Should have been enforced long ago.

That's what I thought; because what you're saying is that it was High School age players; but it didn't fall under the USSSA rules and your league just made up their own rules.
You have a right to question a call, in the right way; but it seems you pulled a Bobby Knight and acted like an ass.
I hope you were ejected, for being an ass.

Doesn't have to fall under the USSSA rules for me to have had a valid argument. Doesn't have to fall under USSSA to be valid rules.

What it boiled down to is the only one being an ass was the retard referee that didn't know the rules yet was calling the game. He wouldn't discuss the matter at all. He went straight to the I wear the referee jersey so don't question my call attitude.

Didn't get ejected just went through the proper channels, along with other coaches, to make sure an incompetent person couldn't be such on the court again, at least in that league. I still coached. He no longer refereed.
Doesn't have to fall under the USSSA rules for me to have had a valid argument. Doesn't have to fall under USSSA to be valid rules.

What it boiled down to is the only one being an ass was the retard referee that didn't know the rules yet was calling the game. He wouldn't discuss the matter at all. He went straight to the I wear the referee jersey so don't question my call attitude.

Didn't get ejected just went through the proper channels, along with other coaches, to make sure an incompetent person couldn't be such on the court again, at least in that league. I still coached. He no longer refereed.

Your still an ass; because you're so supposed to be a coach and instead of making your complaint through the rules, you decided to show the team how to act like an ass.

YEAH; you still coaching some bush league team and for all you know, he's finally officiating teams where the coaches know that they're not Bobby Knight and don't try to act like him.

You're a disgrace, as a coach and role model.
Your still an ass; because you're so supposed to be a coach and instead of making your complaint through the rules, you decided to show the team how to act like an ass.

YEAH; you still coaching some bush league team and for all you know, he's finally officiating teams where the coaches know that they're not Bobby Knight and don't try to act like him.

You're a disgrace, as a coach and role model.

I adhere to the rules and expect those refereeing to know and apply those rules. Only an ass like you would support having a referee that isn't qualified to still being calling games. That's disgraceful and only goes to prove what I said before about many referees getting their feeling hurt when someone calls them on something they did wrong because they believe wearing the striped shirt means they can't make mistakes.

I teach my players to play by the rules. I expect referees to go by the rules. Apparently you don't.
I adhere to the rules and expect those refereeing to know and apply those rules. Only an ass like you would support having a referee that isn't qualified to still being calling games. That's disgraceful and only goes to prove what I said before about many referees getting their feeling hurt when someone calls them on something they did wrong because they believe wearing the striped shirt means they can't make mistakes.

I teach my players to play by the rules. I expect referees to go by the rules. Apparently you don't.

I see; so by saying you "adhere to the rules" you were following the proper procedure for airing your grievance??
Must truly be a fucked up league then.

You are such a role model. :good4u:
I see; so by saying you "adhere to the rules" you were following the proper procedure for airing your grievance??
Must truly be a fucked up league then.

You are such a role model. :good4u:

I dealt with it the way it needed to be dealt with at the time and according to the rule. Since no technical was called, tell me what rule I broke. Since I played a role and went through the procedure to make sure the incompetent bastard didn't return, I did follow proper procedure.

You sound like one of those referees that thinks you're so perfect no one should question what you say.

I am a role model. I stood up for my TEAM and addressed when rules weren't applied correctly. How much more of a role model can one be expected to be? Not my problem you think those calling the game can be without fault and not be questioned.
I dealt with it the way it needed to be dealt with at the time and according to the rule. Since no technical was called, tell me what rule I broke. Since I played a role and went through the procedure to make sure the incompetent bastard didn't return, I did follow proper procedure.

You sound like one of those referees that thinks you're so perfect no one should question what you say.

I am a role model. I stood up for my TEAM and addressed when rules weren't applied correctly. How much more of a role model can one be expected to be? Not my problem you think those calling the game can be without fault and not be questioned.

Of course you did.
Are you able to cut and paste the rules where it says you're allowed to act the way you've described?

OH WAIT; so just like liberals and Hillary, you are innocent of everything just because no foul was called. :good4u:

This last part of our exchange is no longer about the Official's conduct; but instead of yours and I can see why you want to move past that part.

Once again, you are obviously projecting; because I never said that Officials are now without fault.

If you had been on any league with any backbone; you would have been called before the board and suspended for at least the next game, if not more.

You now remind me of a High School Baseball head coach that I ejected from the field and the immediate area.
Out of sight and out of sound.

You're such a good role model. :palm:
Of course you did.
Are you able to cut and paste the rules where it says you're allowed to act the way you've described?

