get a low income job somewhere? Probably. I've chosen to remain unemployed in a sense to find something in my field. Just talking technical b.s. here.

I will not waste my money at the strip club but I will waste it buying girls drinks at the bar which is essentially the same thing! :)

Sweet. I have no prob with you getting a refund, you've worked your whole life, and any of us could someday be in the same position as you. My marxist-leninist philosophy is to give people a break on taxes if they're down at the bottom of the ladder or they're unemployed. So party on, Comrade!

Sh*t bro' when you start tipping those strippers with your tax refund money, you're just circulating back into the economy. Consider it part of the socialist Obama stimulus plan, and enjoy!
I f*cked up, Cypress was right I shouldn't have said roads that was a bad example.

Yeah you're not paying federal income taxes if you don't make a certain amount of money so I guess it's more a philosophical question of does someone have the same vested interest in the country if they aren't paying federal income taxes? Of course they pay a mariad (sp) of other taxes but come April 15th they don't pay federal.

I got laid off last year at the beginning of the year and didn't make sh*t. I survived on savings and some side investments/jobs that were cash only. I just found out I get a big refund. Why I have no clue. For not working and barely paying any taxes? I mean I guess I should thank all the people that worked because its their money I'm receiving. Is that fair?

Of course it's fair. As Cypress noted you contributed over the years and other people had access to your taxes when they required it.

When we look at other countries with higher taxes and wonder why the citizens don't revolt it's because they get benefits when needed. When unemployed they can still get medical care and a few dollars to live on until they get back on their feet. When they return to work they don't mind contributing because they didn't lose everything.

The biggest problem is some governments wait until people have lost so much or are so poor before they offer help that the person's initiative is gone. The person is broken. They don't give a damn anymore so they stay on government assistance or they finally find work and are bitter from the experience. That doesn't benefit anyone. All it does is result in a cranky population.
safety nets and credits to those not making ends meat, fuck the conservatards who don't like it. We can invade muslim countries and drop money out of helicopters and that doesn't bother them!!! You should wait till you find a finance job, and a high paying one at that. Suck that socialist tit for all it's worth and chill with some young hotties till you get you playa game rolling back. Your far to smart to settle for a job that's not what your used too. Cali will bounce back with a vengance.