Should Trump Be Sentenced to Prison?


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The Case for Prison Time for Trump​

By Norman Eisen

I am a lawyer, not a judge, but I have practiced criminal law for over three decades. Under New York law, sentencing should be based on the gravity of the crime — and the 34 offenses on which Mr. Trump has now been convicted are profoundly serious. To find him guilty of felony business record falsification, the jury had to determine that he intended to commit, aid or conceal a second crime by making or causing false entries.

"Mr. Trump has shown absolutely no contrition. On the contrary, he has been defiant in the extreme. Almost every day, he left the courtroom to stand before a gathering of reporters in the courthouse and spew disinformation about the case as well as vilify the judge; the Manhattan district attorney, Alvin Bragg; and others in the most outrageous and inflammatory terms. On 10 occasions, Mr. Trump defied the gag order that the judge imposed to protect witnesses and jurors. Under New York law, all of that can and should weigh in favor of imposing a prison sentence on Mr. Trump.
We should be treated like anyone else. Any of us found guilty on 34 counts of falsifying business records would be sitting in jail right now.

The Case for Prison Time for Trump​

By Norman Eisen

I am a lawyer, not a judge, but I have practiced criminal law for over three decades. Under New York law, sentencing should be based on the gravity of the crime — and the 34 offenses on which Mr. Trump has now been convicted are profoundly serious. To find him guilty of felony business record falsification, the jury had to determine that he intended to commit, aid or conceal a second crime by making or causing false entries.

Hume, I've read that the judge is allowed to take into consideration not only the crime for which he was tried here and his total lack of contrition for it, but other marks against his record other established facts about his character.

Do you know if there are any limits on what a judge may consider when setting the sentence?

As for your question...I understand that other individuals who have been convicted of a similar set of circumstances...HAVE been sentenced to prison, yeah, it would not bother me at all if Trump were so ssentences.

I, personally, would prefer home arrest for the maximum time with a penalty for breaking that home confinement except with the expressed permission of the court...especially with the inclusion of no golf playing of any kind. (The regular golfers here understand the severity of that element.) And with some allowances if Trump wins the election.

Trump’s attacks on US justice system after guilty verdict could be useful to autocrats like Putin​

Moscow agreed with Trump’s assessment of Thursday’s verdict, calling it the “elimination of political rivals by all possible legal or illegal means,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said. In September, Putin said the prosecution of Trump was political revenge that “shows the rottenness of the American political system.”

After the verdict, Hungary’s populist, pro-Russia prime minister, Viktor Orban, called Trump a “man of honor” and urged him to “keep on fighting.”

Hume, I've read that the judge is allowed to take into consideration not only the crime for which he was tried here and his total lack of contrition for it, but other marks against his record other established facts about his character.

Do you know if there are any limits on what a judge may consider when setting the sentence?

As for your question...I understand that other individuals who have been convicted of a similar set of circumstances...HAVE been sentenced to prison, yeah, it would not bother me at all if Trump were so ssentences.

I, personally, would prefer home arrest for the maximum time with a penalty for breaking that home confinement except with the expressed permission of the court...especially with the inclusion of no golf playing of any kind. (The regular golfers here understand the severity of that element.) And with some allowances if Trump wins the election.
There are rules, but whether they'll be followed or not given Merchan's behavior to date, is anyone's guess...

There are rules, but whether they'll be followed or not given Merchan's behavior to date, is anyone's guess...

Merchan has followed the rules scrupulously up to date. I have no reason to suppose he will change in the future.

The Case for Prison Time for Trump​

By Norman Eisen

I am a lawyer, not a judge, but I have practiced criminal law for over three decades. Under New York law, sentencing should be based on the gravity of the crime — and the 34 offenses on which Mr. Trump has now been convicted are profoundly serious. To find him guilty of felony business record falsification, the jury had to determine that he intended to commit, aid or conceal a second crime by making or causing false entries.

NY Times. Reading the bolded, it's obvious this douchebag is nothing more than a leftist political hack.

There is nothing that could be considered serious about this clown show trial other than the implications that even a former President can be subjected to judicial malfeasance by corrupt and autocratic pols on the left.

Trump correctly states that November 5th will be his real judgement day.

For the sake of the country, let's hope the American people are up to the task of saving this nation. It cannot afford another four years of Democratic incompetence, spending, autocracy and weaponization of our DOJ.
NY Times. Reading the bolded, it's obvious this douchebag is nothing more than a leftist political hack.

There is nothing that could be considered serious about this clown show trial other than the implications that even a former President can be subjected to judicial malfeasance by corrupt and autocratic pols on the left.