OH WAIT; so just like liberals and Hillary, you are innocent of everything just because no foul was called. :good4u:

This last part of our exchange is no longer about the Official's conduct; but instead of yours and I can see why you want to move past that part.

Once again, you are obviously projecting; because I never said that Officials are now without fault.

If you had been on any league with any backbone; you would have been called before the board and suspended for at least the next game, if not more.

You now remind me of a High School Baseball head coach that I ejected from the field and the immediate area.
Out of sight and out of sound.

You're such a good role model. :palm:

You said I broke a rule. Tell me what rule I broke.

So officials can be faulty they just get their feelings hurt when they are told they they are?

So you get to determine whether or not the league has backbone because they didn't do what you think they should have done? Again, what rule did I break? Apparently those in charge of the league thought the referee was incompetent to the point that they no longer used his services.

You sound like one of those referees that hides behind his authority and can't defend a call by throwing out those that challenge what you say. Just like I said when this started. If you can defend what you call, why are you so scared and throw people out when they don't accept what you call?

I am a role model. I don't hide behind my uniform. It seems when you ejected that coach you believed that since he couldn't say anything, it meant you're right. That sounds like Legion Troll and Leon who thread ban so many and think because no one can challenge them, no one disagree with them.
You said I broke a rule. Tell me what rule I broke.

So officials can be faulty they just get their feelings hurt when they are told they they are?

So you get to determine whether or not the league has backbone because they didn't do what you think they should have done? Again, what rule did I break? Apparently those in charge of the league thought the referee was incompetent to the point that they no longer used his services.

You sound like one of those referees that hides behind his authority and can't defend a call by throwing out those that challenge what you say. Just like I said when this started. If you can defend what you call, why are you so scared and throw people out when they don't accept what you call?

I am a role model. I don't hide behind my uniform. It seems when you ejected that coach you believed that since he couldn't say anything, it meant you're right. That sounds like Legion Troll and Leon who thread ban so many and think because no one can challenge them, no one disagree with them.

That's it, go into your defensive mode and deny that you didn't act like an ass. :good4u:

I guess you must have a lot of whiney coaches and the league just puts up with unsportsmanlike behavior.
But then, a lot of poo-dunk leagues are like that; because they're so hard up to find coaches, that they'll take anyone that's breathing and overlook their asshole behavior.

Now you're still projecting; because I have no long with "challenges" as long as the one challenging acts like an adult, instead of a petulant child who needs a diaper change.

That coach got ejected because he acted like an ass and what's funny; is that after I ejected him, his own teams fan s (parents) said I should have tossed him way earlier.

I love coaches who think the sun shines out of their ass; because when they're acting like an ass, I don't have to say anything and just stand there while they're digging that hole deeper and deeper. :D

Now, continue to pout and tell yourself that you were being a good sport, being a good role model, and showing your team how to act, when something they disagree with happens. :good4u:

I guess CFM stands for:

That's it, go into your defensive mode and deny that you didn't act like an ass. :good4u:

I guess you must have a lot of whiney coaches and the league just puts up with unsportsmanlike behavior.
But then, a lot of poo-dunk leagues are like that; because they're so hard up to find coaches, that they'll take anyone that's breathing and overlook their asshole behavior.

Now you're still projecting; because I have no long with "challenges" as long as the one challenging acts like an adult, instead of a petulant child who needs a diaper change.

That coach got ejected because he acted like an ass and what's funny; is that after I ejected him, his own teams fan s (parents) said I should have tossed him way earlier.

I love coaches who think the sun shines out of their ass; because when they're acting like an ass, I don't have to say anything and just stand there while they're digging that hole deeper and deeper. :D

Now, continue to pout and tell yourself that you were being a good sport, being a good role model, and showing your team how to act, when something they disagree with happens. :good4u:

I guess CFM stands for:


Apparently the referee didn't think I was an ass. Also, you weren't so you have no idea.

Apparently the league for which you umpire/referee has a hard time getting officials. They hire the ones that are afraid to defend their calls and simply eject a coach for questioning their arrogant belief they can't be wrong.

I didn't get ejected but you've shown you'll eject when you can't defend your position. I love those officials that hide behind their uniform and rid themselves of coaches that disagree so they don't have to defend their calls. It makes it easier to tell those who actually played and know the game vs those like you than fulfill some dream by being on a field where you could never have played.
Apparently the referee didn't think I was an ass. Also, you weren't so you have no idea.

Apparently the league for which you umpire/referee has a hard time getting officials. They hire the ones that are afraid to defend their calls and simply eject a coach for questioning their arrogant belief they can't be wrong.

