Should black criminals be shot to stop them.

I mean this as a last resort. If there is no other way to stop them, should they be shot and killed? I say yes. Why? Because the alternative is to let them go. No real law can exist if criminals are allowed to get away if they can.

I hope we get to shoot the white criminals too......
B.S. If a black has a gun, the chances are far greater that they will and have used it.

As the reader can clearly see, when faced with FACTS that cannot be denied, our resident sheet wearer just pulls the pointy hood over his eyes and parrots his personal bigotry as if it's a fact outside of his warped mindset.

Fortify just wants a platform to squawk his crap ad nausea ... facts and logic be damned. Once exposing these POS for what they are, I leave them to stamp their widdle feet and scream louder as people just wave their hands in dismissal and walk away. Hmmm, maybe Fortify will be at the next Jan. 6th style insurrection...I'm sure Homeland Security is looking forward to it.

So long, chump.
I mean this as a last resort. If there is no other way to stop them, should they be shot and killed? I say yes. Why? Because the alternative is to let them go. No real law can exist if criminals are allowed to get away if they can.

I don't see how race matters here. If it's a guy running away with a can of soup, then shooting him would be a bit much.

Gendron, Rittenhouse....just recent examples of guys that would have been swiss cheese had they been black.

Using information from a national database compiled and maintained by The Washington Post, researchers found that victims identifying as Black, Indigenous, or People of Color (BIPOC), whether armed or unarmed, had significantly higher death rates compared with whites.

About 20% of Americans killed by cops are black, despite the fact that blacks only make up 13% of the population. I wouldn't claim racism here, though, for two reasons. Pne is that cops are called to black neighborhoods three times more frequently than they are to white and Asian neighborhoods, and the other is that most gun murder is America is committed by black males against other black males. It makes sense that cops go into black neighborhoods with more apprehension just based on that statistic.

70% of those killed by cops are still young white guys, btw.
About 20% of Americans killed by cops are black, despite the fact that blacks only make up 13% of the population. I wouldn't claim racism here, though, for two reasons. Pne is that cops are called to black neighborhoods three times more frequently than they are to white and Asian neighborhoods, and the other is that most gun murder is America is committed by black males against other black males. It makes sense that cops go into black neighborhoods with more apprehension just based on that statistic.

70% of those killed by cops are still young white guys, btw.

Know your history: black folk have more less been corralled into specific areas due to "red lining" and general racism when it comes to real estate and relocation. Just do a quick research into such things in the last 20 years to get my point. Now, if you're not a "videot" (someone who doesn't know or deal with anything past their own birthdays that they don't see on TV), you would know of the historic "white flight" to the suburbs throughout America in the 1960's. The areas fled were suddenly diminished in things like fresh food supermarkets, department stores, etc. The very institutions geared to protect apartment dwellers and home owners standard of living suddenly can't get funding. For decades, community leaders and local politicians have screamed for BETTER, more efficient policing and NOT the "occupying army" mentality you see today. Bottom line: compare any poor neighborhood with a dominant racial graphic to an opposite one and you get the same type of stats. Also, if you want to play the statistics game, do the math: what are the actual raw numbers of various crimes attributed to black people when placed against the actual raw population? Hint: less than 1% of the American black population are committing the crimes you're going on about. Now, when one points out that the majority of sex crimes against women in this country are committed by white men, the first thing jokers like you do is say, "well, we're the majority of the population so we fare better in comparison to blacks".

Small consolation to the victims...and very small consolation to the surviving family members of mass shooters (predominantly white) in the last 25 years. As for gun murders, do a little research into the phrase "iron pipeline" and see who votes against stopping such things.

As to your last sentence; source please?

My previous video link's content stands valid.
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We were just talking about this yesterday, say 4 motherfuckers broke into the house at night and you shot 3 of them and wounded another.

Your ass is getting arrested, they're gonna take all your're not guilty, but you'll be arrested and put in jail with felons for a while for sure.. you'll be exonerated, but if you want your stuff back, you have to ransom it back from the LEOs.

So you lost like half your life for defending yourself in your own home.

It's a fucked deal here. You're better off getting rid of the bodies than involving the law.

I hate to say that, but that's how it is. And fuck that 4th motherfucker too, he was with them. Kill him and dispose of them all.

The law didn't stop them, you did. Calling the law will complicate things to the max.

IMO, all the law does is fuck you.

I know it's different in other counties, but that's how it is here.
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Then you must be saying that enforcing the law is unconstitutional and unethical. I disagree.

Lethal force should be used when a life is threatened. Someone with their back turned, running from you, would have a very difficult threatening your life..... Unless they're Doc Holiday.

Public execution is not a an acceptable punishment for simply running from someone.
I mean this as a last resort. If there is no other way to stop them, should they be shot and killed? I say yes. Why? Because the alternative is to let them go. No real law can exist if criminals are allowed to get away if they can.

Depends on the crime and circumstances.