Trump correctly states that November 5th will be his real judgement day.

For the sake of the country, let's hope the American people are up to the task of saving this nation. It cannot afford another four years of Democratic incompetence, spending, autocracy and weaponization of our DOJ.
you're a dope
"Mr. Trump has shown absolutely no contrition. On the contrary, he has been defiant in the extreme. Almost every day, he left the courtroom to stand before a gathering of reporters in the courthouse and spew disinformation about the case as well as vilify the judge; the Manhattan district attorney, Alvin Bragg; and others in the most outrageous and inflammatory terms. On 10 occasions, Mr. Trump defied the gag order that the judge imposed to protect witnesses and jurors. Under New York law, all of that can and should weigh in favor of imposing a prison sentence on Mr. Trump.

Why would he need to show contrition. The morons in Manhattan are trying to imprison Trump on non-criminal absurd legal theories that have no place in our nations legal system.

It is laughably hypocritical to see these same Democrats who threaten Supreme Court Justices, allowing illegal protests to occur in front of justices homes even with a possible assassination attempt, ignore their decisions as Biden has done on numerous occasions, now whine that the clown court decision in Manhattan requires our respect.

You truly have to be brain dead or have a severely retarded IQ to have such a glaring lack in self-awareness.
We should be treated like anyone else. Any of us found guilty on 34 counts of falsifying business records would be sitting in jail right now.

Falsifying business records is a misdemeanor and not a felony. The statute had already run out. The underlying crimes were never established or proven. No evidence was provided, other than a convicted perjurer's word, that Trump had anything to do with how the accountants accounted for ......wait for it.....Legal fees.

This was nothing but a phony clown show. Trying to pretend it was serious and not malfeasance makes you look like an uneducated moron.
Falsifying business records is a misdemeanor and not a felony. The statute had already run out. The underlying crimes were never established or proven. No evidence was provided, other than a convicted perjurer's word, that Trump had anything to do with how the accountants accounted for ......wait for it.....Legal fees.

This was nothing but a phony clown show. Trying to pretend it was serious and not malfeasance makes you look like an uneducated moron.
Hey asshole, read and weep some more!

The crime of falsifying business records is included in New York’s penal code. Falsifying records in the second degree is a misdemeanor, but it becomes a felony if the person falsified business records with an intent to commit another crime or to aid or conceal the commission of a crime.
Let alone threatening the judge and jury.

You mean the way Schumer did with Supreme Court Justices? Trump doesn't even come close to the bravado and attacks morons in the Democratic Party have gone to with judges whose decisions they don't like.

Hell, Schumers lunatic threats against the highest court led to illegal protests outside these jurists' homes even leading to an attempted assassination. Yet you leftist loons and this buffoonish President had no issues with it.
Hume, I've read that the judge is allowed to take into consideration not only the crime for which he was tried here and his total lack of contrition for it, but other marks against his record other established facts about his character.

That has no bearing on a case like this other to further illustrate the malfeasance of this judge. If you had a brain, you would be shocked.

Do you know if there are any limits on what a judge may consider when setting the sentence?

You're asking a low IQ douchebag who has shown his ignorance regarding the law this? :laugh:

As for your question...I understand that other individuals who have been convicted of a similar set of circumstances...HAVE been sentenced to prison, yeah, it would not bother me at all if Trump were so ssentences.

No one in our history has been convicted of anything like this. Particularly a former President and leading candidate for the Republican party.

I, personally, would prefer home arrest for the maximum time with a penalty for breaking that home confinement except with the expressed permission of the court...especially with the inclusion of no golf playing of any kind. (The regular golfers here understand the severity of that element.) And with some allowances if Trump wins the election.

No one cares what loons on the left might prefer. :palm:

Trump’s attacks on US justice system after guilty verdict could be useful to autocrats like Putin​

Moscow agreed with Trump’s assessment of Thursday’s verdict, calling it the “elimination of political rivals by all possible legal or illegal means,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said. In September, Putin said the prosecution of Trump was political revenge that “shows the rottenness of the American political system.”

After the verdict, Hungary’s populist, pro-Russia prime minister, Viktor Orban, called Trump a “man of honor” and urged him to “keep on fighting.”

Well, if Moscow thinks it's so, it must be, right halfwit? :rofl2:

Dumbest post on the thread so far.

It's amusing to see the same dumbasses who were A OK with Schumers repugnant attack on the Supreme Court to now whine when an obviously conflicted judge places his entire hand on the scales of justice to Get Trump.