I didn't get ejected but you've shown you'll eject when you can't defend your position. I love those officials that hide behind their uniform and rid themselves of coaches that disagree so they don't have to defend their calls. It makes it easier to tell those who actually played and know the game vs those like you than fulfill some dream by being on a field where you could never have played.

He probably figured you were obviously having enough problems in your life and took pity on you. :D

I've never heard of them having difficulty.
Do you have some information you can link to??

So when someone is ejected, it means that the Official was wrong and not the dumbass complaining.

Like I said; you're such a good example of sportsmanship and how to be a role model. :good4u:

I agree with Joe Torre. It is disruptive to the game and it undermines the integrity of umpires whom, I should point out, are the best officials of all major sports in North America. Baseball isn't football and even if managers handled disputes in a professional manner the sport neither needs or wants these kinds of committee meetings. If a manager wants to spend time on the field, let him learn to hit a breaking pitch to the opposite field.
I agree with Joe Torre. It is disruptive to the game and it undermines the integrity of umpires whom, I should point out, are the best officials of all major sports in North America. Baseball isn't football and even if managers handled disputes in a professional manner the sport neither needs or wants these kinds of committee meetings. If a manager wants to spend time on the field, let him learn to hit a breaking pitch to the opposite field.

The crew I was with, for Little League Tournament play, were doing a game and the Umpire at 2nd base (we did 4 man crews for tournaments) made a call that the team at bat didn't agree with.
After the game was over, one of the parents approached Richard and voiced his displeasure over the call.
Richard calmly looked at him and asked him if he agreed with the call he made in the second inning or any of the other calls he made that evening.
The guy said that they were ok and Richard says so if that one call is the only one you had a problem with, out of all the other calls I made, it looks like I did a pretty good job, but our training sessions will start about 3 months before the next season and if you want to give me your name, I'll mail you an application to become an Umpire.
The guy stood there for a minute and then just walked away.

What the parent had forgotten about, was that particular call was questioned by the coach and all four of us met and conferred over what we had each seen.
The call was correct.
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Will there be a time when there will be no need for them??

They have cameras & programs that could do a much more "accurate" job??
Will there be a time when there will be no need for them??

They have cameras & programs that could do a much more "accurate" job??
Well that would suck. Managers having hissy fits with Umpires is part of the game. I mean a Hal2000 Umpire just wouldn't be the same!
Will there be a time when there will be no need for them??

They have cameras & programs that could do a much more "accurate" job??

Maybe for strikes and balls; because I suppose laser technology could someday be put into affect, but there is no way you can position cameras to cover every possible angle on a close play.
Especially one where the play is a close one and the Umpire is the only one right on top of the play.
but it also has the propensity to undermine the integrity of the umpires on the field."

they should be undermined, they suck and are no longer needed. The umps calls last night in Angels v. redsox was atrocious. They aren't need anymore, we can automate all balls and strikes via computers. Maybe they can still call plays at the plate, but that's about it. Umps are dinosaurs. The whole reason they are sending this memo is because they are salty over always being proven wrong. If they were being proven right they wouldn't have as much of an issue.
I can't say I've ever seen where a ball/strike call was changed due to arguing. However, to say that a coach can't question such a call implies that the umpire is correct and without fault on each and every call.

they wont overturn a ball or a strike, but if you can get into an umps head that they are being an idiot and sucking, you might put more caution into future decisions.

"yo you're strike zone is waaaaaay to wide ump...seriously"

that might give them pause later on in the game. It helps.
Maybe for strikes and balls; because I suppose laser technology could someday be put into affect, but there is no way you can position cameras to cover every possible angle on a close play.
Especially one where the play is a close one and the Umpire is the only one right on top of the play.

never say never when it comes to technology. I could imagine plenty of systems where you could tell if someone is safe or not. Perhaps you have some type of tracker or RFID chip in the ball or glove, and have some contact points woven throughout a uniform. Then have a tracking sytem in shoes/batting gloves and the base. Then you just see if glove touches uniform before uniform touches base. Or you could have high speed cameras at many different angles. we are already at the point where most replays can help clarify a big bulk of close plays.
they should be undermined, they suck and are no longer needed. The umps calls last night in Angels v. redsox was atrocious. They aren't need anymore, we can automate all balls and strikes via computers. Maybe they can still call plays at the plate, but that's about it. Umps are dinosaurs. The whole reason they are sending this memo is because they are salty over always being proven wrong. If they were being proven right they wouldn't have as much of an issue.
