Sherrif Arpaio, Human Scum


on indefiniate mod break
I'm sure many of you have heard about Sherrif Arpaio, a waste of sperm and eggs from Arizona. Lets go over some facts over what this scumbag oversees:

  • Norberg was already handcuffed and face down when officers dragged him from his cell and placed him in a restraint chair with a towel covering his face. After Norberg's corpse was discovered, detention officers accused Norberg of attacking them as they were trying to restrain him. The cause of his death, according to the Maricopa County medical examiner, was due to "positional asphyxia". Sheriff Arpaio investigated and subsequently cleared detention officers of any criminal wrongdoing.[70]

  • Brian Crenshaw was a legally blind and mentally disabled inmate who suffered fatal injuries while being held in Maricopa County Jail for shoplifting. The injuries that led to his death were initially blamed on a fall from his bunk but were later discovered to have been the result of a brutal beating by jail guards on March 7, 2003. The lawsuit against Arpaio and his office resulted in an award of $2 million.[73] As in the Scott Norberg case, it was alleged that Arpaio's office destroyed evidence in the case.

  • Richard Post was a paraplegic inmate arrested in 1996 for possession of marijuana and criminal trespass. Post was placed in a restraint chair by guards and his neck was broken in the process. The event, caught on video, shows guards smiling and laughing while Post is being injured. Because of his injuries, Post has lost much of the use of his arms

The list goes on, I wont spam the board. I think it's a shame on Arizona that this guy continues to be in power in any capacity, he shouldn't even be dog catcher, let alone sheriff.
I'm sure many of you have heard about Sherrif Arpaio, a waste of sperm and eggs from Arizona. Lets go over some facts over what this scumbag oversees:

  • Norberg was already handcuffed and face down when officers dragged him from his cell and placed him in a restraint chair with a towel covering his face. After Norberg's corpse was discovered, detention officers accused Norberg of attacking them as they were trying to restrain him. The cause of his death, according to the Maricopa County medical examiner, was due to "positional asphyxia". Sheriff Arpaio investigated and subsequently cleared detention officers of any criminal wrongdoing.[70]

  • Brian Crenshaw was a legally blind and mentally disabled inmate who suffered fatal injuries while being held in Maricopa County Jail for shoplifting. The injuries that led to his death were initially blamed on a fall from his bunk but were later discovered to have been the result of a brutal beating by jail guards on March 7, 2003. The lawsuit against Arpaio and his office resulted in an award of $2 million.[73] As in the Scott Norberg case, it was alleged that Arpaio's office destroyed evidence in the case.

  • Richard Post was a paraplegic inmate arrested in 1996 for possession of marijuana and criminal trespass. Post was placed in a restraint chair by guards and his neck was broken in the process. The event, caught on video, shows guards smiling and laughing while Post is being injured. Because of his injuries, Post has lost much of the use of his arms

The list goes on, I wont spam the board. I think it's a shame on Arizona that this guy continues to be in power in any capacity, he shouldn't even be dog catcher, let alone sheriff.

OUCH, that really hurt!!


Here's my case against Arpaio:

1. He's housing mostly small-time non-violent offenders, in barbaric conditions that aren't fit for human beings. Shoplift? Get prepared to be roasted in some 140 degree tents, whilst routinely being beaten and denied medical care. Murderers up the street at the state prison have far better conditions. But hell, as we all know, they probably won't shoplift again! Right! Just common sense!

2. Arpaio's recidivism rate is higher than the national average. Whoops. Guess we can throw "effectiveness" out the window.

3. He beats cripples and women, and routinely does unethical things like destroying evidence and denying reporters access to public records. Yeah, that rounds it out. Arpaio needs to be rotting in jail for the rest of his life.
Here's my case against Arpaio:

1. He's housing mostly small-time non-violent offenders, in barbaric conditions that aren't fit for human beings. Shoplift? Get prepared to be roasted in some 140 degree tents, whilst routinely being beaten and denied medical care. Murderers up the street at the state prison have far better conditions. But hell, as we all know, they probably won't shoplift again! Right! Just common sense!

2. Arpaio's recidivism rate is higher than the national average. Whoops. Guess we can throw "effectiveness" out the window.

3. He beats cripples. Yeah, that rounds it out. Arpaio needs to be rotting in jail for the rest of his life.


The biggest part of the sheriff's job is running the jails, and Arpaio saw that there was political gold to be spun there. The voters had declined to finance new jail construction, and so, in 1993, Arpaio, vowing no troublemakers would be released on his watch because of overcrowing, procured a consignment of Army-surplus tents and had them set up, surrounded by barbed wire, in an industrial area in southwest Phoenix. "I put them up next to the dump, the dog pound, the waste-disposal plant," he told me. Phoenix is an open-air blast furnace for much of the year. Temperatures inside the tents hit a hundred and thirty-five degrees. Still, the tents were a hit with the public, or at least with the conservative majority that voted. Arpaio put up more tents, until Tent City jail held twenty-five hundred inmates, and he stuck a neon "VACANCY" sign on a tall guard tower. It was visible for miles.

His popularity grew. What could he do next? Arpaio ordered small, heavily publicized deprivations. He banned cigarettes from his jails. Skin magazines. Movies. Coffee. Hot lunches. Salt and pepper--Arpaio estimated that he saved taxpayers thirty thousand dollars a year by removing salt and pepper. Meals were cut to two a day, and Arpaio got the cost down, he says, to thirty cents per meal. "It costs more to feed dogs than it does the inmates," he told me. Jail, Arpaio likes to say, is not a spa-- it's punishment. He wants inmated whose keenest wish is never to get locked up again. He limits their television, he told me, to the Weather Channel, C-Span, and, just to aggravate their hunger, the Food Network. For a while, he showed them Newt Gingrich speeches. "They hated him," he said cheerfully. Why the Weather Channel, a British reporter once asked. "So these morons will know how hot it's going to be while they are working on my chain gangs."

Arpaio wasn't kidding about chain gangs. Foreign television reporters couldn't get enough footage of his inmates shuffling through the desert. New ideas for the humiliation of people in custody--whom the Sheriff calls, with pervasive disgust, "criminals," although most are actually awaiting trial, not convicted of any crime--kept occurring to him. He put his inmates in black-and-white striped uniforms. The shock value of these retro prisoner outifts was powerful and complex. There was comedy, nostalgia, dehumanization, even a whiff of something annihilationist. He created female chain gangs, "the first in the history of the world," and, eventualy, juvenile chain gangs. The chain gangs' tasks include burying the indigent at the county cemetery, but mainly they serve as spectacles in Arpaio's theater of cruelty. "I put them out there on the main streets," he told me. "So everybody sees them out there cleaning up the trash, and parents say to their kids, 'Look, that's where you're not going if you're not good.'" The law-and-order public loved it, and the Sheriff's fame spread. Rush Limbaugh praised him, and blurbed his book. Phil Donahue berated him.
Dogs eat better than those awaiting trial, who are presumed innocent.

By all means, believe an article written by a detractor of him.

I have no intendtions of trying to educate someone who has so assuredly allready made up their mind.

You are entitled to your own opinion, no matter who wrong it is.

By all means, believe an article written by a detractor of him.

I have no intendtions of trying to educate someone who has so assuredly allready made up their mind.

You are entitled to your own opinion, no matter who wrong it is.


Joe Arpaio said:
"It costs more to feed dogs than it does the inmates."

Ok, then change my mind.

Or change someone's mind who might be reading this and not yet posting.

If you are going to claim they are presenting only half the story, then present the other half.
Ok, then change my mind.

Or change someone's mind who might be reading this and not yet posting.

If you are going to claim they are presenting only half the story, then present the other half.

Good luck with this, I mean, really, if he comes back with some answer other than his usual "jizz" reply, it will be a first. He isn't known for serious debate, as we all know!
I'm sure many of you have heard about Sherrif Arpaio, a waste of sperm and eggs from Arizona. Lets go over some facts over what this scumbag oversees:

  • Norberg was already handcuffed and face down when officers dragged him from his cell and placed him in a restraint chair with a towel covering his face. After Norberg's corpse was discovered, detention officers accused Norberg of attacking them as they were trying to restrain him. The cause of his death, according to the Maricopa County medical examiner, was due to "positional asphyxia". Sheriff Arpaio investigated and subsequently cleared detention officers of any criminal wrongdoing.[70]

  • Brian Crenshaw was a legally blind and mentally disabled inmate who suffered fatal injuries while being held in Maricopa County Jail for shoplifting. The injuries that led to his death were initially blamed on a fall from his bunk but were later discovered to have been the result of a brutal beating by jail guards on March 7, 2003. The lawsuit against Arpaio and his office resulted in an award of $2 million.[73] As in the Scott Norberg case, it was alleged that Arpaio's office destroyed evidence in the case.

  • Richard Post was a paraplegic inmate arrested in 1996 for possession of marijuana and criminal trespass. Post was placed in a restraint chair by guards and his neck was broken in the process. The event, caught on video, shows guards smiling and laughing while Post is being injured. Because of his injuries, Post has lost much of the use of his arms

The list goes on, I wont spam the board. I think it's a shame on Arizona that this guy continues to be in power in any capacity, he shouldn't even be dog catcher, let alone sheriff.

AMEN! Not only cruel and abusive, he's bleeding the taxpayers in his county. Those who continue to re-elect him are idiots.

Last fall he lost accreditation because of his practices. Finally.

"Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio's jail accreditation was terminated last month — even as he awaited a federal court ruling that could take his jails out of his control.

Now, an examination of public records reveals that Arpaio failed for years to demonstrate that he had the proper credentials to operate the county jails. This violates a state law that went into effect in 2003 and requires sheriffs to annually provide the Arizona Department of Health Services with proof that their jails meet national standards. From 2003 to 2007, Arpaio failed to provide such proof to the department.

In 2008, Arpaio finally provided a certificate of national accreditation. But that same accreditation was revoked last month when the National Commission on Correctional Health Care decided that the jails do not meet U.S. standards."

"...Maricopa County taxpayers... already shelled out a staggering $43 million to cover lawsuit settlements and expenses to families of jail abuse victims during Arpaio's tenure."
The dear sheriff staked out on a fire ant hill might be entertaining.

Not quite to the point of death though.
Good luck with this, I mean, really, if he comes back with some answer other than his usual "jizz" reply, it will be a first. He isn't known for serious debate, as we all know!

What's the matter froggie??

Is your racist husband gone and you didn't enjoy your big bowl of "Bitch of Wheat" this morning?